Crazy Squirrelflight's Twinkle Twinkle little star version by Squirrelflight.

Gingerstar14: This is my last chapter, but don't panic! Watch out for the sequal, Ashfur's Revenge!!!!!!!!

Twinkle, Twinkle, Ashfur,

Got a pelt, full of burrs

Brown and grizzly like a bear,

they plant themselvles in Ashfur's hair.

Twinkle, Twinkle Ashfur,

got a pelt, full of burrs!!!!!!!!!!!!

Squirrelflight screamed.

"Was that the grand finale?" Bramblestar asked. (Firestar died of a heart attack in her last song)

"Yes." And with that, Squirrelflight lay down and slept.

Bramblestar ordered 144 pizzas and invited the other clans over to a party.

Thornclaw's new surround sound streo system was kickin' loud, and Blackstar brought his fave rock tunes.

They partied for a long time. When the party was over, Bramblestar made dens out of the pizza boxes.

Ashfur loudly announced, "I am going to plan my revenge."

Gingerstar14: I know this wasn't as funny, but Ashfur's revenge will make up for that!