Sarah: Im Back this time with a humor/action/drama/romance fic. But all those don't fit on the summary.
Riza: drama?
Sarah: Yea why?
Riza: ┘Well you are the drama queen┘ Sarah: That was mean. Any way I don't know how many chapters this will be but it won't be like my other humor one. God were drunk. This I will write to the very best of my ability.
Roy: Still doesn't say much does it?
Riza: nope it sure doesn't. Any way Sarah only wishes she could own us because we are so hot.


A small girl, around the age of 8, walked home after shopping for her father's alchemy supplies. Her father and her self have been housing a boy who was being taught fire alchemy by her father. She sighed when she got to the door. She went to put the key in when she heard yelling. 'Shit' she thought as she tore though the door and into her father's study. "Roy the military will just use you why don't you understand that?" her father screamed. "I want to help people this is how I can do it. Why don't you get that?" The boy, Roy, yelled. Finally the girl had enough of their fight. "SHUT UP" She screamed at the top of her lungs. They turned to look at her as she said, "let him do what he wants Dad." With that she turned away. "Roy you have 10 min. to pack and leave. And never come back you Bitch of the military." Riza's father spat at his feet and left the room. Roy sighed as he went to pack, only to find Riza out side the door. "Riza..: he said softly. "Roy, I will come after you soon, please wait till I get there" with that she left. As Roy finally finished packing he looked around one last time and walked away from the Hawkeye household for good. "RIZA!" Her father yelled. Riza came to his room "yes Father?" "I taught that boy fire but you get to learn fire, ice, and the power of darkness so you can stop him if need be." She nodded as she began her training.

Present day

"Sir" Fury said saluting, "have you seen Lt. Hawkeye?" "...No why? Is she missing?" Asked Mustang.
"Well..I haven't seen her?" Lt. Havoc stated.
"Sirs, the Higher ups called her in for something?" Said Falman.
Just as he said that she walked in, however not in her normal military clothing, she was wearing her boots with black pants like theirs with out the coattail a black military coat with a cape through it. (Note: if some one could draw a picture of what this might look like I would love you 4ever.) Not far behind her was General Hakuro as well as some of the other Generals. "Sirs, what brings you here?" Roy asked saluting. "From this moment forward Lt. Hawkeye is now a Major General Hawkeye the Phantom alchemist. She, for the most part will be working on her own, however you all are now her subordinates. If this is a problem, feel free to transfer. General do you have anything else you need us to do?" "Um Where's my office?" she asked. "Of course right this way." And with that they left. "HOLY SHIT!!!!!" Havoc yelled, "Since when did Hawkeye know alchemy?" "Since I was 8 Lt. Havoc." Everyone turned and saw her standing right there. "GGAAAHHHH DON'T DO THAT!!!!" Mustang yelled. She giggled inside but kept her cold demeanor as she said she was going to leave to head out on a mission and wouldn't be back for a week.

Sarah: (sigh) that was different.
Riza: oooo do I get to kick Roy's ass in this one?
Sarah:...(says slyly) maybe.
Roy: aww come on.
Sarah: hope you enjoyed this chapter I will try to come up with more later.