Disclaimer: ugh


Life is sweet when you get to smooch on someone whenever you want.

Unlike my predictions, Hyde did not wake up with a yelp and kick me out of his bed the next morning. He woke me with a kiss… and a bit of early morning groping.

He didn't seem to have a care in the world, actually (at least concerning this particular new development.) He really didn't give a damn of what anyone else thought.

We are both wondering something though- how exactly did Buddy know that he was gay? I've known him for like forever and I didn't even have an inkling of a feeling that he was. So, how did Buddy, who barely knew him at all, know something like that?

We, Hyde and I, track him down at school a few days after our initial hook up. He looks kind of startled to see Hyde but gives me a smile. "Hey, Eric. Hyde. What's up?"

Hyde glares at him through his sunglasses. An absolutely terrifying look to anyone who doesn't know him. "How the hell did you know?"

Buddy shifts uncomfortably. "Know what?"

I look around to make sure no one is in hearing range. "You know, that he's G-A-Y. Remember, you told me that 'someone' was gay. How did you know it was Hyde? I mean, come on, he isn't the obvious choice."

A look of total, utter confusion crosses his face before he sputters out, "Man, YOU'RE gay?"

Hyde looks absolutely flabbergasted, which is actually a very funny expression on him. He turns to look at me. "Forman! What the Hell is going on?"

"Buddy, wasn't Hyde the one that you were talking about?"

His eyebrows reach the roof and he looks kind of guilty. "Um, no. I didn't know about him. I was actually talking about Donna."

Hyde and I stare at each in shock. "DONNA?!"

Buddy just laughs. "Yeah. She was making out with some girl in the back of the school."

He walks off, leaving me and Hyde with our mouths hanging open ridiculously.

Hyde recovers first. He gives me a sarcastic smile and says simply, "No wonder she dumped you."

He snickers and leaves me standing there, wondering what twisted world I had entered.

A/N: Ok, this is the end. Hey, it's my first finished multi-chaptered fic. Yay! Oh yeah, shout out to those who guessed that little bit at the end (AKA Baboo.) Hope you liked this little endeavor of mine. Review and I will jump for joy.