Bravery Test

Disclaimer: Detective Conan is not mine! I simply borrow them for my own entertainment! –evil laugh-

motzKID: See? Didn't I tell you I was to make a HeijixKazuha story? –laughs- 30 Sweet Stories dedicated to one of my favorite couple, Heiji and Kazuha! For my first story, it's randomly picked by an online buddy so I guess I should apologize for the randomness!

It was another 3-day school trip. This time, it wasn't an ordinary school trip. It was a school trip that will test your skills, wits, talents, strength…and bravery. Why? This is a school trip that was supposedly to be fun. Everything changed when…

"Ghosts?!" Kazuha shivered beside Heiji, who was listening to the news through his ear-piece

"Yep," Ami said, her expression was scary, "the place called 'Matsumasa Island', where we are going, had been famous because of their scary encounters of ghosts!"

"No way, that's so not true!" Ayumi said, "why would the teacher bring us there if sensei knew it was filled with ghosts?!"

"Plus, ghosts are scary," Kazuha shivered again.

"Don't worry, Toyama-san! If there will be a ghost, you can hug me for comfort," Aki said maliciously.

"Me too! You can hug me too!" another boy said.

Kazuha blushed, "I'M NOT HUGGING ANYONE!" she exclaimed, causing the boys to shut up.

"Except Hattori-kun, of course," Ami coughed.

"WHAT?!" Kazuha blushed madly, "I'm not hugging an ahou who's busy listening to the news!" she denied.

Heiji yawned, "yes? May I help you?" he asked, with half-moon eyes.

"Anyway," Ayumi stood in front of the bus, "this shall take us to another challenge! We shall have BRAVERY TEST!" she declared.

"Eh?!" Kazuha said, tears forming in her eyes.

"Great idea!" Ami clapped.

"Then, I can hug Toyama-san!" another boy exclaimed.

"She's not hugging anyone!" Heiji hit that boy's head.

"Except Hattori-kun, of course," Ami mumbled again.

"Stop it! I'm not hugging anyone!" Kazuha said again.

Ayumi coughed, "so," she continued as soon as she caught everyone's attention, even the teacher, "to make it interesting, sensei, you should set up a camp where we will be having a bravery test," she smiled.

"Yes, very well," Takayuma-sensei said.

"Plus," Ayumi added, "to make this more interesting, all of us should have a partner of the opposite gender," she grinned at Kazuha, who was half-pleading already.

"Since the guys are outnumbered by the ladies, I choose Ami to be my partner," Ayumi smiled.

"Unfair!!" Kazuha exclaimed.

"Lucky! I'm partnered with the class president!" Ami grinned and clapped.

Ayumi sat down, "bravery test starts tonight. 12 a.m."

"What?! That's soo unfair!!!" Kazuha said again.

Suddenly, a mob of boys surrounded Kazuha and Heiji's seat, "partner with me, Toyama-san," one said.

"No, partner with me,"

"No, me!"

"No way. She should partner with me!"

There was a big fight in the bus of whom Kazuha will be partnered. She was popular, after all. There were mobs of girls fighting over Heiji as well. But as Kazuha and Heiji sat there quietly, Heiji stared out the window.

"Partner?" he asked her.

"Sure thing," Kazuha nodded happily with a blush.

"Hey, you two…,"

Kazuha and Heiji looked beside them, Ami, Ayumi and the others stood there, sneering, "bet you two are partners," they said. Both of them looked at each other with dotted eyes and then, looked down at their laps.

"Will you just be quiet, you guys?!" Kazuha exclaimed as they teased them.


AT THE HOTEL, 11:00 p.m.

"I wonder what will happen?" Kazuha wondered as she sat down on her bed. Her roommates, Ami and Ayumi, smiled, "why don't you ask Hattori-kun? His room is just across ours," Ami teased.

"Stop it, Ami-san," Kazuha's eyebrow twitched.

"But," Ayumi suddenly said, "Ami, is the ghost stories true?"

Ami nodded, "certainly. I even researched about it. A lot of students died because of the cursed forest near this hotel."

Kazuha shivered again, "d-don't t-t-try to scare me, you guys," she said with a forced smile.

"We're not," Ami said, "this is all true."

"But the Bravery Test won't be held in that forest, right, Ayumi-san?"

"sadly, Kazuha-chan, I did tell the teacher to hold the Bravery Test there," she said seriously.

"You WHAT?!"


Heiji sat on his bed, his SAX Jacket and cap on while the two other boys drooled over the pictures they took of Kazuha.

"You two better stop staring at her picture," Heiji said with half-moon eyes.

"Hattori's jealous," Aki sneered.

"Am not!"

"Yeah? Why are you blushing?" Kuma asked with a weird grin.

Heiji turned away, "whatever."


11:59 p.m.

"Alright, people! Let's get started!" Ayumi smiled.

Everyone was excited with their partners…except for Heiji and Kazuha, who was shivering.

"Before that," Heiji spoke up, "I kept hearing a sound of flowing water, why's that?" he asked.

"Oh, there's a river inside that forest," Ami smiled.

"Oh, I see," Heiji said.

"Okay, every pair will go in 12 different paths since there are 12 pairs for tonight," the teacher said, handing them maps, "good luck, everyone! I'll be waiting at the end of the forest!"


Heiji gripped on Kazuha's wrist as they walked into the forest. Kazuha stayed behind him, one hand on his shoulder. Suddenly, there was a 'woot' sound.

"What was that?!" Kazuha exclaimed in horror.

"It's just sensei, trying to scare us," Heiji smirked, continued to walk.

He turned another flashlight on and handed it to Kazuha, "just flash it on things that seem paranormal to you," he chuckled a little.

"Are you suggesting I'm a scaredy cat?!"

"Will it kill me to say yes?" Heiji smirked.

Kazuha hit him, "ahou!"

"Ow, damnit!"

Suddenly, they stumbled over a root of a tree, their flshlights went off.

"Look what you've done, 'Zuha!"

"My fault now, is it?!"

"Get off me!" he exclaimed.

"I would if you would move your leg, ahou!"

"Go grab onto something! You're so heavy!"

"Go eat your words, ahou!"

Heiji, who stood, turned on the flashlight. Suddenly, she saw Kazuha's face too near to his. She was clutching her shirt. Their faces were inches apart!

"S-Sorry," Kazuha let go and turned away with a blush.

"A-ah, it's okay."

"I though you were a tree so I grabbed onto you," she added.

"What?!" Heiji asked in disbelief.

"I said I was sorry, ahou!"

"Stop calling me ahou, ahou!"

Suddenly, Kazuha stood still, really still. Her face turned white.

"Oi, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Heiji, someone just tapped me," she shivered.

"It wasn't me, I swear," Heiji said.

They both turned around but saw no one.

"There's no one," Heiji said with half-moon eyes.

"I can see that, thank-you-very-much," Kazuha said.


"But I swear I felt something," she shivered, tears forming in her eyes, "I don't want to die yet…," she mumbled in tears.

Suddenly, Heiji took his hat off and wore it on her. He patted his hat on her head as Kazuha's eyes were covered by the cap. She whinced but then, she looked up to him, her eyes half-covered by the cap. He was wearing his smirk.

"There, this way, you wouldn't see any ghosts, can you?" he asked with a smile.

Kazuha smiled, "yeah…," she blushed a little.

He also wore his jacket around her, "there," he said, "no more ghost because you're wearing MY goodluck charms," he winked.

Kazuha blushed, "t-thanks," she smiled to herself.

Suddenly, there was a crying and sobbong sound. There was also a sound saying, "leave this place…,"

"Ghosts?" Kazuha hugged Heiji.

"Nah," he said coolly, "Ayumi, Ami and sensei, you can come out now," he smirked.

The sounds stopped. Suddenly, 3 figures appeared, their hands up with a sheepish smiles on their faces, "whoops, found out," Ayumi smiled.

"Ayumi? Ami and Sensei?!" Kazuha exclaimed.

"Yeah, I thought it was weird that Ami knew that there was a river in this forest although it was her first time here. Indicating that she had been here already! As for sensei, she said that she will be waiting for us at the end of the forest. She had to make a path that is different from others. But she knew it would be hard to make 13 different paths that's why sensei went with Ayumi and Ami, who were the ones who planned this game. Ayumi, on the other hand, instantly knew that there was one absent among the guys although she didn't have the time to count us because she was late in arriving at school a while ago. All of these were planned especially the 'act' in the bus where you wanted to scare Kazuha so that she had to partner with me. Plus, in this game, there should be at least 3-4 people needed to try to test our bravery by making noise and sounds. If sensei was the only one to scare us, it would be difficult for her to run to every path to scare everyone. Did I miss anything?"

Heiji smirked at them.

"As expected from the Detective of the West," Ayumi smiled.

Kazuha stood there, speechless.

"We're sorry to scare you, Kazuha-chan," Ami apologized with a sweatdrop.

Suddenly, Kazuha smiled, "it's okay. It was worth it."

"Eh?" Heiji asked.

Kazuha nodded, "really worth it," she hugged his jacket.


2:00 a.m.

There was a knock on Heiji's room. He yawned and opened the door, "Pete's sake, it's 2 a.m. in the morning," he mumbled.

He opened the door and there, stood a crying girl, "Heiji…," she sobbed.


Suddenly, she hugged him, "it's scary!" she said.

Heiji looked down at the crying girl, hugging him as he hugged back, "i-it's okay, I'm here," he smiled.

He brought her to the lobby, where there were couches.

"What's wrong, Zuha?" he asked.

"I-It's just that… I can still feel as if someone is tapping my back, just like a while ago in the forest," she sobbed.

He wrapped his arms around her, "that was just to scare you. Trust me, it was nothing," he smiled.


"Kazuha," he looked at her in the eyes, "it was nothing," he smiled.

She wiped her tears and leaned on him, "thanks…"



"Tapped you?" Ami asked.

Kazuha nodded, "it scared me, you guys! Don't do that!"

"We didn't tap anyone last night," Ami said.

"Yeah, we just made sounds," Ayumi said.

Heiji sat up, "t-then, who was the one who tapped Kazuha?"

Kazuha frozed, "no way…,"

Heiji smiled, "aw, man…,"

"GHOST!!!!" Ami and Ayumi hugged each other and screamed.

motzKID: Ahhh-! Scary, man! XD Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and I hope y'all drop some reviews! Please and thank you..?

Also, check out my other stories:

"Sayonara, Kaito"

"Welcome Aboard to Love Express"

"Our Love: Shinichi and Ran

"Our Love: Kaito and Aoko"