AN: YES! I KNOW! ANOTHER FANFIC! Sue me. I got this idea from a picture I saw. –insert happy face- THIS IS NOT YAOI! Please, I don't like that stuff. You girls (and maybe guys, I dunno) go to read some other fanfic about yaoi.


Naruto's hand lay in Sasuke's abdomen as Sasuke's sword punctured Naruto's left side of his chest. Two sets of hands lay on the other's shoulder and arm, leaning against each other to support their weight.

"Will you come back now?"

The body of Uchiha Itachi lay a few meters away. Suigetsu, Karin and Juugo lay dead around Itachi.

"He's dead…there's nothing left for you to go after…"

Naruto coughed up a large amount of blood, spilling itself ungracefully onto Sasuke's white shirt, tainting it crimson. Sasuke smirked and closed his eyes halfway, eyebrows coming closer together. They took their heads off of each others shoulders and looked into each others eyes, seeing them filled with pain and suffering that was accumulated over the years. Sasuke pushed his sword deeper into Naruto's chest, making him suffer a little more only to feel his abdomen wrench in pain as Naruto pressed his hand deeper into him, making him remember where they stood. Blood was pooled in a large amount beneath their feet, swirling around as it mixed with the rain that fell heavily above them.

Blood smeared across their faces thanks to their previous battle.

"Let it go, Sasuke-teme…everything is now back in Konoha…"

His eyes grew glassy, darkness threatening to consume the blond. Sasuke slowly removed his sword, Naruto doing the same with his hand. Dull onyx eyes were slowly covered by Sasuke's eyelids, giving into the darkness that had been prodding his brain from some time after the battle with Itachi. Naruto slung Sasuke's arm around his neck, beginning to head back towards Konohagakure no saito.


Naruto approached the gates of Konoha; his state of consciousness was barely there at the time. The gate was just in reach. His mind was in a frenzy. How far did he travel? How was it that he could still even move? His mind had blacked out at one point in time, and when his surroundings formed around his once again, he realized the distance that had been trekked.


A female scream pierced the still air in a high pitch. His head turned upwards, seeing Sakura and Ino running towards him. He smiled as best as he could. He tripped over his own foot a little but quickly regaining his balance.
"I…brought him back….like I promised…"

He fell to his knees and began coughing up massive amounts of blood, soon toppling over on the ground, his mind finally giving away to the sweet darkness that cooed his name so lovingly.



"Hm…? What is it…?"

A half drunken Tsunade asked Izumo as he entered her office without knocking first and not excusing himself after.

"Come quickly! Uzumaki Naruto has brought Uchiha Sasuke back!"

She jumped up from her desk, all loose objects falling to the ground.

"Where are they!?"

"The hospital!"

Tsunade smiled proudly.

"Their conditions?"

Her eyes widened. Critical!? How bad were they exactly?

"Please, hurry!"

She sped walked past him, heading towards the direction of the hospital.


Tears streamed down Sakura's face as she tried to heal Sasuke as fast as possible, his breathing had already become faint.
"Start him on a transfusion!"

"Hai, Sakura-san!"

The nurse ran out of the room, leaving Sakura alone with Sasuke and a few other patients. Naruto was positioned in a different room with different assigned nurses, leaving the pink haired kunoichi to only wonder about his condition.


Her eyes widened as she saw the raven haired boy open his eyes, looking directly at her.

"Sedate him!"

She yelled, seeing him begin to writhe in pain.

"M-matte…the dobe…"

"He'll be fine. Worry about yourself!"

She yelled to him, her tears hitting his face. His eyes closed as the medication was injected into his body.


Sasuke awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside his window, Sakura sleeping beside him with heavy bags under her eyes.

It was a new day.

There was no more brother…there was nothing left to worry about but missions and a cruel punishment maybe from the Hokage. But besides that…he knew his life would be peaceful from now on.

Wires and tubes were attached to his body in various places. An oxygen mask was placed over his mouth and nose helped him to breathe.


He turned his head towards the voice that called his name, the kunoichi waking from her slumber while rubbing her eyes.


Her head snapped to the side, face lifting with joy. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began sobbing hysterically.

"Where's Naruto?"

She pulled away and looked down.

"He's in a coma…his body went into shock and…"

More tears fell from her eyes, she having to sit down to control her violent trembling.

Sasuke coughed a bit, worrying his friend immediately.

"I'm fine."
He rose a hand up right away before she could ask him any questions.

"How long have I been out?"
"It's been two days…Tsunade-sama requests that you get your strength back before doing anything."

The silence that hung in the air was so thick that it could be cut with a white, hot knife. There was a large commotion outside. All the nurses and doctors ran down the hall.

"What's happening?!"

Sakura asked a nurse, stopping her.

"Naruto-kun has stopped breathing and is having a seizure!"

Sakura's eyes widened. She turned her head towards Sasuke, who couldn't bear to look back into her eyes. Sakura suddenly gasped, seeing his eyes turn a bloodshot red.

"Sasuke, look at me."

He slowly tilted his head upwards, Sakura seeing his eyes slowly swirl to that of the magenkyou sharingan.


Sakura ran out of the room, running towards Naruto's.


Sasuke frowned when Sakura entered his room once again, closing the door behind her.

"We managed to start up his heart again…"

Sasuke looked down, slightly relieved.

"He brought you back and for some reason…I'm still sad."

A small smile appeared on her face.

"Kakashi-sensei is watching over Naruto for now. In the meantime, there's someone who wants to see you."

She opened the door again, Ino walking in with Shikamaru and Choji.

"You really messed up, didn't you?"

Shikamaru stated, Ino hitting him on his head.

"Idiot! Can't you see he's hurt!? He doesn't need any of your comments!"

"I'm going to see how Naruto's doing…"

Shikamaru excused himself and left the room, Choji following him.

"Sasuke-kun, how are you feeling?"
Ino placed a rose in the vase beside his bed.
"I'm feeling fine…"

"You don't look it."

She replied, Sakura smiling slightly.

"Sai said that he would be coming, but I don't know where he is."

Ino told her rival in love, she giving a slight nod.

"Can you please watch him? I have to make sure that no one is trying to disturb Naruto and file some paperwork."

Ino nodded and took the seat next to Sasuke.

"Everybody went to go look for you…"

Sasuke nodded.

"I know."

"Then why didn't you come back?"
"I had to finish up things…"

"Well…are you staying now that they're finished?"

"I…guess so."

Ino smiled and took his hand, squeezing it. Sasuke was too tired to do anything about it.

"We missed you, Sasuke-kun…"

He closed his eyes again, giving up his consciousness to the darkness.


Naruto stirred, beginning to open his eyes. He examined his surroundings, finding out that there was no one around him. Every muscle and bone in his body ached. He looked across from him to see a calendar with a new month on it. He began to sit up, wincing. He heard footsteps and the door open, seeing Hinata. She turned around, carrying a bag.


Her eyes widened as she dropped the bag, seeing sky blue orbs looking directly at her.


She felt weak, trying not to faint from surprise. Naruto wanted to jump up, but a wire in his arm prevented him from doing so.

"Get some rest..."
"Where's Sasuke? Did he run away again?"
"No. He was released a week ago, Naruto. You've been in a coma for a month…"


"I'm going to tell the doctors that you're awake!"

She ran out of the room, leaving Naruto to wonder. What happened? The fight…how did he arrive to Konoha? He had no recollection of any memory whatsoever of his return to the village.


He heard his name being called, making him turn his head.

"How are you feeling?"

She went to check his stats, closing off a few machines.

"I'm feeling fine! When can I go!?"

She twisted her head around, tears welling in her eyes. Her hand flew in contact with his cheek, making his eyes widen in surprise.


"We were so worried about you!? Why did you run off like that!?"

She sank to her knees, wrapping her arms around Naruto as she sobbed into his shoulder.

He felt at a loss. His eyes looked towards Hinata as if he were asking for help.


She barely squeezed the words out of her mouth, picking up her bag. Tsunade snapped back to reality.

"W-well…there is no reason for you to stay here anymore. You have healed nicely. Since Sakura was the one who brought you here with Ino, they have to sign you out and you can leave anytime soon. All you had to do was awake from your coma, but you haven't been showing signs up until now."

Naruto smiled and pushed the covers off him, feeling a slight twinge of pain in his chest still made him bring a hand up to it.


Tsunade asked in alarm, ready to help.


"Then what was that?"

"I dunno."

He smiled sheepishly, standing up.

"The x-rays showed nothing…"

She mumbled to herself, trying to think why he still felt pain.

"Can I still leave?"

Naruto asked in a childlike manner. Tsunade sighed.

"I want you to stay a little longer…but I have no ways of knowing what you have wrong with you now…you just need to do regular check-ups from now on."


He saluted, turning to Hinata.

"What's in your bag?"

"O-oh! It's nothing!"

She held it closer to her, blushing.

"Naruto, rest until Sakura gets here!"

Tsunade scolded him, drying her eyes. He let his rear end fall back down on the bed heavily, crossing his arms. Tsunade reached for his arm and took out the needle connected to the IV stand.

"Godaime-sama…is it really okay that he leaves already?"
"I don't see why not. He's completely fine."

"What about before?"
"Everything should have shown up on the X-ray, which nothing has. There's no proof that there's anything wrong. I have to let him go."

Hinata sighed, looking towards Naruto.

"How 'bout we get some lunch later, Hinata!? I'm starving!"

A blush began to form across her face, making her begin to stutter uncontrollably.

"S-sure, N-Naruto-k-kun."

"Don't make any plans yet! Until Sakura gets here, we'll be taking more tests!"

Naruto groaned, hoping that his pink-haired heroine would come bursting through the door.


AN: I know this sounds short and rushed, well, IT WAS! I had to get it all down before I forgot!!!