English Assignment

'Ryoma-kun, could you help me with this?'

Ryoma scowled, hoping that Fuji could feel his annoyance through the phone. 'I've told you not to call me that.'

'Fine. Ryoma-chan-' Fuji smiled widely as he spoke.

'Ryoma-kun's fine.' Ryoma immediately interrupted.

'So, can you help me with my English assignment?'

'What do you need help with?' Ryoma decided that his own English homework was so easy anyway, so he wouldn't do it. If his teacher asked, he would go and blame Fuji-senpai.

'Can you just proofread it for me? It's due tomorrow.'

'...Why?' Ryoma was suspicious. Fuji, the genius who easily got 90s in his subjects... What did he need help with?

'Just to make sure there are no mistakes.'

'Fine.' Ryoma relented, knowing that he was going to regret it.

'Should I read it to you? It's not that long.'

'...Fine,' Ryoma replied, thinking that the story was probably thousands of words long.

Fuji started reading. One sentence into the story, Ryoma hung up, and determined to never help Fuji with any homework again.

x x x

Fuji's teacher said, biting her (1) lip, 'Um, Fuji. About your English story...'

'What about it, sensei? Did you like it?' Fuji smiled. 'I worked really hard on it.'

'The English was very well written. It easily fulfilled all the requirements. You got perfect on it.' The teacher chose her words carefully, not sure of what to say.

Fuji smiled even wider. 'That's great, sensei. Did you like it though?'

'The content of the story was not exactly inappropriate...' The teacher took a deep breath. 'But the hints that you put into your story were rather ... provocative. And you shouldn't put the names of real people into your stories without consent, because then they might not like it.' She said all of this really fast, making her face slightly red.

Fuji was grinning by then. 'But I read the story to him last night! And he didn't say anything was wrong with it at all!' Fuji didn't mention that said person didn't comment at all, either.

The teacher's eyes widened, but she simply waved her hand, and said, 'You can go to lunch then, Fuji.'

'Have a nice day, sensei.' Fuji stood up, and headed for the classroom door.

The teacher then shouted, 'Wait!'

Fuji paused.

'Did you actually...do any of those things that you mentioned in your story?'

Fuji left the classroom smiling.

Fuji's teacher needed a cup of water. x owari

x omake

'Um. Echizen.'

'Hai?' Ryoma looked at a woman. She seemed to be a teacher.

'You're Echizen Ryoma, right?'

'Yes.' Ryoma really didn't know what was going on.

The woman seemed determined. '... You shouldn't be doing such sexual acts when you're still in junior high!' She said in a shaky voice.

Ryoma stared at her. And then it clicked. 'You're Fuji-senpai's teacher, right?'

She gasped. 'You actually - you-' And then, she fainted.

Ryoma was really glad he didn't hear the whole story.