A/N: Before you read the story let me just announce the character's ages.

Cagalli:15 Athrun:18 Kira: 18

Cagalli waited patiently at the train station for her brother. She couldn't believe she was in Heliopolis again but here she was and now, all she had to do was wait for her brother.

The blonde quickly picked up her cell phone when it rang. She answered it and she heard her brother's voice from the other line. "Kira! Where the hell are you? You know it's rude to keep a girl waiting." She scolded him. Her brother still had the habit of being late, she wondered for a moment if he ever managed to get a girlfriend with that habit of his.

"Oh, sorry about that." Kira gave a short, hesitant laugh before continuing. "Listen…I can't meet up with you at the train station." He was surprised Cagalli hadn't made such a big deal out of it. "So…can you meet me somewhere near Archangel? You know the place right?" He waited fearfully for Cagalli's reply. Even though she was younger than him by three years, Cagalli still had Kira wrapped around her fingers.

Cagalli gave off a sigh before answering. "Fine, I know where the place is. I'll be there by about one." She submitted to her brother's request. Thankfully she hadn't brought that much luggage with her when she left Orb.

"That's great! Oh, and Cagalli?" Kira made sure Cagalli was listening, even though he couldn't see her before continuing. "I'm glad you're back." He said loud enough just for Cagalli to hear.

"Same here." Cagalli chuckled then after saying both of their goodbyes she placed the cell phone back in her pocket.

As Cagalli made her way outside the train station she bumped into a boy about her age.

"Sorry about that. I kinda wasn't watching where I was going." She apologized to the boy.

The boy gave her an admiring glance before responding. "That's quite alright. Are you new here? I could show you around town if you want." The boy said with a hopeful smirk plastered on his face.

Cagalli silently groaned. She knew the boy was hitting on her. Why did she have to have such a developed chest anyway? When she was little she had no trouble with boys like the one right now, but she just had to hit puberty and have an hour glass figure. Maybe she should just be like those other girls that wear nerdy clothes, but then her step-dad Uzumi, would probably scold her to hell.

"Uh, no thanks, I'm in a hurry. Bye!" Before the boy could respond Cagalli ran off.


"So Kira…" Athrun started. "Are we waiting for someone here?"

"Yeah." Kira replied looking at his watch. 'She should be arriving here pretty soon.' He thought silently.

"So who're we waiting for?"

"My younger sister, Cagalli. You remember her, right?" Kira replied. He couldn't believe after so many years he could see his sister Cagalli again. Their parents died when they were young and they ended up being adopted by different parents which caused them to be separated for years. Kira silently wondered how much Cagalli has changed over these years.

"Oh, that annoying girl that kept following us around when we were little." Athrun gave off a nervous laugh when Kira narrowed his eyes at him.

"Oh? But weren't you and that 'annoying girl' close back then?" Kira teased causing Athrun to blush a bit.

"S-shut up! She was a tomboy back then and I bet she's still one now." Athrun retorted making Kira chuckle.

"But she didn't sound like a tomboy when I talked to her on the phone. In fact, she sounded very lady-like." Kira kept laughing when Athrun couldn't think of a response. He only stopped when he heard a familiar voice call out his name.

"Kira?" The said boy turned around to see Cagalli and he almost fell down when the blonde lunged herself at him. "Oh my god! It is you! I can't believe it really is you! I've missed you so much!" She said as she continued to hug her brother.

"Cagalli, could you let go? People are watching us." Kira asked starting to feel uncomfortable from the stares people were giving them.

"Oh, sorry about that." Cagalli pulled back growing red from embarrassment. Her face brightened when she noticed how much her brother has changed over the years. "Wow, Kira. I can't believe how much you've grown." Cagalli exclaimed as she looked at her brother in amazement.

"Yes, well, you've…certainly grown yourself, Cagalli." Kira stammered out as he noticed just how much Cagalli has changed, particularly her chest. He glared at Athrun when he noticed they were both looking at the same thing.

"Who's your friend, Kira?" Cagalli asked referring to Athrun.

Kira chuckled before responding. "You don't remember him, do you?" Cagalli narrowed her eyes at Athrun as if squinting would make her identify him. "It's Athrun." Kira answered when Cagalli gave up trying to remember him.

"Really? I couldn't recognize him because of that hairstyle. He had shorter hair when we were kids."

"You remember?" Athrun asked dumbly.

"Of course!" Cagalli stated proudly as she faced Athrun. The blue-haired boy quickly turned away when his eyes caught Cagalli's chest bounce as she turned to him. Cagalli became aware of how red Athrun's face was and was about to ask him what was wrong when her stomach growled. "Hehehe…guess I forgot to eat lunch."

"That's alright. That's why I told you to meet us near Archangel. I knew you'd be hungry by the time you get here." Cagalli just gave Kira a weird look. "What?"

"I don't know whether to take that as an insult or not. It's only natural that I eat a lot because I'm still growing." Both boys had a tinge of pink on their cheeks again as their eyes focused on Cagalli's boobs.

'I think you've done enough growing.' The two boys thought as they led Cagalli to the restaurant.


"Damn, you better watch what your sister's eating, Kira. I swear Cagalli's suffering from over-nutrition." Athrun whispered to Kira when he was sure Cagalli was out of ear-shot.

"I don't really appreciate you staring at Cagalli's chest all the time, but I guess you're right. I wonder what her parents feed her." Kira whispered back.

"Yeah, and by the way, she's only 15, right?" Athrun waited for Kira's response. When Kira nodded he continued. "You think she'll out-boob Ms. Ramius by the time she's 18?" Kira checked his sister before giving off his answer.

"Without a doubt, but could we please talk about something other than Cagalli's boobs? I don't feel comfortable when I think about her chest." Kira stated while giving Athrun a glare.

The two boys stiffened when they heard Cagalli's voice. "What are you two talking about?" She asked innocently.

"N-nothing! Nothing at all! Isn't that right, Athrun?" Kira quickly said.

"Y-yeah! We weren't talking about anything!" Cagalli just eyed the two males suspiciously before her mind came to a conclusion.

The blonde gave off a fan girlish scream before voicing out her thoughts "I got it! You two are having a forbidden relationship aren't you!?" Cagalli accused the two of them and almost instantly all eyes were focused on them.

"Cagalli!" Kira started.

"What the hell are you thinking!? We're both straight!" Athrun continued.

"Are you sure? Because I read a lot of stuff about those from my comics." Cagalli reasoned out.

"Well we're not like that. I have a girlfriend, just so you know." Kira stated proudly while showing his sister a picture of his girlfriend.

"Uhh…so you're girlfriend's a dog?" Kira was confused for a moment then looked at the picture he was showing. He gave off a blush as he took the wrong photo by mistake. He took another photo from his wallet and after making sure it was the right one, he showed it to Cagalli.

The blonde looked at the picture then at her brother skeptically. She just can't believe her brother could snag such a hot girl for a girlfriend. She gave the picture back to Kira then faced Athrun.

"How about you, Athrun? Any girlfriends yet?" She asked the blue-haired boy.

"No." Athrun admitted shyly.

"Oh? I can't believe Kira got a girlfriend first."

"Actually, his current girlfriend is my ex." Athrun stated bluntly and Cagalli tried not to laugh.

"So…" Cagalli stopped as she tried to stifle a laugh. "Kira's only a rebound." When she couldn't hold it in any longer she laughed.

"Hey!" Kira exclaimed completely offended by what Cagalli thought of him. When Cagalli just continued to laugh, Kira decided to ignore her.

After a few minutes, Cagalli figured out that Kira was ignoring her. She felt bad for laughing at her brother like that and decided to apologize.

"Hey, Kira…" But before Cagalli could say anything more Kira turned his head away from her, signifying that he had no intention of listening to her. Cagalli tried to get his attention a few more times and when all of them failed she tried to get closer to him. "C'mon, Kira how can you possibly resist your little sister?" Cagalli asked cutely as she hugged him.

Kira stiffened as his body felt the softness of his sister's boobs. She's right. How can he possibly resist his sister when she's so soft?

"F-fine! I forgive you! Just let me go!" Kira exclaimed while trying to hide another blush. Seriously, he wished his sister hadn't undergone puberty. She was driving him insane!

Athrun quietly watched the exchange between the two siblings and he felt a slight pang of jealousy. 'I wish I was Cagalli's brother.' He gave off a sigh which didn't go unnoticed by Cagalli. She let go of her brother and studied Athrun for a while.

"What's the matter Athrun? Jealous? I could hug you too if you want." Cagalli offered as she made her advance towards Athrun.

"No, thanks." He declined afraid of what Kira would do if he said otherwise.

"You're no fun." Cagalli said in a bored tone and for a moment Athrun could've sworn he saw something glint in Cagalli's amber eyes. He could vaguely remember seeing that look in a girl's eyes before. Athrun shook off the thought when Cagalli resumed to hormonally torture her brother. He didn't know whether she was doing it on purpose or not.

'I REALLY wish I was Cagalli's brother, right about now.' Athrun thought when Kira's face was accidentally buried in his sister's chest. 'Lucky bastard.'


Somewhere between 11:00 pm and 12:00am


Cagalli haphazardly threw her bags inside her brother's room earning her a curious glance.

"Cagalli? We have a guest room-" But before Kira could finish Cagalli interrupted him.

"NO! I'm staying in your room and that's final!" Kira chuckled inwardly at how his sister could be such a child even though her body told him she clearly wasn't anymore. For fear of Cagalli getting too close to him once again, Kira gave in to her wishes.

"Fine, but you better not touch my stuff." Kira warned.

"Sure, whatever." Cagalli said as she jumped onto Kira's bed taking in the scent of her brother's hair from the pillows. "Your room smells like you." She commented.

"Well, it IS my room." Kira replied as he took a seat on his bed.

"You know, Athrun sure has changed a lot." Cagalli said out of the blue. She couldn't believe how kind the years have been to him. From a dorky looking kid to a very hot guy, Cagalli sure wouldn't mind being his girlfriend. She shook her head to get rid of those thoughts. Stupid puberty, making her think such thoughts about her childhood friend.

"So, what do you think of him?" Kira asked rather suspiciously. He wouldn't have any problems about his sister liking Athrun if she wasn't three years younger than him.

"Well, he's no longer the wimpy boy he used to be." Kira only smiled at Cagalli. Every boy back then was wimpy to her. Honestly, he didn't know what prompted her to change from a tomboy to a girl now. She wore skirts, which she hated when they were little, now and he could tell her lips had lip gloss in them.

"Well, you've certainly changed as well, and in more ways than one." He murmured the last part to himself quietly. Cagalli seemed to brighten up at his comment.

She stood up from the bed and began to pose for Kira. "So…do you think I make a fine lady?" She asked winking at her brother.

"Yeah, you sure do. Just about any guy could fall for you." Kira said complimenting his sister.

Cagalli gave off a mischievous smile which made Kira raise his eyebrow. "Does that include you, dear brother?" Kira was shocked at how flirtatious his sister could be.

"What kind of a question is that? Of course not!" He answered. Cagalli gave off a giggle.

"Just checking." Cagalli told Kira then proceeded to strip her clothes off. Kira's eyes widened with shock. Just what was his sister doing?

"Hold it!" Kira said stopping Cagalli just in time from taking off her bra. "What are you doing?" The brunette asked while looking away.

"Getting ready for bed, what else?"

"Then why are you taking off your clothes?" Kira questioned.

"Didn't you know? I usually sleep without any clothes on." Kira cringed at the thought of his sister sleeping in the nude.

"W-why is that?" Kira was afraid of what his sister's answer was going to be.

"It feels more natural. Why? Don't you sleep without any clothes on?" Kira vigorously shook his head. He didn't know what felt more natural about sleeping naked and he certainly didn't want to know. Kira gave off a sigh again after figuring that he can't stop Cagalli from taking off her clothes.

"Well, could you at least sleep with your underwear on?" Cagalli nodded to her brother's request and didn't take off her underwear.

Kira looked at Cagalli suspiciously when she lied down on his bed and stared to pat the space next to her. He thought for a while and his eyes grew as wide as saucers when it dawned to him what Cagalli wanted. Oh no, he was NOT going to share the same bed with his half-naked sister!

"Oh no, Cagalli. I'm going to sleep on our guestroom if you insist on sleeping in my room."

"But, Kira didn't we do this when we were kids?"

"That's just it, Cagalli. We're NOT kids anymore and you didn't sleep stark naked when we were kids!" Kira had a bad feeling welling up at the pit of his stomach when he saw Cagalli smirk evilly at him.

"Does the sight of my body bother you so, Kira? Don't worry I won't bite, much." A large part of Kira wanted to run away but a small part of him was intrigued by how wild and daring Cagalli could be. The sparkle of her eyes told him that Cagalli knew what she wants and she knew how to get what she wants.

Fearing that refusing Cagalli might just make her seduce him more, Kira cautiously lied down beside his sister. His back was facing her as he wondered when she became such a vixen. His worries were slightly alleviated when he heard the even breathing of Cagalli telling him that she was already asleep.

A smirk made its way on Kira's lips as mumbles of Athrun's name escaped Cagalli's lips. Pretty soon, though Kira wasn't exactly sure when, Athrun was going to experience the same pleasurable hell Cagalli's giving him right now.

A/N: Okay...originally I planned to make this an AxC fic. I didn't mean for it to turn out incestuous, it just did. But I'm pretty sure it's going to be an AxC fic IF, and only IF I do decide to continue it. (Which I highly doubt, by the way.)