Disclaimer – Blah blah blah.

Author's Notes – Sequel to 'A White Dream'. I was originally gonna use 'King for a Day' for this bit, but in the end it woulda just been 4 parts of me rehashing it and how dull is that? So going a different route for his memory loss I think.

Summary – What if Tommy was struck by sudden loss of memories? What if the Rangers needed help helping him? Who better to call then Tommy's unlikely companion. Sequel to 'A White Dream'


A Red Delusion



Stupid, manipulative, immature, idiotic...

Skidding to a halt in the frozen food isle I heave a frustrated sigh as I am unable to locate my target anywhere among the displays for ice cream, pizza rolls, and TV dinners. Where did he go? How could he just disappear? Especially in a deserted grocery store of all places.

Grumbling and flinging grape jelly off of my red spandex covered arms still unsure how he managed to topple over an entire shelf of the stuff onto me only minutes ago I head for the next section less then amused by this entire situation.

"You know there are better ways to get my attention then pulling stunts like this!" Voice raised so he can hear me throughout the badly lit and now fairly trashed market, I grow weary of this game. "You know monsters of destruction. Plaques on humanity. Producing another 'Brady Bunch Reunion'."

"I prefer a more…human approach." Coming around the corner, cartoon of eggs held tightly in one hand as a single is tossed casually in his other, his smirk is one of charm and arrogance all at the same time.

"Don't you dare."

Smile widening he takes a small step forward, boots clicking on the linoleum floor and leather pants swishing together slightly at his thighs. "Giving orders now are we. How very Red Rangerish of you."

"Don't start." Not in the mood to hear his latest insults about my most recent color change, I cross my arms defiantly. "Now put the eggs down and maybe, just maybe I'll over look the fact that you've spent the last half hour making me chase you around this damn store getting covered in food products that I didn't even know existed and very likely shouldn't exist." Such as meat paste and tuna logs for example.

"How generous of you. However I must respectfully decline." First egg striking me straight on in my helmet covered face, he gives a yell of triumph before several more follow despite my dodging and returned fire of frozen pizza rolls. This is definitely not how I intended to spend my Saturday.

As his arsenal begins to run out -thank goodness a cartoon only holds twelve- he begins retreating once more, tossing a parting challenge to come and find him over his shoulder, a shoulder which I launch myself at with surprising speed and determination.

Releasing my own cry of victory as I send him to the ground scuffling for the dominate position and somehow, some way managing to claim it, I find myself straddling him with more then a bit of awkwardness but nevertheless triumph. "Got you."

"So you do." Raising an eyebrow and looking less then phased by our new position, his smirk returns slowly and predatorily. "And what pray tell is the little Ranger going to do with his new found position of dominance." Oh I'm sure I can come up with something.

"I don't know reap the rewards of being victorious. Get my revenge on you for all of your past taunts and torments. Kiss you senseless." Smiling along with him at the last option, I shake my head clear for the current moment. "But first-" Crossing my arms I give my demorphing code with surprising calmness. "Zeo Ranger Five power down."

Looking over my now clean jean and t-shirt clad form, he shakes his head against the floor. "And here I thought dry cleaning would be the quickest way to remove those pesky stains."

"One of the few perks of being a Ranger."

"I can feel another." Hands coming up to grip my hips firmly, he grinds himself against me with a clear purpose. "What's say we see just how fast we can get you out of this set of clothes." Oh man.

"What's with you always trying to get me naked?" Tone teasing, but fingers still beginning to pull at my shirt as if possessed by a will of their own, I can't help but find it slightly funny that this of all locations is where we are about to finally consummate our relationship. A relationship that is the definition of controversy. A relationship we both fought tooth and nail to get. A relationship, a relationship which could very well result in the loss of both of our lives. "Zedd I –"

"Wait." Hand coming up to silence my proclamation of love or lust, perhaps a combination of the two, he tilts his head curiously. "I love this song."

Wait, what?

Remember the feelings, remember the day
My stone heart was breaking
My love ran away
This moments I knew I would be someone else
My love turned around and I fell


'Be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand'

Groping blindly on my bedside table my hand finally finds the button on my alarm clock radio effectively ending the rock/pop song which had so effectively ended my dream at the crucial point.

Heaving a sigh and rolling over, red blankets coming with me, I grumble out my annoyance to the predawn hour. "Every god damn time."

To be continued…….


So very short I know. And no Zedd isn't in a 'relationship' with Tom, it was just a dream, one Tommy has rather recently after Zedd's abandonment in 'White Dream'. Poor poor Tom.