Disclaimer: Gregory's still standing there. With the rights of Wicked in his hand.

A/N: Yay! Last chapter, long and angsty. It's really strange I'm writing angst at all 'cuz I've been unusually happy lately. I don't feel like writing a long A/N today. Lol. I will say that it gets really sad, and somewhat not Gelphie near the end. It's confusing, you'll have to read. :) Hope you all enjoy!

Glinda squeezed her eyes shut before letting out a depressing sigh and stood up. The moonlight was seeping into her room, and she looked upward slowly. Her eyes were glancing around for a moment, when suddenly, she saw a black blob step out from the shadows.

Glinda was about to yell when the object took two strides to attack her by covering her mouth. The blonde almost started to scream with muffled cries, but then she looked at her capturer.

She recognized the eyes, those big brown eyes she'd fallen for. They were hinted with fear, desperation, hurt, love, and most of all, sadness.

Elphaba Thropp lowered her hand off the Good With slowly, hesitation filling her head. She knew this was a bad idea. She was suppose to see her sister, for Oz sake, but why did she come to see the blonde?

The blonde scanned the Witch for a moment, before uttering the one word her heart had wanted to say forever. "…Elphie?"

The green girl that stood before her was shaking tremendously, and Glinda couldn't help but slowly raise her hand and stroke the green cheek. The blonde shivered for a moment as a strange feeling wrapped around her heart. She blinked back tears and brought both hands to hold the green face. "Oh, Elphie."

Elphaba wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist, and Glinda automatically lowered her hands to wrap them around The Witch's neck. The blonde nuzzled her face into Elphaba's neck, and breathed with slight difficulty.

If the green Witch wasn't sure that this was real, she'd probably be beating herself to wake up. But since she could feel the blonde's heart beating with her own, she knew it was real.

As she slowly loosed the embrace, Elphaba looked deep into the blonde's eyes. "Why are you here?" Glinda whispered, holding onto the green hand.

Elphaba looked at the light pink hand that was mixed with her green one. The blended so well, the fingers laced together in perfect harmony. Wicked and Good combined to one friendship, one love, one life.

"I wanted to see you," Elphaba responded softly, he words flowing out naturally.

"But you shouldn't be here, Elphie…" Glinda felt the words as if they were curses seeping from her mouth. She didn't want Elphaba to leave. She never wanted Elphaba to leave again.

"I don't care," Elphaba said strongly but quietly, squeezing the blonde's hand. "I couldn't stand the thought of you crying."

Glinda became silent. "I can't stand you crying. The thought is painful enough, seeing it for myself is worse, and knowing I'm the one who caused it is terrible."

Glinda took a shaky breathe before a sob escaped her throat. "I cry every night because I'm afraid something is going to happen to you."

The brunette blinked before her eyes softened. "You shouldn't worry about-"

"Don't say that," Glinda said suddenly, fiercely. "Don't ever say I shouldn't worry about my best friend."

Now it was Elphaba's turn to become silent. "I care about you more than I thought I did, Elphaba. I can't help it but worry and be scared when I never see you."

The green girl gazed into the pale blue eyes that shined with tears in the moonlight. "Glinda, I'm so sorry."

Glinda blinked. "About what?"

Elphaba stared hard at the floor before muttering one word. "Fiyero."

In the next moment, tension flowed into the room. It felt hot, uncomfortable, and fearful.

Glinda laughed softly. "Fiyero…"

The brunette brought her eyes to match the blonde's gaze. "I'm so sorry…"

"I know you are." The small girl said, tossing her hair ever so slightly. And with those few words the room was filled with a different emotion. Not tension, not fear, not even depression.

Now it was filled with regret.

Elphaba took a rather large and unnecessary step back from the blonde. Glinda, suddenly losing the body heat, became cold and scared. Was her best friend going to leave her?

"Elphie, no, don't leave," Glinda suddenly found herself pleading, her eyes threatening to spill with tears, her heart threatening to break.

The green girl stared at her. "Glinda, I'm ashamed of myself for doing this to you."

The blonde stepped closer and held Elphaba closer than a friend would. Her face, only inches away from Elphaba's, was lost.

"I'm ashamed for not doing this sooner."

Glinda pressed her lips against Elphaba's gently, closing her eyes and feeling relief seep through her soul.

Elphaba felt her heart summersault as the blonde placed her lips on hers. Elphaba didn't pull back nor did she want to, but she didn't return the kiss right away either. After a moment of recollecting her thoughts, the green girl pressed back, something in her heart that felt wrong before turning right.

Even if it lasted a moment, neither noticed. Glinda pulled away after a moment, suddenly realizing what had just happened, and fear was written across her face.

"Oh, Elphie," she said fearfully, taking a small step back and putting her hands, balled up in fists, to her mouth. "You must think terribly-"

"Don't say that," Elphaba countered, placing her words carefully to quote the blonde from earlier. "Don't say that I would ever think terribly of you."

Glinda became quiet at the brunette's choice of words. She always had a way with words, the blonde thought, but her heart was still jumping out of place. "I love you."

The words lingered in the room for a moment, pounding in each others heads before realizing who said the three words.

Their voices blended together and formed one, sounding like something only the two could ever create. The three words, falling from both mouths, blended, forming a strange feeling in both of their hearts.

No words needed to be said as Elphaba placed her lips on Glinda's for a moment again, reliving the sensation she had felt moments ago. But this time, Glinda pulled back sooner, feeling guilty for something she knew Elphaba would never forgive her for. But she had to tell her.

"What is it?" Elphaba asked, fear hinting in her tone.

"Elphaba…I have to be honest with you…" Glinda said slowly, unsure of exactly how to say it.

"What is it?" The green girl repeated, the fear becoming more noticeable.

"I hope you said goodbye to your sister." Glinda blurted out, boldly yet softly, her eyes becoming wide with how she said the damn sentence.

Elphaba's eyes went wide as she tilted her head. "I didn't. We got into an argument. Why?"

Glinda's eyes filled with tears as she looked down at the green hand. "Elphaba, Nessa's…Nessa's…" How was she to break it to the girl? Things weren't going quiet Elphaba's way, how was the blonde suppose to tell her that her sister was dead?

"What is it, Glinda?" Elphaba pressed, holding onto the blonde's hand.

"Nessa's…Nessa's dead."

A nasty, unwanted, unneeded, silence filled the room. Glinda could feel Elphaba's hand go stiff and saw her face fall. The blonde could almost feel the green girls heart drop.

Elphaba's head started to spin at those words. She had heard her sister's cries, Fiyero was wrong. Why did she have to storm off? Why didn't she just stay there with her little sister while she could? It was all her fault, as was everything else…

"And, Elphaba," Glinda hated herself for finally telling the green girl the truth. "It's my fault."

Elphaba was taken aback by that. "How on earth could it be your fault? I was the one who left Nessa alone, I should've been there for her instead of storming off on her."

Glinda felt her heart twist when the thought of Elphaba blaming herself for this came in. That was impossible.

"No, Elphaba, listen." Glinda closed her eyes, knowing that something was going to go wrong in a moment. "I told Morrible that killing your sister was a way to get you where they wanted."

Elphaba stared at the blonde before dropping her hand completely and turning away. The blonde felt shame rise in her throat before attempting to turn the girl around.

But that didn't work.

Elphaba yanked her arm away and took a shaky breathe. Why didn't she see it before? It seemed so obvious now that she knew.

"Elphaba, I'm so sorry." Glinda said softly, tears leaking from her eyes.

The brunette remained quiet, suddenly grabbing her broom and heading towards the window. Glinda's eyes went wide as she scurried over to her and held her tightly.

"Please don't leave." Elphaba said nothing. "Elphaba, please. I don't want to lose you again." Again silence. "I love you to much to lose you again."

Elphaba finally made eye contact with the blonde before staring her with harsh eyes. "Let me go, Glinda." She barked, a lump forming in her throat from being so cold, her heart breaking from the loss of her sister.


The green Witch snapped her arm away from the blonde's tender hold. Glinda felt tears spill over her cheeks and fall to the floor, watching the only person she really loved tear away from her.

The green Witch stood at the window sill, broom in hand, hesitating to fly out the window and leave the poor girl. But she knew she had to, she had to make sure that what her love said as true.

"I love you, Elphie." Glinda's words tied a knot around Elphaba's heart and was almost tugging it to stay with her. But Elphaba was stronger than that.

"I'm sorry."

And in the next moment, the black dress was out the window, into the night's sky, levitating off the ground. Glinda's heart broke in two and shattered around her. She ran over to the window for any trace, and speck, any sight of the green girl.

But there was nothing.

Glinda stared as her vision got blurry. She felt herself start to lose balance and her head was spinning.

"Elphaba, I love you." Glinda whispered, before she fell and her world went dark.

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