Chapter 1

"They're classics." Dean shot back defensively. "And I know you listen to some of this stuff too. Dude, I still remember you rocking out to AC/DC in the seventh grade, you know, when you tried to score with—oh that cute little red head, what was her name?"

Sam shot his brother a dirty look, wondering why Dean managed to remember all these embarrassing moments—but hey, that was okay Sam had some good ones of his own too.

"Sunny!" Dean exclaimed suddenly a few minutes later quite pleased with himself for remembering. "Man she was cute—what was she doing with you?"

"Nice." Sam replied trying to ignore Dean, a feat that was nearly impossible.

"We should look her up." Dean commented off handedly.

"Dude, you're joking." Sam said incredulously.

"No I'm serious. She was hot. Weird though, she wasn't ever really all that into me..."

"Dean, not every girl is falling all over herself to get to you."

"You sure about that?" Dean said his eyes twinkling with the thought of a game.

Sam saw it too and had a feeling he was going to regret what he said but went and said it anyhow. "Yeah, dude, I can start listing them if you'd like..."

"Oh, Sammy, you sad pathetic little boy. If you can name the short list of the crazy girls that turned me down...we gotta get you laid man."

"That's your excuse for everything man." Sam replied.

"That's 'cause it works." Dean said as he formulated his plan.

Both brothers were quiet for a moment, and Dean turned up the radio which elicited a dirty look from Sam and waited for the opportune moment to approach him with his challenge.

"So...you haven't found a job for us yet have you?"

"Nope," Sam replied, "Nothing even slightly supernatural. I even called Ellen and Bobby and they don't have anything for us either."

Perfect, Dean thought, everything was going according to plan.

"So, we're going to have a few days off, huh?"

"Looks like." Sam sighed, "Unless you've got anything?"

Dean almost burst into laughter; it was all just too perfect.

"I do." Dean said barely holding back laughter. He could already hear Sam's complaints but he knew he wouldn't back down, Sammy was a Winchester after all and if there was one thing they all had in common it was hating to lose. "I challenge you—"

"Dean, please tell me you're not starting up this stupid challenge crap again."

Dean shot him a dirty look and continued, "I challenge you to 'pick and choose'." Dean knew that Sam would remember this game; it wasn't exactly something you could forget. Each brother picked a girl for the other and the winner was the first one to score.

"Dude, that is so childish."

"Scared of losing Sammy?"

"No! This is just...so wrong."

"You can always forfeit and we can declare me the winner...again."

"You did not win last time."

"Please! Don't you remember? Before you left for school, the haunted church in New Mexico..."

"That so doesn't count! That girl you picked for me was impossible. She was about to take her vows."

"Hey...you could have picked a challenge for me too. Med student," Dean smirked, "She did know her anatomy though..."

Sam sighed, "Fine, whatever, I'm in."

Dean tossed Sam the map. "Find the next exit." Dean could not wait to get started, not to mention that he really thought that Sam needed to relax a bit. Sam had been way to angsty and uptight and Dean figured they better nip that right in the bud while they could.