Okay this story takes place 10 years after Episode 4.09 Haley was 6 1/2 months along and James Lucas Scott was born then.

Lillian Roe Scott--Keith/Karen --10

Ryan Davis Scott--Brathan --7

Anna Marie Scott--Leyton --8

Keith Royal Scott--Leyton --5

Brent Anthony Hargrove--Karen/Andy --6

Baley Renee Scott--Brathan --4

James L. Scott --Naley --10

Okay I know I'm going to get 50,000 questions about why Brathan have kids but this is a Naley story at least in my mind but Brathan is totally together okay so maybe its more of a James Lucas Scott story than Naley but Naley is definately present and Nathan and Brooke do love each other I'll reveal more later but i dont want to say to much as I want it to be a surprise

Nathan is in his office working on plays as well as lessons for the next day; James peeks his head in

"Hey Dad I'm going to the rivercourt with Lily, Ryan, Anna, Keith, Brent and Uncle Lucas mom said it was okay." says James.

"Okay watch out for your cousins and little brother." replies Nathan.

"I will dad love you." says James

"Love you too son." says Nathan (James leaves; an hour later Ryan comes home)

"Ryan where is your brother?" asks Nathan.

"He went with Uncle Lucas for ice cream" replies Ryan.

"Why didnt you go with them?" inquires Nathan.

"Uncle Lucas said that he needed to talk to James and that he would take me next time." says Ryan.

"Brooke honey come here please." shouts Nathan from his office. (Brooke comes into his office.)

"Yea babe what's up?"asks Brooke.

"Why did James go to get ice cream with Lucas without Ryan?"asks Nathan

"Because Lucas called and asked if he could take James for ice cream after they eat dinner with Andy, Brent, Lily and Karen" replies Brooke.

"Well why did he only take James instead of both Ryan and James?" asks Nathan.

"Because he wanted to talk to James about some stuff" says Brooke.

"Like what Brooke?" asks Nathan his voice rising ever so slightly.

"Just some stuff," says Brooke.

"Brooke?" inquires Nathan his voice sounding annoyed and pissed off

"Ryan son can you go look after Baley while your dad and I talk?" ask Brooke to Ryan who is looking at his parents like they have gone nuts.

"Yea mom but don't stress it's not good for the baby" answers Ryan.

"I know son thank you I love you," she kisses his forehead and he leaves the room.

"Brooke what is Lucas talking to my son about?" inquires Nathan.

"Oh so now James is your son, forget that I've been there since day one and I didn't adopt him for my heath I love him just as much as you do" replies Brooke.

"Okay fine I'm sorry he is your son too but why did you agree to let him go with Lucas alone" says Nathan.

"Because he has a right to know Nathan" replies Brooke.

"Know what Brooke that his biological didn't love him or me enough to stick around no she took the easy way out again. That is her way of dealing with things run when it gets hard" shouts Nathan.

"Keep your voice down our children are just in the next room and don't talk about Haley like that" demands Brooke.

"Like what the truth, she abandoned us when we needed her most Brooke; all of us you, Lucas, Lily, Karen, Peyton, James and I she's selfish" replies Nathan his voice just a bit quieter than before.

"Damnit Nathan, I thought you'd dealt with your anger I told you I wasn't going to play second best to Haley, your anger or anything. I became James's mom when he had no-one, I became your wife when you asked. It's been 10 years we've dealt with our issues with Haley and now it's your turn and this time you had better fix it or I'll take all of our kids and go where we can get far away from you and your issues" yells Brooke.

"You won't take my kids anywhere Brooke I'm not my father and I won't be" screams Nathan.

"So you say treating me like this doesn't much confidence Nathan" says Brooke as she holds her stomach as a pain goes through it.

He pulls her into his arms as he sees this "Brooke are you okay is she okay?" asks Nathan.

"Yea we're fine just stress like the doctor said but both of your girls are fine" says Brooke.

"Okay I'm sorry I picked a fight with you but I'm warning you now if Lucas so much as says the name Haley in front of James I'll kill him" states Nathan.

Pissed off that he would say something like that "Oh there ya go act just like your father kill your big brother that solves everything, good job daddy" yells Brooke.

"Damnit Brooke I'm trying to apologize and now you want to bring shit up about my sperm donor of a father, he's nothing to me or my family and I'm nothing like him. You can be such a bitch like that sometimes" shouts Nathan.

A crying Baley walks into the room followed by Ryan who looks equally upset

"mommy" cries Baley.

"mom I tried to keep her out of here but she was upset and I was worried about you and dad" says Ryan.

"Oh it's okay you two come here (they walk to her and she hugs them both) I'm okay so is your baby sister (she puts their hands on her 7 month baby bump) and daddy and I were just having a loud talk but it's okay now" says Brooke.

"Yea daddy is sorry he yelled. I'm sorry I yelled Brooke and about what I said I know you think I'm overreacting but no-one gets how I feel okay. I love you. (he goes to the three of them hugs them and gives them kisses) I love all of you so what do you say we go out to eat for dinner instead of making mommy cook" says Nathan.

"Yea can we go to the café?" asks Ryan.

"Hawee" says Baley.

"Oh yea mom who's Haley?" asks Ryan.

"Son Haley is someone we used to know but I'd appreciate it if you didn't say her name ever again you too Baley" says Nathan.

"yes dad" says Ryan.

"yes daddy" says Baley.

"Good now you two go get your shoes on and your mommy and I will be there in just a minute" says Nathan. (they leave the room) "Brooke you know I'm really truly sorry its just when you call me my dad I get defensive I never want to be him" states Nathan.

"Nathan I know okay. I don't blame you. (laughs) You know I remember Haley telling me about the birth control fight she had with you and she said that she told you if you don't want to be like Dan then don't. I think I have to agree with her, so please talk to someone not just for you but for me, your brother, your cousin, your niece, your nephew, your daughters, your sons and your mom because we are your family and you acting this way hurts us it tears us apart so please Nathan. I love you so much and I want us to be whole and acting this way saying these things they hurt me and your family the people that care about you most and that matter most to you. It's tearing me apart it's tearing the two of us as a couple as parents as friends apart and I'm afraid if you don't get help or find some way to deal with it we won't be able to last another nine years. By the way Happy Anniversary" she finishes and kisses his head and then goes to join her children in getting ready to go.