Pili-Chan: yay! me again! this tim with an AU!

Chibi Pili: There are a few OC in this story

Pili-Chan: there's Izumi Shibamora, Asuka's girlfriend, Misaki Urashima, Jun's friend, and Misaki's older sister Sumiko, who will be Shouji's girlfrind (and later on his wifeXD)

Chibi Pili: Thank you Zohar-Chan and 'Nee-Chan. to Zohar for making Misaki with me and to 'Nee-chan for doing Izumi with me and helping with the story!

Yami: Some warnings: OOC because of Jun and maybe incest and rape

Accidia: and about Jun's mental problem, it's actually a bit of Schizophrenia , a bit of Delirium and a bit of Formication in the future...

Pili-Chan: Anyway! Enjoy!

Silence filled the small white room, broken only by the sound of the small black haired boy's hums as he was rocking himself,

Back and forth,

Back and forth,




"You're nothing" a harsh voice called,

The boy covered his ears, humming louder,

"You're a slut!" the voice said,

The boy looked up, looking deep into the shadow's blood-like red eyes, closing his eyes tightly as the shadow lifted a black hand, his claws getting closer and closer the boy's neck, then, holding it tightly as burning pain shoot through his body, burning in an unimaginable pain.

The boy's screams filled the room, passing through the white corridor,.

The shadow was choking him, holding him tight with his iron grip, he looked around, seeing three other figures, two were holding him, the other one pulled something, he could see the sharp tip of his enemy's weapon, ready to strike him with deadly force, they were his minions, they were his demons, he wanted to kill him, and they were his followers, and if he wanted to kill him, they'll do as their master says.

The boy tried to kick the three figures away from him, hitting one, but soon he felt the sharp tip of the weapon in his neck. He didn't stop, he kept fighting, but soon the white room started to get darker and darker, then, it turned black.

AnAngelUnderTheWingsOfInsanity AnAngelUnderTheWingsOfInsanity

"What happened to your eye?" the brown haired male said as soon as he opened the door to the two females,

"Juudai!" called the blue-haired male that was standing next to him,

"It's OK" the blond female smiled, placing a finger of the bruise "One of my patients kicked me" she said with a smile,

Juudai nodded, knowing how violent Asuka's patients can get,

"Are we going to stand here for a long time?" asked the black haired female,

"Izumi!" called Asuka, looking at her girlfriend,

"What? My legs are killing me" said Izumi,

"No, it's OK, come in" said the blue haired male, letting the two enter.

The four joined the other three males in the living room, all of them, except for Izumi, were childhood friends,

Juudai Yuki, a photographer, and Sho Marufuji, a teacher, were dating for a long time now,

Ryo Marufuji, a detective and Sho's older brother, was dating Fubuki Tenjouin, an agent and Asuka's older brother,

Asuka Tenjouin, a psychiatrist, was dating Izumi Shibamora, a cardiologist, after the two meet in medicine school,

And last one was Daichi Misawa, a scientist, still single.

"So a patient kick my little sister, ha?" said Fubuki,

"Yes, but don't blame the poor boy" she said,

"What happened?" asked Juudai,

"It's nothing, he was hallucinating and probably thought we were going to hurt him, that's all" she explained "So! Anything interesting happened?"

After a few hours, Asuka and Izumi got up "Sorry guys, but we have to go" said Asuka, and after a short goodbye, she left with Izumi.

"Hi, isn't this Asuka's cell phone?" asked Juudai, lifting the small silver phone,

"It is" said Fubuki, looking at his sister's phone "I'll give it to h…"

"I'll give it to her tomorrow" said Daichi "The St. Midoriko's Psychiatric Hospital is close to the labs I work in, so I'll go after work"

Juudai nodded, handing him the cell phone.

AnAngelUnderTheWingsOfInsanity AnAngelUnderTheWingsOfInsanity

"Excuse me?" the nurse looked at him,

"Yes?" she asked,

"I'm looking for Asuka, I'm one of her friends, she forgot her cell phone" Daichi said, showing the nurse the small phone,

"She's in the garden" she said, pointing at the two white door's,

"Thank you" he said, walking through the doors into a beautiful garden, looking around he saw Asuka,

"Daichi!" She called with a smile as soon as she saw him,

"Hi" he said, handing her the cell phone "You forgot it" he said,

She smiled "Yes, I was so tired an…"

"Asuka- Sensei!" a voice calld, interrupting Asuka,

The two looked at the younge boy running to them, black spiky hair jumping with every step,

Asuka smiled at the boy "Who are you feeling Jun-Chan?" she asked as the boy stopped,

The boy, Jun, looked at Daichi with big, innocent, childish gray eyes "Who are you?" he asked,

"He's Misawa Daichi, he's a friend of mine" Asuka said,

"Mi…sawa?" he asked, looking at him with childish eyes, then looking at Asuka "They don't like him" he said "But they don't like everything. But I like him" he said "And they said that he's going to hurt me"

"He's not going to hurt you Jun" Asuka said, talking to the teenaged boy like a mother telling her five years old son that monsters aren't real,

Jun nodded "OK" he said, making Asuka smile,

"Good" she said, then she looked around, making sure everything was fine "Oh god" she said as one of the patients was scratching himself "I'll be right back" she said and ran to the patient.

"I'm seventeen! How old are you?" asked Jun, looking again like a child,

"What? I'm twenty one" Daichi said,

"Just like Asuka- Sensei!" he said with a childish smile "Where do you work?"

"I work in a lab, I'm a scientist"

"I want to be a psychiatrist! Just like Asuka- Sensei!"

"You?" he said "The only thing you're good at is beeing a worthless slut"

Jun turned around quickly, looking at the big, red eyed shadow with a terrified look, then he turned to face Daichi again quickly and buried his face in the young man's chest "P… please!" he sobbed "D…don't let h…him hurt me! Please!"

Daichi could feel the boy's hot tears staining his shirt "It's OK" he said, hugging the boy "I'm here…no one will hurt you"

Jun looked up to face him, his innocent fray eyes were red from all the tears "R…really?" he asked,


Jun turned around to face the spot he looked at earlier and then he looked back at Daichi with a huge smile "You made him go away!"

"Really? He did?" Asuka asked as she approached them,

Jun nodded,

Asuka smiled "Why don't you go play with Misaki-Chan?"

Jun nodded and ran towards a redhead girl but then he stopped, and ran back to then, stopping infront of Daichi "Will you come and visit me again?" he asked,

"Yes" Daichi said with a smile,



With that the boy ran to the redhead.

"I'm impressed" said Asuka,

"Ha?" Daichi looked at her,

"Usually the only way the comes out from one of his delusions is after we give him anesthetics, but you did it just by talking to him" she smiled "Maybe he has a crush on you" she winked,

Daichi sighed and shook his head "I have to go now, bye"


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Daichi watched the ceiling as the thoughts were running through his mind,

'He's so cute…'

'He's seventeen!'

'His hair is so beautiful and soft…'

'He's still seventeen!'

'And his eyes are so innocent, so pretty…'

'He's a mentally ill seventeen years old!'


'Do the math genius! Underage plus mentally ill equals NO! It's a simple equation!'

'…Oh god… what's happening to me?'

Pili-Chan: hope you liked it! R&R!!