
Sometimes Olette wonders how she managed to find such good friends, she remembers meeting Pence. Clever Pence; even at the tender age of six, when Olette had lost her kite in a tree. She had a love for things that could fly, that flew higher and higher into the sky; further then she could ever dream to go. She was six at the time, determined to do everything herself, she tried to climb the tree. She was not successful; she almost made it to the kite, until that bird flew passed her; causing her to fall.

She had broken her leg; clever Pence had seen it all, quickly went into action; calling his parents, who called the ambulance. That day Olette was no longer Olette, because she became attached to Pence; went everywhere with him, minus the bathroom. It became Olette-n-Pence, Pence-n-Olette; one never without the other. It was like that for four years, and then she met Hayner and Roxas. She remembers meeting Hayner and Roxas. She was wondering what were two figures; it was hard to tell if it they were boys or girls, doing up there.

Pence told her not to worry about it, so she didn't. They were at a festival; full of fun and excitement, it was easy to forget the figures on the clock tower. She bought a handful of balloons, because she wanted to let them go and watch them fly. Whilst Pence concocted a plan, to make them carried the two into the sky. She laughed saying that was silly, but allowed him half of what she had bought. She let the rest going laughing, watching them fly into the sky.

Then she remembered the figures, because there they were trying to catch her balloons from the sky. She watched them frightened for their safety, and amused by their attempts. Pence said that logically, there was no way they could get any; she smiled. She pointed up to one of the figures, who was indeed holding a balloon.

"Well, they screwed your logic!" she said, laughing.

They ran up to meet the figures, who were two boys; Hayner and Roxas. Roxas had caught the balloon, he handed it to Olette; she blinked. Pence laughed when she let it go, the two boys stared at her, dumbfounded.

"You mean we almost killed ourselves, just so you could let it go again!" Hayner yelled.

"If it means that much to you," she said, placing her hands on her hips. "I'll buy you more."

Hayner shook his head, whilst Pence and Roxas laughed; it was the start of a beautiful friendship. Olette and Pence introduced Roxas and Hayner to the usual spot, Hayner and Roxas introduced Olette and Pence to the clock tower. It became Olette-Roxas-Pence-Hayner, together as one; all together and never a part. She liked it that way, but sadly it couldn't always be like that. No, there would come a day where it would just be Olette all alone at the usual spot, her boys long gone; chasing their dreams.

That day hasn't come and every evening, Olette sends a balloon into the sky; praying it never does.


My prompt was balloon. I love the twilight town gang! This is for Warm.Summer.Nights contest you should enter!

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