Author's Notes.
I know it's about time I updated this. Thanks to everyone who is still reading. I apologize if I haven't replied to any reviews but I've been very busy. I will try my best to reply to any messages or reviews from now on. That said, I'm considering writing some Zelman/Mimiko drabbles, because I really need the practice. So if anyone has any prompts or requests, let me know. Keep in mind these will be very short. Thanks again.
Mimiko was wondering if she would ever feel this calm again. There was only darkness behind her closed eyelids but somehow she wasn't afraid of the lack of light. Instead she felt completely at ease, comfortable and content. It was a feeling which she had missed dearly since things were forcefully changed by Zelman.
The thought of the redhead caused her to frown, even if deep down inside something vibrated and unconsciously reached out almost as if seeking the presence of the Old Blood.
"He's not here."
The voice seemed to come practically out of nowhere, the new presence rolling over her and making her gasp and it was only then that she registered the sweep of fingers through her hair. The touch was so faint that she hadn't been aware of it from the start. It made her eyes snap open as she found herself staring into crimson eyes, a shade darker than Zelman's and much sharper than the redheaded vampire.
While Mimiko had always thought that Zelman was beautiful, this man was even more so. Dark hair fell across his shoulders in long silky strands. His features while deceptively male were tinged with a hint of androgyny that Mimiko was certain could ensnare both women and men alike. It was the look in his eyes though that made her pause, inhale and caused a shiver to go down his spine.
The man seemed to sense her apprehension as his smile became a little more prominent, lips parting the slightest bit due to the action. It was enough to give her a view of the fangs that he sported and she was at that moment more aware of how close he was to this individual.
"There's no need to be afraid of me, child."
His voice washed over her like the warm summer air as he leaned closer, bending the slightest bit towards her. She was keenly aware of how intimate of an action it was with her lying so pliant against him and his dark hair brushing against her shoulders. She nervously licked her dry lips, his gaze zeroing on her mouth and making her very self-conscious.
The silence was almost too much all of the sudden and she had to do something about it.
"Who are you?"
It looked like he hadn't heard her, he seemed more interested in what she was wearing. His hand ran down her side, the silk doing little to lessen the warmth that she could feel from his finger-tips. Everywhere he touched her, seemed to prickle, her body very aware of him. Nothing quite prepared her though for when he met her gaze again.
The red of his eyes much brighter now, fire and blood. Somehow she had a feeling that this was how it would be like to look into the eyes of a God, of a dragon…That was the only way to describe it and she couldn't help but feel abruptly so small.
Those same lips curved into that small smile again, all enigmatic and amused while those red eyes roved along her features. There were so many secrets in those crimson pools and she knew none of them.
"You should be able to recognize me," the words were murmured softly, like he was telling her a valuable secret and perhaps he was. His fingers stilled against her neck, his thumb running lazy circles against her skin. "The answer is inside your veins."
Almost as if to reinforce his words, she felt heat slide through her body, it seemed to blossom in her chest and spread out like a slow wild-fire, branching out and filling every part of her until she was panting softly. She could feel darkness creeping at the edge of her vision at the same time, making her unconsciously tighten her fingers in his shirt. "What are you doing?"
Panic seemed to claw at her, making her lips part as her voice wavered. He didn't seem at all bothered though by her reaction. Instead he made a comforting sound, his lips brushing against her forehead. His fingers ran against her cheek as he paused once again.
"Remember my name, child."
Her fingers tightened harder, crushing the fabric of his shirt in her hands. She wanted to tell him that she didn't know who he was, that she wouldn't remember his name, but he once again seemed to sense her discomfort. His hand moved lower, running against the middle of her chest before coming to rest just above her breasts. His mouth was on her neck the next moment, hot breath fanning against her, sharp and lethal fangs grazing her skin.
The touch was so contrasting to his earlier actions and even through her panic-state she was suddenly very aware of how male he was and most importantly of how predatory he was.
His voice was all of the sudden in her mind like the promise of a storm, the same heated timbre washed over and touching her in places that she didn't know existed. Her mouth unconsciously moved, repeating the name and she didn't know why but that same name made something echo in her, made it lock into place.
She could feel him smile against her neck and she wanted to ask him who he really was but he never got to. Instead she felt herself ripped away from wherever she was, darkness claiming her once again.
However even through the darkness she could feel his voice once again invade her mind. This time an edge was present that made her suddenly fear the man for the first time as promise and something else colored his words. A promise of what she wasn't sure. Whatever it was though, she could hear the truth in his words.
'Tell Zelman that I will be visiting soon.'