

Summary: Darkwing and Launchpad are called away on an important SHUSH mission, and with the Muddlefoots out of town, no one is left to watch Gosylan. Darkwing must call in a favor with his archrival Gizmoduck, little does everyone know, an evil presence from Gosylan's past is waiting for an opportunity of revenge. Warning: Ducktales/Darkwing cross over.

Author's Note: This takes place in the same universe and following "Remembrance", though you don't have to read that story to understand this one. One thing mentioned in my previous story, which will be gone over again, is how Darkwing defeated Taurus Bulba in the episode 'Steerminator' and how Darkwing and Gizmoduck learned each other's identities. I do not own Darkwing Duck or related characters. This story is intended for recreational purposes and will not be used to gain profit for the author.

It was a cold night, as he adjusted his cape. He stood down looking over the city outside his lair at Audoban Bay Bridge. The crisp air added to the decreasing temperture. Another night of patrol, another night of disappointment. Only small time crimes, no big criminals at large, and every night Darkwing went out, he came back more and more egger for the next. At least he was finally getting some sleep, something he had missed terribly with his last adventure.

The Fearsome Five had disappeared, though Darkwing couldn't blame them. Negaduck, Bushroot, and even Megavolt all needed time to heal. It would be a while before he'd see any of them. There had been an alarm trip at a nearby toy store the night before, and Darkwing had gotten his hopes up of fighting the jester of toy maker's, Quackerjack. Though disappointment followed when Darkwing learned that the closing manager inputted the wrong code and the alarm went off.

FOWL was a long time away from pulling anything major. Steelbeak was still locked up, and Agent Grizzlekoff had made it his personal goal in life to keep it that way. The organization was hurt financially with the failure of their giant lazar intended to overheat the sun. With the Five and FOWL both temporarily gone, it looked like Darkwing might never see some serious action again.

He sighed, 'I suppose it's a good thing', he thought. After all, heroes were only supposed to be needed when bad things happened. Though telling himself that just made him feel even more useless. He decided to head home; it was late anyway.

The chairs spinned violently and Drake Mallard appeared, though not tired, just sadden at the loss of action. He spotted Launchpad on the couch sleeping and laughed. 'That pilot has his own room, and never uses it', he said to himself, 'might as well check on Gosylan'.

Launchpad had to stay home instead of going out on patrol. The Muddlefoots were vacationing at a ski lodge over the winter break. Drake never liked to leave Gosylan alone, he had too many enemies to risk that. Quiverwing had made more than one appearance in the past few weeks, but Drake had put a strict rule about only 2 nights a week for his daring daughter to be out on the streets. So this night the two of them had stayed home watching horror movies. Drake expected night terrors from LP to follow.

He traveled up the stairs, quietly, trying no to make a sound. He slowly opened the door, and spotted her instantly. She sat in her chair, head backwards and using comic book for a hat. Drake smiled, she had stayed up again. He didn't approve of it, but every night when he came home, a part of him hoped she was still up, just to have some interaction with her.

He picked her up and laid her in bed, tossing the comic aside. He pulled up her covers and kissed her on the forehead. She stirred…."Dad?…"

"Shhh….Go to sleep honey."

She kept her eyes close and she nestled into bed better. "Any action?"

"None for you to worry about, tomorrow you can come on patrol."

She yawned and then smiled at that idea, "Can we do some training?"

"Sure Sweetie, now go to bed."

He kissed her again as she feel into dreamland. Probably imagining what the next night would hold. Drake up, took one last look at his daughter and then went to bed himself.


Two red glowing eyes stared through the little girl's window. 'Not now' He thought 'The moment will come, then Gosylan will pay'.