Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. If it was Gaara would be baking me cookies right now…

4get: please enjoy and don't forget to review:D

: Note: Due to request for longer chapters I decided to add all the chaps. I have done so far together… there was also some editing done and some changes where it was really necessary… but adding together so many chapters only means it will take me longer to update the next set up chapters. Vote and let me know what you would truly prefer in the end.

:UPDATE: so I decided I will leave my chapters short. So enjoy the editing I did, as well as a new chapter (#6).

P.S. also don't be afraid to give me ideas on the story… they will be appreciated …and you never know I might dedicate chapters or sections to those who give me the idea.

4get: Now on with the story! (But first, send me cookies:D)




Life is cruel…

Feel the pain

Chapter I:

Where Sakura finds out she has a fiancé



Life was cruel … that was something Haruno Sakura had learned over her 16 years of life… and just when she though 'nothing can get worse than this…' the unbearable happened. Not only was her family going to move, but her family was going to move so Sakura could live closer to her fiancé… a fiancé she didn't even know she had…

Sakura was devastated.

Why? Why oh why was this happening to her? Why did all bad things happen to her? What had she ever done wrong? Had she kicked and killed a baby kitty in her previous life? Was this punishment for all the times she had been a bitch to her so called 'friends'? Was there anyone up there who cared?

Life was cruel and Sakura couldn't learn that enough...


Beep! Beep! Beep!

'Stupid alarm clock!' "Shut up! Die!" Sakura screamed across the room as she threw a pillow at the poor inanimate object.

God, it was morning and Sakura was just not a morning person. To kill it off, today was going to be her first day in her new school: The prestigious Konaha Academy.

School had never been her favorite place to be. Not that she was dumb or didn't like to study. Too many years of teasing, pranks, mockery, and insults had taken a toll on her. It was just troublesome… yeah that's the word; troublesome. Seeing that she was going to be the new kid to this school Sakura was sure that those wouldn't fail to show up and ruin her life again.

'Stupid forehead… Why can't it be small and normal like everyone else's?'

But oh well, Sakura couldn't do much about anything right now…all she could do was feel sorry for the poor bastard who dared to tease her first. He probably would not feel his jaw for about a week. Sakura was determined she was going to defend her self this time. At least that's what inner Sakura felt; just one insult and they were dead and six feet under! But then again her inner rarely ever took over so there was a fat chance she would still not fight back… Sakura really hated her life…

Sakura got up and ready. She ate a small breakfast just so she could make it through the day, and headed to school.



The school bell rang and Sakura found her self in the main office talking to an old man who appeared to be the chairman/principal of the school.

"I am sure you will enjoy your new school Haruno-san" the principal said as he took the liberty to shake Sakuras hand.

'I'm sure I will...' Sakura thought sarcastically.

"Do not worry Haruno-san, you can make your self at home here, you can say Konaha Academy is like a big family"

Now that Sakura thought about it the old man was a kind principal that seemed to care about everyone and be positive about his school.

"If there is ever any problem at any time, never hesitating to come for my aid, I am always willing to help any member of the family" the principal finished with a sincere smile that reassured her he meant it.

"Well actually" Sakura started "I never got my schedule, so I don't know where to go…"

"Oh, that is right; some one will be here shortly… She will give you a tour of the campus as well as escort you to your home room and other classes. I am almost sure she has your schedule"

At that very moment the office door opened softly revealing a petite girl with long raven hair and ebony eyes. Very pretty to Sakura's opinion.

"Excuse me Sarutobi-sama… the new student … is the new student ready to settle down?" Asked the modest girl.

"I do not know, are you Haruno-san?" Sarutobi asked as to get Sakura's attention. Sakura gave a small nod to assure him that she thought so.

"Very well then, she is all yours Hyuga-san. And welcome once again Haruno-san" Sarutobi said as he shook Sakuras hand one last time.

The petite girl took the opportunity to lead.

"If you would fallow me Haruno-san" Hinata gently pointed out the long hallway that never seemed to end.

Sakura inwardly winced. This was going to be a long day.

