Tommy sat numbly fingering the rim of the glass. Slowly he brought the glass to his lips, allowing the amber liquid to burn his throat while his mind wondered over that fateful day…the day he lost her.

It wasn't supposed to happen, the day was supposed to be perfect. Their love was supposed to be perfect. She had once told him her 17th birthday was the best ever when she spent it trapped with him, and this one was supposed to be so much better. He planned on making their love known to the world, letting them know one, and only one, woman held 'Little Tommy Q's' heart. She was against it at first, but he was going to do it anyways because he believed they would make it through anything thrown at them. Besides, he knew she could never stay mad at him for too long.

Or so he thought…

And after he confessed his undying love and devotion to her in front of the world, he arranged to whisk her away so they could make gentle, sweet love through out the night. He wanted to show her just how much she meant to him, how committed he was to her and only her…for the rest of his life.

But of course, fate held all the cards and refused to allow the dice to be rolled in Tommy's favor…

Tommy swore God himself must have had it in for him that night, wanting to keep him as far away from Jude as humanly possible…

Hunter…the main reason everything went sour in the first place. He decided to make an appearance and he threatened Tommy…threatened his Jude. The only person he practically lived and breathed for. Thus, Tommy had a slight change of heart, he decided to agree with Jude and not publicize their relationship…the rest of the evening could still go as he hoped right? The part that only required the two of them and the burning flames they held in their hearts for one another.

But then Jude had to go and be her impulsive self. Even after Tommy told her she was right, she went ahead and sang "Love to Burn," pointing him out in the crowd. With Hunter nearby, Tommy knew he had to whatever it took to keep her safe, so when her beautiful voice had faded and her piercing crystal blue eyes bore into his, waiting for his reply, he hurt her once again. Embarrassing her, making her look foolish.

Fortunately Jude had been able to recover fairly quickly, pulling her dad into the mix.

Unfortunately, it the worse had yet to come and it certainly wouldn't be the last time Tommy hurt her that evening…With the way things had been going, he should have known something bad would happen when Sadie moved in to kiss him. Lady Luck just didn't want to lend him a hand when Jude walked in his hotel room at the same time Sadie's lips pressed against his.

Seeing the pain in her eyes earlier had been rough, but now his own heart broke. He wasn't supposed to be kissing Sadie! He didn't even know it was going to happen. He hadn't kissed her back. The only girl he wanted to be kissing was Jude, but as he looked at her with regretful eyes she said one little word that continued to haunt his dreams,


With that she left the room. Tommy chastised himself for not running after her, telling her how it truly wasn't his fault. He'd been drinking shots all night…and thought he was just lending a helpful ear when Sadie was talking; she made the move, not him. Yet he didn't. Instead he sat dumbfounded on the hotel bed; listen to the babbling of the woman who had just ruined it with the one he wanted to be with.

Tommy truly believed Sadie when she said she'd fix this. At least he prayed and hoped with all his might that Jude would forgive him and know all he wanted was her. But it never happened…

Jude wouldn't even listen to either of them; she wouldn't give them the chance to explain themselves. She was hurt, how could she not be? So she did the best thing she could to help heal her broken heart. She fired Tommy as her producer.

Of course Tommy knew there might have come a time when he hurt one time too many and it came that night…her 18th birthday. The night when all of their dreams were supposed to become reality, when they no longer had to hide all the passion and love they felt for one another. They could finally be open and honest, no more longing and no more hurting.

But that's obviously not how it turned out. So Tommy did the one thing he was good at…besides hurting those he cared for…he left. After Jude fired him, Darius sent him to New York to produce with the American G-Major branch.

"Like another one?" The hefty bartender asked, bringing Tommy out of his reverie.

Gulping slightly and looking at his reflection at the bottom of the empty glass, Tommy shook his head, "No, thanks Joe. I have to get going, early morning."

"Alright Tom, see ya later sometime." Joe smiled, watching Tommy stand off the stool and head for the door.

Tommy supplied a sad grin and nodded in reply before walking out into the crisp New York night air. Inhaling deeply, he headed for the parking lot, thinking back to her again. It had been three years since that night, and if you would have asked before that day if he ever saw himself where he was today, he would have called you crazy. He would of and could have never imagined himself without Jude.

Slowly getting into his car, Tommy looked up into the night sky, wistfully murmuring, "Happy 21st Girl."

"JUDE! Get down here ASAP! We have to get going!" Sadie called up the stairs at her younger sister.

Rolling her eyes, Jude stomped over to the door, "Geez, Sades! Calm down, I'll be down in one minute!" With that, she turned back to her drawers looking for the necklace she been scouring her room for. After checking every drawer, under her bed and her desk, she opted for the closet. Unable to see what was in the back of the shelf at the top, Jude's hand blindly hit objects in search of the bulky fashion statement, but instead she hit something else. It felt oddly like a notebook, but Jude couldn't remember throwing one up there.

Pulling it down out of curiosity, a soft gasp escaped her lips and the brown book tumbled to the floor, opening up to a page with a few words scribbled across. The pages tear stained, the words smeared. Jude looked at it in shock recalling the last time she had seen the notebook Tommy had given her. It had been right after he left for the last time…after they broke up. She ordered Speid to get rid of it, why was it in the back of her closet? Slowly bending over, she picked it up and read the last words she had ever written in it, her way of saying a final Goodbye to him, hoping that one day she could move on…

It seems like yesterday,

That my world fell from the sky

It seems like yesterday,

I didn't know how hard I could cry

It feels like tomorrow

I may not get by

But I will try

I will try

Wipe the tears from my eyes

I'm Beautifully Broken

And I don't mind if you know it

I'm Beautifully Broken

And I don't care if I show it

Everyday is a new day,

I'm reminded of my past

Every time there's another storm,

I know that it won't last

Every moment I'm filled with hope

Cause I get another chance

But I will try

I will try

Got nothing left to hide

I'm Beautifully Broken

And I don't mind if you know it

I'm Beautifully Broken

And I don't care if I show it

Without the highs and the lows

Where will we go

Where will we gooo, ohoh, oh, oh

I'm Beautifully Broken

And I don't mind if you know it

I'm Beautifully Broken

And I don't care if I show it

Oh, oh, I am beautifully broken

I am beautifully broken

I'm Beautifully Broken

And I don't care if I show it…