Me: I figured… Hey! I have to update at some point! Why not today when I randomly came up with an idea when Rachael left me after school!

Rachael: It's not my fault the English teacher wasn't there

Drew: Hello? We're still here!

May: So… ummm… your kissing scene…

Me: I know. I'll never try that again!

Izzy: Awww!

Me: (evil grin) I've been practicing writing it so the next one will be much better!

May and Drew: No!

Rachael: A Rose for me-A Rose for you doesn't own Pokemon. But maybe she should!

Me: Yeah! Chapter 14!

Chapter 14
What are Friends For?

May took a deep breathe and entered the dorm room. She just wanted to go to bed and forget about today.


Apparently, that wasn't possible. Misty ran towards May.

"Yeah?" May sighed.

"Did you?"


"Did it really happen?"


Misty growled, annoyed.

"Did you really kiss Drew?"

There was a collective gasp from inside. Anna ran over and hugged May.

"Yes! I knew it! I knew he was acting! I knew he liked you!" Anna grinned.

"What? No! He kissed me to annoy me!" May denied.

"Oh… OK then."

Misty growled and punched the door, slamming it shut.

"Who do they think they are? They're ruining our lives!"

Dawn looked up from her essay.

"Mist… what's wrong?" she asked.

"The boys are wrecking everything! As far as everyone else is concerned, May and Drew are serious, Izzy is a heart-breaking cow, and I…"

Steph put a comforting hand on Misty's shoulder.

"Hey… it's OK. You can cry or whatever you know. If something is eating at you, just say it. Otherwise it will turn into some really aggressive energy. And that energy will be the only thing keeping you going. And when that energy finally stops controlling you… then what? What will you have done under that influence? Hurt someone you loved? Hurt yourself? Even a little bit of rain can seem like a storm to the lone sailor. Let us know when your confused or upset; we can help you Mist," Steph said.

Misty sighed.

"Why do you sound like a Fortune Cookie?" she asked.

"Because it's what I do. Mom gives advice."

"Hey Mom… when will Dinner be ready?" Rachael asked.

"In an hour."

May collapsed on the sofa. What a day…

Misty stared out the window. She felt so… unhappy. She looked up and saw Steph and Rachael laughing in the Kitchen. They had been unaffected by the plan. Sure… Steph and Brock argued… but it was natural! They always argued because he was perverted and she was… Steph. Rachael and Riku rarely argued because, despite the fact Rachael like to argue, she never started them and neither did he. Come to think of it… Dawn and Paul were fine too! Paul was a distant person and he wasn't exactly the nicest person… but he was a decent guy! She sighed. So was Ash…

Dawn tapped her pencil. She couldn't concentrate. She hated the fact that her friends were upset. And gosh darn it she was going to fix it!

Paul muttered angrily under his breathe.

"I can't believe you," he muttered.

Drew slammed his book down.

"You were the ones who said I had changed! So I did something about it!" Drew growled.

"Yeah but why did May get dragged into this?"

"Why do you care?"

"I grew up! Maybe you should too!"

"You came up with half the ideas we had to annoy the girls!"

"I know but-"

"But what?"

"Things change Drew!"

"Maybe they shouldn't!"

"Well they do!"

"What changed then?" Drew challenged.

Paul sighed.

"I don't know."

There was a knock on the door. Paul went to get it when the door burst open.

"Paul-bear! We need to talk," Dawn said.

She dragged him outside, closing the door on the way out. Drew sighed.

"I think I know."

"Dawn! Quit it! What do you want?" Paul asked.

"I want my friends to be happy," she said.

"What did we do now?"

"Nothing! But we need to fix what we've done!

"Who's we?"

"Ummm… well I don't know at the minute. But I know whoever it is won't fix it. So I want to. But I can't to do it alone," Dawn said.

"Fix what?"

"Izzy is depressed, Misty won't admit it, but she's upset and May is on a daze and she won't snap out of it! I want them back! I want Izzy to be singing and laughing at my pathetic jokes! I want May to be angry that Drew tried something like that! I want Misty to be smiling when I come to her for help!" Dawn cried.

Paul nodded.

"I know. Julz isn't the same. Tell him this and I'm afraid they'll be dragging your body out from the lake, but he's my best friend. He's really down and let's face it! I'm hardly the happiest ray of sunshine, but compared to him, I look like you!"

"…Is that an insult?"

"Depends which way you flip the pancake."


"It wasn't supposed to be."


Paul shook his head.

"Maybe… we could sit them down and they could talk."

Dawn winked.

"Your room or mine?"

In the boys dorm, there were 2 rows of chairs (3 on each side) facing each other. In each chair, was a person. Those people were Drew, May, Julz, Izzy, Ash and Misty. And their captors?

"OK. This has gotten out of hand," Dawn said.

"And we're going to sort it out so we can get on with our twisted lie in peace," Paul said.

The captured teens said nothing.

"OK… let's start with… Ash," Dawn said.

Ash gulped.

"Wh-What do I say?" he asked.

"What happened… how you feel… let it out," Dawn said.

"I didn't do anything though! I don't know what happened! I thought we were getting along better than we ever had! Then Rachael hit me! A lot!"

Dawn nodded. Paul turned to Misty.

"Misty, what happened."

"Nothing! That's what annoys me! We didn't do anything and the next day, some fan boy comes up to me and tells me I'm a bad kisser!" Misty snapped.

Ash groaned.

"I can't explain that. But you've gotta believe me! I didn't say anything! Why would I? It's not like I can-"

Ash stopped and looked down. Paul had to smirk at his "in-experienced" friend. Dawn turned to Misty also.

"Well Mist? I believe him," she said.

Misty nodded.

"Yeah… it probably wasn't him,' her eyes flashed dangerously, 'But if I find out it was you, you are toast Ketchum! You hear me?" she growled.

Ash's eyes lit up hopefully.

"You believe me then?"


He grinned widely.


Paul laughed a little.

"Did you say yahoo?" he asked.

"…I'm happy. Don't take that away from me."

Dawn turned to the remaining couples.

"May… Drew… Snap out of it! Drew, you're a perverted son of Mightyenya. You broke the rules and you will be punished! And May… I don't know! Hit him until you feel better."

"I'd feel better if he said sorry instead of making me feel like I was used! At least if he apologized I wouldn't feel so slutty," May said.

Drew frowned.

"Why do you feel slutty?" he asked.

"Because you're not my boyfriend and I let you… well…"

"…Sorry," he mumbled.

Dawn smiled. There was just one couple left. Izzy leapt to her feet.

"Julz, I'm sorry! I made you play in the first place and you didn't want to! I'll admit to that. But you've got to believe when I say I would never criticize you or anyone! I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end! It's a horrible feeling and I wouldn't wish it on you. You're… my friend."

Julz's hazel gaze met Izzy's azure eyes.

"You're my friend too Isabella. That's why it hurt to think you said that about me," he said.

"I didn't," she said, just above a whisper.

"Mi risulta che. Mi apologio."

Tears streamed down Izzy's face. Julz frowned.

"Why are you crying?"

Izzy hugged May, Misty and Dawn.

"Because I have the best friends in the world. And yeah… Dawn is my favourite," she laughed.

"Hey… what are friends for?" Dawn laughed.

And all was well… at least for now.

Me: Done!

Drew: Slutty?

May: Yes!

Drew: Sorry. Not my fault.

Izzy: Yes! We're friends again!

Rach: About time!

JER: What's that foreign bit?

Me: Oh… I'm not fluent in Italian… but it about means:

I understand that. I'm sorry.

May: Cool! REVIEW!!