Disclaimer: Once again I don't own anything because we all know Disney would have a heart attack if I had my way.

Thank you once again Poxmaker!

A Normal Friday Night

It was meant to be just a sleepover, or more to the point, an all-nighter full of movies and video games. So, he wondered to himself, how did it get so weird so fast?

The day had been a normal one—nothing out of the ordinary. School had been plain and uneventful; his dragon lesson for the day was less than novel, but it had been a Friday and Trixie's mom was visiting. In Jake's mind, the day was still classified as normal. After all, it didn't really affect him. Which could be the reason why when he invited Spud over (his mom was at an Italian food convention) for the night, he didn't think twice.

The big question on Jake's mind was how such a normal day could turn out like this? He remembered Spud coming over, eating dinner with his family and then going to his room to watch DVD's on his laptop. He did not remember how at any point he ended up straddling the dopey teen.

Really, he had no clue how it happened. The lights were off; they were in his bed (if chicks could sleep in the same bed, so could guys!) watching the Wishing Stairs (a Japanese movie with subtitles that promised actual horror). The next thing he was aware of (at some point between the chubby girl blowing chunks and the shower of blood) was him on top of Spud, letting his fingers just touch.

At twelve Spud hadn't been buff, however at sixteen he had enough muscle to make your average jock green with envy. Jake's fingers continued to touch—touch his arms, his chest, his face. And the whole time he did this, he just watched Spud's chest move up and down as if looking at Spud would somehow ruin the moment.

A blush dusted Jake's cheeks when he felt Spud's hand grab his neck. Here comes the rejection and the what the hells, Jake thought shakily. Where he expected Spud to grab him and throw him off, instead Spud hooked his hands behind his neck to help pull himself up, and Jake down. The next moment, their lips met in a hard kiss of teeth and lips.

Like he'd said, the day was normal enough, but it ended in a very odd way (not that he was complaining). He silently wondered as he made Spud gasp if every normal (and not so normal) day would end like this. Because one thing was for sure, he loved the teen squirming in his bed and was already getting used to the idea of having him there every night.