A/N: Taking a break off of my other stories to bring you this idea I came up with while brain storming. Read and Enjoy :)

Don't review if you don't want to…A review would be nice though: p


It was just one of those mindless Saturday afternoons for Ichigo. The family was up to its normal activities, Kon was with Rinin for an undisclosed reason, and Rukia was taking a nap on Ichigo's bed.

Ichigo was reading a book at his desk, it was about how to control your inner evil, a subject Ichigo knew all to well. As he read the book, he occasionally glanced at Rukia over at Rukia who kept saying random things in her sleep.

Such things Included: Lollypops, Pink Bunnies, Chocolate covered socks, Red headed Baboon, Silent Nii0sama and Orange haired hearts.

He quickly went back to his book, doing his best to ignore the orange haired hearts.

Chapter 10:

In order to control the evil…, acknowledge the evil. Knowing the enemy means defeating the enemy.

You must first confront the evil, never allow any type of fear frighten you or you could wind up be devoured.

Ichigo put a finger to his chin "Confront the evil, "

He continued reading

Befriend the Evil… like the old saying goes "Keep your friends close and your enemy closer." Your enemy is your greatest ally if appropriable used.

Ichigo looked away from the book "Be friends? With a hollow… I don't know… What if I get killed…What if it takes over and someone else gets killed…."

Ichigo stretched his arms in the air; his bones were getting stiff from being in the same position for so long. He quietly arose from his chair and walked over to Rukia's closet where he kept his Substitute Shinigami Badge, he then smashed it into his chest.

Ichigo closed his eyes once in Shinigami form, he required the highest degree of concentration when he wanted to call the hollow and gain entrance into it's' realm.


Ichigo felt the temperature drop slightly; he slowly opened his eyes to see he was standing right in front of the Hollow version of himself. He felt his shivers down his spine simply by being in his presence.

"Oi, Ichigo… What did ya call me for?" Said the hollow sitting down

Ichigo broke out his trance, "Oh crap…." He thought, he didn't know what to say… Perhaps he should have planned this better or at all. He looked at the hollow and saw that it looked extremely bored and annoyed.

"Well…." Said Hollow Ichigo annoyed

"Say something… Hurry or else things might get violent "Thought Ichigo


The hollow Ichigo stood up quickly

"If you ain't got nothing to say then I'm gonna head back" Said the hollow as he began to walk away

"What's your name?" Ichigo said aloud

The Hollow stopped dead in its tracks.


Ichigo flinched as it slowly turned around to meet his eyes…

"I-I said-d what's your name…." Said Ichigo shakily

The hollow looked at him "What is this? Some sort of trick, some sort of way to remove me from your mind… Well sorry, but I like it here?" Said the hollow walking off

"No… Its' just "Ichigo quickly tried to think of something, to keep the hollows attention "I- I Uh… have come to make a deal "

The hollow stopped… and looked at Ichigo a twisted smile on its face. Ichigo may have regretted those words by the look on that hollows face.

"A deal, aye" The hollow turned to Ichigo" What kind of a deal…."

Ichigo came up with the first thing that same to his head "Freedom…."


The hollow remained silent….

"So what do you say…? Can we talk…?" Said Ichigo


Rukia's eyes slowly opened, she had taken a nap after being out and hunting hollows the previous night and day. She was sleeping in Ichigo's bed because she felt hers was too uncomfortable.

Speaking of Ichigo, she glanced around the room to see where he was… what she saw made her jump out of the bed.

"Ichigo!!!" yelled Rukia, after seeing an unconscious Ichigo on the floor.

She shook him lightly and noticed his body was deadweight… "No… not you too" thought Rukia as she shook his body again.


"So lemme get this straight" Said the hollow "You give me control of your body for 1 day every three days… but in exchange I can't harm anyone or consume anyone's soul..."

Ichigo nodded "That the gist of it…. But you forgot that, you also have to take care of the hollows should any arrive… "

"So not only am I limited…. But I gotta kill my own race too…" Said the hollow

Ichigo nodded and remained silent waiting for a response

"Okay… I'll agree to all this if you let me add something to this deal we got going "Said the hollow

"Depends what the condition is?" Responded Ichigo

"The condition is we don't pry into the others time, me into yours…. Or yours into mine "the hollow said

"Fine….." Ichigo said, hoping that he knew what he was doing

The hollow grinned as it extended its hand "Let's shake on it"

Ichigo extended his hand wearily…" Alright… then we got ourselves a deal"

Ichigo shook the hollows hand, and felt its dark Reiatsu surge threw him making him a little more nervous than he was currently…

"Alright then… See ya tomorrow" Said the hollow walking away, a grin on its face…

"Wait!! "Called out Ichigo

"Oi…backing out already aye… I figured as much "Said the hollow

"No…" Said Ichigo "Its' just…"

"Just what?" said the hollow

"Well I know that every one that becomes a hollow used to be human…And I just like to know…" Ichigo was interrupted

"Still wanna know my name, aye?" Said the hollow

Ichigo nodded, as the hollow turned around opening the portal to his own private place in Ichigo's mind.

"My name's…eh" The hollow almost struggled to remember "My name's ….Kaien…"

Ichigo too began to walk away "Well then see ya tomorrow, Kaien"

The two glanced at the other one last time before departing into their own worlds.


Ichigo eyes slowly widened, he had just made a deal with probably the person who despised him the most. He didn't really trust the hollow, but he knew that if this was going to work, then he would learn to have to.

Ichigo's eyes widened when he felt something on his lips, he quickly looked down and saw some kissing him… "Rukia!?!"

Ichigo quickly grabbed Rukia by the shoulder by taking her by surprise…

"Rukia!?! What the hell are you doing?" Said Ichigo wiping his lips

He could see her face was at a shade of red that which could have easily rivaled the color of Renji's hair.

"Uh- I – I thought you where dead?" She said, wiping her lips

"So you kiss me!!!" He said

"Baka !!!… I was giving you CPR…" Said Rukia

"Since when do you know CPR" Said Ichigo

"Since they thought us in gym… They said that it's the only chance of bringing an unconscious person back to consciousness" Said Rukia now a little more softly "It just… I hade just woken up from the best dream ever"

"Orange Haired Hearts" recalled Ichigo's mind making his cheeks to turn a little rosy.

"Then I woke up… and just saw you lying there" Said Rukia "I lost to many people… my friends… my family… I didn't want to lose you too."

"Rukia…" Said Ichigo taken by her words…

"Hey guys!!! " Said Kon bursting threw the door "I've got something that will knock your socks off"

Ichigo and Rukia looked at Kon; he seemed more… happy then usual…They forgot there conversation and looked at the stuffed animal…

"Urahara made me a Gigai of my own!!!" Said Kon happily jumping for joy

Ichigo and Rukia watched as Rinin in her human body led a Gigai of a boy into the room…. The Gigai basically looked like the male version on Rinin's Gigai. It had Blond, semi pointed hair, a long sleeved white shirt, blue jeans and red shoes.

Kon wasted no time in grabbing the pill from out of his plushy body and throwing it to Ririn before falling down. Ririn placed the pill in the Gigai causing a small light to form when Kon entered its' body…

Ichigo, Ririn and Rukia watched as Kon spoke his first words in his new Gigai



A/N: Well what do you think? Reviews determine continuation, and to any of my other readers, my other stories will be updated soon… I just have limited time of computer and can only write so much… So please bear with me

Remember: Your review do count