AN: So this is it, the last little part of my story, the epilogue. Thank you to anyone and everyone who reviewed for me throughout the story, I really loved them. I know a lot of people would like a sequel, but I need ideas for it so if you have any, please give them to me, it would be much appreciated.


The middle of June found two passionate lovers leaning against each other under the shade of an oak tree in a park that was so very familiar to them. Troy and Gabriella were tangled up together in their favorite spot in the park by her house. It was the place they spent many nights during the school year and now many days during the summer.

They were quite contempt just sitting together in silence soaking in each other's presence. Some wouldn't understand it since they had once spent so much time yelling at each other. But it could make sense if you looked at it as they were making up for all the silences they didn't share while shouting at each other. Both had fallen in love, but neither would admit it. For Troy it showed that he had deeper feelings and was as cold hearted as he once seemed. Gabriella was too afraid, because she wasn't willing to give away part of her heart. But it didn't matter because Troy had already managed to steal part of it, she just didn't want to admit that he had. Just as he wasn't willing to admit that she had done the same thing to him after taking down the wall around it.

"See, I told you we'd find them here, they are always here," One person said. Two of their friends approached them.

"Shut up," the other friend said, "Just because you were right for once doesn't mean you have to shout it to the world."

"What do you mean for once?" Chad said, "I have been right before."

"Yeah, like when?" Taylor asked disbelieving.

"Um, I can't think of one right now, but I sure I have been," Chad said think, "Whatever, it doesn't matter we found them."

Troy and Gabriella had been listening to them even though they had their eyes closed.

"I think they are asleep," Taylor said.

"They are totally faking," Chad said.

"He's right for a second time," Troy said slowly opening his eyes.

"Must be a record for him, twice in one day," Gabriella said also opening her eyes.

"I don't believe this," Taylor said rolling her eyes.

"Aww, come on baby," Chad said wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him. "It is one day of the year, tomorrow all will be back to normal."

"So you'll be dumb again?" Taylor asked, not ready to give into his charm just yet.

"I am just a little selective to when it comes to using my intelligence, " Chad said.

"Very selective," Taylor said laughing, and she gave in and let him kiss her. She and Chad had 'discovered' each other near the end of the school year in the middle of May. They flirted for about a week until Troy pushed him enough to ask her out. Then it was Gabriella's turn to push Taylor to say yes. Then with a lot of encouragement they went out on a double date with Troy and Gabriella. And since then have figured out that they were perfect for each other, perfectly complementary to each other's personality.

"So what do you want?" Gabriella asked, interrupting their moment.

"Shut up Gabriella, I finally got her," Chad waved at her to back off and stop before kissing Taylor again.

"We are going back to sleep," Troy said loudly and closed his eyes, Gabriella followed in suit.

"We can finish that later," Taylor said pulling back.

"Why can't it be later now?" Chad whined.

Taylor laughed and gave him a peck on the cheek, "Because, we came here to see if they wanted to go get something to eat with us. I know you aren't doing much just sitting there, but you have to get hungry sometime."

"I could go for a pizza," Gabriella said opening her eyes once more. She nudged Troy in the ribs. She could tell he was fake sleeping by a twitch in his mouth.

"As much as I am contempt here, I'd follow you guys to a pizza if Gabriella was going," Troy said finally.

"You are so cheesy," Gabriella laughed, standing up. She pulled Troy up too. "Come on Romeo."

"I'm coming," Troy said taking her hand. Gabriella linked arms with Taylor after Chad took Taylor's hand. "So what have you guys been up to today?"

"Nothing much, though more than you," Chad said.

"Well I think we did a lot today," Troy defended for himself and Gabriella.

"How the heck can you guys do that, has the glamour of dating already gone?"

"Nope, just more subtle than you," Gabriella said.

"I was going to say, you haven't been dating too much longer than us," Taylor said. Gabriella and Troy exchanged a look, "What?"

"Well that gap is a little bit bigger than you think," Gabriella said sheepishly and the four stopped walking as Chad and Taylor looked at the other two.

"Wait what?" Chad asked confused.

"We were dating before April and that day in the hallway," Troy said, unsure, "We just didn't tell you."

"So we went through all that planning and I gave you all of that encouragement for nothing?" Taylor asked Gabriella.

"No, it wasn't for nothing. We didn't know how to tell the school, so we went through that whole charade just so it looked more natural," Gabriella started to explain.

"We had a lot of secret, well not really secret, but private conversations up on the rooftop and a few at my house that no one really knew about," Troy picked up where she left off.

"And we wanted to tell you, we just didn't know how, we didn't want you to be mad at us," Gabriella pleaded.

"So all those nights I called you up at ask if you wanted to hang and you said you were busy, you with her?" Chad asked Troy.

"Most of them, the ones when I had really lame reasons why I couldn't, but the fancy dinner party with my parents was true. I fell asleep halfway through some old guy's speech," Troy said.

"Well now it all makes sense," Chad said.

"That is where you always went during free period? To the rooftop?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, it was the only place no one would hear us or see what we were doing. We felt awful not telling you and had times where we tried to brainstorm ideas of how to tell you, but never came up with a good enough idea," Gabriella said.

"Yeah, I did a lot of thinking and it made my head hurt all for you bro," Troy directed at Chad.

"Why didn't you just come out and tell us?" Taylor asked.

"We wanted you to not be mad at us and still be our friends," Gabriella said.

"I would have always been your friend," Taylor said, "I really thought you knew that."

"You had always said how he was a dumb jock, I thought you hated him, so I also thought you'd hate me for being with him," Gabriella said, "And I know it sounds stupid now, but you were my first friend and best friend at East High, I didn't want to lose you."

"I will always be your friend, you will have to put up with me forever," Taylor said.

"Thank you," Gabriella let go of Troy's hand to hug Taylor.

"Same thing for us dude, all these years, never hid a thing from each other, why did you have to start now?" Chad said.

"Don't know why or how, but I will admit, I was a little bit frightened of what you would think of me," Troy said.

"You're my brother, and that is never gonna change, I'll be annoying you until the end of world," Chad said.

"Sweet, dude," Troy pounded fist with him as they shared a look.

"Now weren't we getting pizza?" Gabriella asked.

"Lets go!" Taylor said and the four started to walk down the sidewalk again. Now with their friendship bonds tighter and stronger than ever.


AN: And that is it. The finally of the story until the sequel. And I still need ideas for the sequel. A few have formed in my head, but none of them are all that good. Tomorrow night I will probably start typing a new story if you want to check it out, if not, thank you for reading my story. GOODBYE!