Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters whose names can be found in the Harry Potter books.

The Potter manor was silent, except for the occasional soft snores coming from Matt's room. All the occupation were sleeping except for one boy. Harry was sitting on his bed, his legs crossed and eyes closed. His hair jet black soaked with sweat and his face contorted in concentration. Suddenly his eyes flew open and he toppled face first off the bed.

"Ow," Harry moaned, sitting up and rubbing his head.

"Nice" Aidan commented.

"Hey," Harry said sharply, climbing back onto his bed and resuming his position.

"What exactly are you trying to do?" Aidan asked.

"Wandless magic" Harry replied. Closing his eyes and relaxing into his position.

"Why are you sitting like that then?" Aidan asked, his voice sounded confused.

"Because it's comfortable," Harry replied with mischief in his voice a slight smile gracing his lips.

"Don't be cheeky." Aidan scolded but his heart really wasn't in it.

Harry just smiled at his familiar while summoning his history of magic book to him and catching it. Opening his eyes Harry grinned at the book in his hand before sending it back to his desk.

"You're getting better at that." Aidan commented.

"Yeah, but that's a simple spell, well not for a wand but for wandless magic it's the basic form of will. I want it, come. It's harder to get a jet of light to shoot from my hand and cause an effect rather then just having to think, come."

"You'll get it." Aidan said.

"I will," Harry said then his shoulder slumped. "I just keep thinking about how I froze when Matt was fighting Quirrell. I was so hopeless; I couldn't help until Matt was hurt." Harry's voice sounded very defeated.

"Well get better." Aidan said.

"It's not that easy." Harry said.

"Why not?"

"It's just," Harry paused. "I guess it is."

"I'm always right," Aidan said smugly.

"Whatever," Harry said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Well I am,"

Harry didn't answer this time he just raised his arm and started to try and make his hand glow.

The next morning found Harry was sitting in the dinning room eating his breakfast when his twin entered. "Morning Harry," Matt greeted as he walked into the dinning room and sat down opposite Harry at the breakfast table.

"Morning," Harry replied, glancing up from his own plate of eggs and toast to see Matt forking sausages onto his plate from the platter in front of him.

"When's training today?" Harry asked, turning his attention back to his own breakfast.

"Mmmhhmmm," Matt replied with his mouthful of sausages.

"Eight thirty," Harry guessed at what his twin was attempting to communicate.

Receiving a nod in reply Harry checked his watch and seeing the time he got up from the table.

"It's eight ten now." Harry said. "You better hurry."

Getting another nod in reply because Matt's mouth was now full with eggs, Harry rolled his eyes and headed outside.

By the time Matt had finished his breakfast which was at eight twenty seven, Harry had run two laps of the Quidditch pitch and was stretching. At first glance both twins looked very simular. They shared the Potter gene of messy black hair and were both quite short but where as Harry had his Lilly's emerald eyes; Matt was an almost perfect replica of James, with the same hazel eyes. Matt was also slightly heavier built then Harry having a slightly bigger bones but not much fat. Harry however was stick thin, and any muscles he had were perfectly designed and honed for speed and agility while Matt tended to favour raw power. Both brothers had warmed-up by the time James arrived out-side ten minutes later, a piece of toast hanging out of his mouth.

"Hey Dad," Harry and Matt greeted, rolling their eyes at each other. Both knowing their father's reputation of always being late.

"Morning boys," James greeted once he had swallowed his toast. "Ready?"

"Yes Dad," Matt said, while Harry nodded.

"Great," James said rubbing his hands together. "Today we'll be doing some dodging practise."

"Awww," Matt groaned.

"What are we dodging?" Harry asked.

"Anything I throw at you," James replied grinning. "Ready?"

"Yeah," Matt sighed, taking up a defensive position.

"Harry?" James asked, turning to Harry.

"Yep," Harry grinned, also taking a defensive position.

"GO!" James shouted and it started.

James shot off three spells in quick succession and the boys were quickly forced to drop to the ground to dodge them. Harry jumped back to his feet and started running towards the forest. Matt wasn't so fast in getting to his feet had to roll to avoid a branch James threw at him and scramble to his feet and run after Harry who had reached the shelter of the trees. Matt charged into the forest his footsteps loud, startling several animals by the sudden intrusion in their forest. Matt looked around quickly trying to find a place to hide before James could get there.

"To slow Matt," Matt whipped around to see his Dad standing at the edge of the forest his wand pointed at him.

"Fine," Matt sighed, putting his hands up, James grinned. "Now you can help me get Harry."

Matt grinned "great."

"Ok," James said. "You go right I'll go left, we'll get him in no time." With that said the pair dashed off in the set direction.

Harry sat in the tree above the two, watching as Matt made the mistake of making too much noise so that James knew where he was. Grinning Harry listened as they made plans to catch him and watched as they both plunged deeper into the forest. Funny how they never look up Harry thought. Four hours later James and Matt headed back to the Quidditch pitch to see Harry standing there.

"Where were you?" Matt asked staring hard at Harry.

"Above you," Harry replied simply and grinned.

"What?" How did you?"

"Well done Harry." James said, clapping his son on the back.

"Thanks Dad." Harry said, his facing splitting into a grin.

"Now," James said rubbing his hands together "for some spell work. I'm going to teach you a spell that is effects the ground."

"Cool," Matt said, Harry nodded his agreement.

"Okay," James said. "Matt, do you remember when I started to teach you about spell origins and stuff?"

"Um sort of," Matt said with a cheesy grin.

"Ok," James rolled his eyes. "I'll go over it. Most powerful spells originate from the four elements; water, air, fire and wind. Only a very powerful wizard can manipulate the raw elements. The only living person who has the ability to manipulate any of the elements at the moment is standing right here." He paused, looking proud. "Matt is a fire elemental and this is one of the hardest element to control. Merlin is the only known person with the ability to control all four elements. Now as I said almost all powerful spells are devised from the elements but there are a few exceptions but we won't go there for now. You currently know the flame charm and that is a fire element, obviously. Wingardium Leviosa is a wind element spell. Now today I'll teach you an earth spell." Here James paused again. "The spell I'm going to teach you will allow you to improve soil richness."

Matt's jaw dropped while Harry looked a bit confused.

"Dad," Matt whined. "Why do we need that?"

James smiled. "I'll let you figure that out."

Matt groaned but Harry looked thoughtful.

"Now" James said. "The incantation is rikarhumas and you move your wand like this." James made a swishing motion then swirled his wand around once to draw a circle.

"You try." James said as he pocketed his wand. "I have to run some errands so you have two hours to master the spell." With that he spun around and strode back towards the castle.

"Why do we need this?" Matt asked, turning to Harry in out-rage. "How are we going to fight anyone with a soil enriching spell. I mean come on," Matt continued to rant as he turned away from Harry and pointed his wand at the ground and swirled his wand in the pattern James had just shown them.


Nothing seemed to happen and Matt bent down to examine the soil. "How can we tell if it's richer or not?" He demanded.

Harry just walked away knowing that when his brother got into one of his moods the only thing to do was wait until he had finished ranting. Finding a spot near the edge of the forest Harry picked up some of the soil in his hand and tried to make it richer. He didn't use his wand just sat there holding the soil pushing his magic slowly into it. He had found he could master spells more easily when if he could first do them wandlessly. He could sort of feel how the spell should be and try to re-create the effect with his wand. It wasn't until ten minutes before James was due back that Harry started to feel a difference in the soil, it looked darker and seemed to hold more moisture. A warm feeling of pride went through Harry, knowing that he had made this.

"Now to do it with a wand," he said pulling out his wand.

A shrill whistle sounded just a few minutes after Harry had started practising with his wand. James was standing in the middle of the grounds, his wand in the air obviously having just made the sound to call his boys back. Harry returned his wand to the holder at his waist, both him and Matt had gotten one when they got home from Hogwarts and he started back towards James.

"So how did it go?" James asked once Matt and Harry both stood in-front of him.

"Ok" Harry said.

"Same" Matt agreed.

"Well, lets see it then. Harry first."

Harry pointed his wand at the ground, "rikarhumas."

James bent down and picked up some of the soil in his hand. "Hmm, well it's getting there Harry but there's still room for improvement. Alright Matt let's see your's."

Matt stepped forward, while James stood up and dusted off his robes. "Rikarhumas."

This time there was a definite change in the soil, it became darker and started to look almost like mud. James bent down to examine the soil. "A perfect spell, well done Matt," James said proudly.

"Thanks Dad," Matt said happily.

"Now boys," James said eagerly, "before lunch I want you to run fifteen laps of the pitch. Don't try to cheat either, I'm going to spell some makers and if you don't go around each one then you do the whole thing again."

"Daaaaad," Matt whined.

"Don't Dad me, run."

Matt rolled his eyes before jogging away, Harry jogging just a bit behind.

The rest of the holidays were much the same; eat, train for most of the day and sleep for all the time you didn't spend eating or training or in Harry's case studying.

It wasn't until the 31st of July rolled around that there was any brake in the routine.

"WAKE UP!" Matt's scream echoed through the Potter manor.

"Arrrrrr!" James scream came seconds after and a loud thump could be heard.

Harry grinned as he sat in the library, a book on elemental spell theory in his hands. "Bout time they got up." He said happily. He stood up and snapped the book he had been reading shut and stretched. "Time to go to breakfast," He said starting for the door.

Breakfast in the Potter household that morning was like a war-zone. Not that every other morning wasn't simular but the house-elves seemed to have made a special effort for the twins birthday. The amount of dishes seemed to have doubled and Matt and James were in a competition of who could eat the most. Food was flying around the room with only a small percentage going into mouths. Harry had taken shelter under the table and Lilly was yet to appear but when she saw the mess, it was likely that the dinning room would become a very dangerous place to be.

The dinning room did indeed become a very dangerous place to be when Lilly saw the mess. She spent ten minutes yelling at her husband before she calmed her down enough to cast a cleaning charm. It was only when the dinning room did again resemble a room and Lilly was fully calm that Remus and Sirius turned up.

"How come you have such good timing?" James asked Sirius as he pounded him on the back in greeting before greeting Remus in the same manner.

"Just lucky mate," Sirius replied with a grin. "Now where are the birthday boys."

"Uncle Sirius!" Matt cried, running over and tackling his uncle to the floor. Sirius going down with and an oof from being winded.

"Hey Uncle Remus," Harry greeted with a wave walking into the room. "Hey Uncle Sirius," he said waving at the pile of limbs rolling around on the floor.

"Hey Harry," Remus said coming up and embracing Harry, Sirius only grunted.

"How have you been?" Remus asked Harry.

"Good, you?" Harry asked, watching in amusement as Matt and Sirius wrested on the floor.

"Oh very good thank you," Remus said, his voice laced with amusement. "I've spent some time up in the mountains visiting the werewolf communities up there."

"How long were you up there?"

"Two months or so," Remus said. "I left while you were at school. By the way how are you liking Hogwarts?"

"It's great!" Harry said excitedly.

"My best friend's name is Neville, he's really good at herbology and his charms, Defence are pretty good too. He's ok at transfiguration but he has some problems sometimes. Potions are his worst though but I can't blame him Neville is one of Snape's favourite people to pick on. He doesn't have much confidence but he's slowly getting more."

"And what about you?"

"I like herbology and potions aren't that bad because I know most of what we're doing. Defence is awful, the teacher is hopeless. My favourite subjects are transfiguration and charms."

"Are you finding it hard?" Remus asked as the brawl on the floor began to brake up.

"Some things are, charms and transfiguration are the ones I have the most trouble with but I'm starting to get it."

"That's great Harry," Remus said as Matt and Sirius got off the floor.

"If you two are done wrestling then would you please come out here," Lilly had appeared in the doorway.

"Sure Mum" Matt said panting slightly.

"Be right there Lilly," Sirius called as Lilly walked away rolling her eyes.

"So boys," Sirius asked slinging an arm around Matt's shoulder and walking towards the door. "What's this I hear about you going after the Philosophers Stone?"

Matt broke into the story of how he, Ron and Hermione had found out about the stone and gone to stop Quirrell getting it and then Harry had come along and they had managed to hold Quirrell off.

"And the next thing we knew we were in the hospital wing." Matt ended dramatically.

They were sitting in the dinning room and Sirius was seated opposite Matt.

"How did you defeat him through?!" Sirius asked leaning on the table in his anxiousness to know.

"Well I don't remember much," Matt said. "But Professor Dumbledore has this theory that my magic is pure or something like that and it reacted with Voldemort's dark magic."

"Wow," Remus commented in awe. "I've heard of something like that happening. Generally people whose magic is like that bond to a phoenix because they are the purest of all creatures."

"Hey I've got an idea," Sirius said. "Why don't we put the memory in a pensieve, then we can see what really happened."

"That's brilliant Sirius," James exclaimed.

"I know I am," Sirius said proudly.

"Now don't go getting a big head." Remus said sarcastically.

"Never," Sirius said in shock. Clasping his hand over his heart as if he would faint. "How could you even suggest such a thing?"

"Oh I don't know," Remus said.

"Now boys," Lilly said. "I agree the pensieve idea was a stroke of genius on Sirius' part and I am still recovering from the shock-"

"Hey!" Sirius said indignantly.

"However," Lilly continued over Sirius. "I think we should wait till tonight to do it. Dumbledore was going to come over then and we can fire-call him to bring his pensieve and I'm sure he won't want to miss this."

"Alright," Sirius said dramatically. "I'll wait, it may kill me but I will try."

"I'm sure you'll survive," Lilly said.


"Now," James said cutting Sirius of again. "Who's up for Quidditch."

The rest of the day was spent playing Quidditch. Matt, James and Harry on one team verses Remus and Sirius on the other. It was quite obvious which team had the better player on it. The score was 12 games to 0. It was at seven 'o' clock, after dinner. Roast beef with potatoes and vegetable that the Potters, Sirius and Remus were sitting in the lounge room, a pile of presents in-front of them waiting for Dumbledore to arrive. Harry's mind was filled with fear and excitement at being able to relive the memory. What if his Dad thought he was weak because he just stood there while Matt fought Voldemort. What if's ran round his head chasing each other like a game of cat and mouse. Just as he began to get truly worried the fire place erupted in green fire and Professor Dumbledore stepped out.

"Hello all," he greeted, his blue eyes twinkling, his pensieve under his right arm.

"Hello professor," Harry and Matt greeted.

"Albus old chap," Sirius said, "how are you?"

"Oh I'm very well Sirius and you?" Dumbledore asked, his eyes twinkling in mirth.

"Sirius," Lilly reprimanded, smacking the black haired man on the head

"Hey, what was that for?" Sirius asked, shielding his head and ducking as Lilly swung her arm again.

"It's quiet alright Lilly," Dumbledore said. "Now, on to business." From his robes he pulled out two wrapped presents. "I do hope you like them." He said offering one to Matt then to Harry.

"Thanks you professor." Harry said.

"Yeah thanks professor." Matt agreed, ripping into the wrapping. As Dumbledore chuckled.

"Yes," Matt said, pulling from the package a packet of sherbet lemons. "I knew it!"

Harry pulled out the same gift with a smile on his face.

"Now do we have any cake," Dumbledore asked.

"Allllllllbbbbbuuuuuuussssss," Sirius whined.

"Yes my boy."

"Pensieve," Sirius whined.

Dumbledore just chuckled, "I suppose I can wait till after this to have some cake then."

"Yes," Sirius pumped his hand in the air.

"Alright boys." Dumbledore said taking the pensieve out from under his arm and setting it on the floor. "I think we'll look at Matt's memory first then Harry's ok. Now Matt I want you to think of that memory." Dumbledore paused for a second. "Got it, ok now place your wand to your temple and draw it out. Yes, yes like that." Dumbledore said as a silvery thread emerged from Matt's temple, clinging to his wand. "Ok now place it in the pensieve yes like that." The pensieve now held a small amount of silvery substance swimming around in it, looking like mist trapped in the bowl.

"Alright everyone gather around." Dumbledore said "and when I say three lean in, ok. One, two, three."

The party of seven people leaned in when Dumbledore said three and felt themselves plunged into the pensieve.

Harry looked around at the Gryffindor common room, James, Lilly, Dumbledore, Matt, Remus and Sirius around him. The clock read just a few minutes past eleven and they were watching on as a duel went on between him and Matt. Matt had just hit Harry with the stunning spell and then they left the room, Harry lying on the floor.

"Well," Dumbledore said, "let us follow." And the party walked out of the common room, Matt leading the way because he, Ron and Hermione had been under an invisibility cloak. The journey to the third floor was very uneventful and upon reaching the door the trio threw off the cloak.

"Guys," Matt in the memory said before they went in. "You can go back now if you want. This is my fight I don't want to put you in danger."

Ron was quick to respond. "No way mate."

Hermione was just as quick, "we're not leaving you."

Matt grinned, "thanks." Turning to the door, then back to his friends, Matt pushed the door open.

The trio rushed into the room, and quickly shut the door before spinning around to face the dog.

Hermione whipped out her wand and waved it whispering a spell under her breath and music filled the room, the dog was asleep in minutes and with the music still playing Matt, Ron and Hermione walked over to the trap door.

"Okay," Matt said. "I'm first, I'll tell you if it's safe to come down. If I don't say anything get out of here quick that spell won't last much longer."

"Be careful mate," Ron said, clapping Matt on the back.

"Right," Matt agreed and jumped. It was a few seconds later when his voice came floating up through the trap-door. "It's fine, you can jump."

Ron and Hermione looked at each other before Ron leapt down, followed closely by Hermione.

The next chamber was very dark and slimy. "What is this stuff?" Matt asked sitting on the thing he had landed on.

"Feels like a plant," Ron commented, poking it.

"Good thing they put it here," Matt said grinning, "Yeah" Ron agreed.

"Maybe not," Hermione said her voice high in fear as she began to struggle to her feet.

"What," Matt's head snapped over in Hermione's direction.

"It's Devils Snare," Hermione yelled, trying to pull free.

"What?" Ron asked as Matt started to struggle against it.

"It will strangle you," Matt said in panic, fighting against the bonds of the plant.

"Arrr," Ron yelled.

"Hermione are you free," Matt asked, still struggling.

"Yes but what can I do we need a fire." Hermione screamed.

"Cast the flames charm," Matt yelled back.

"Oh right," Hermione whipped out her wand. "Flammano!"

Orange flames flew from her wand onto the plant and the smell of burning started to fill the air, almost as soon the plant's feelers withdrew leaving the three panting on the floor.

"That was close," Ron remarked from the floor.

"Yeah," Matt panted.

The Matt who wasn't in the memory suddenly found himself in his mother's arm. "Oh my little boy," she cried.

"Mum," Matt hissed, clearly embarrassed. "Get-off."

Wiping tears from her eyes, Lilly let go of her son. Just as the Matt from the memory picked himself up from the floor and helped Hermione to her feet as Ron got up. The trio headed down the corridor with the party in tow and into the next room.

The key was easily caught by Matt and they were soon in the next room, the room with the giant chess pieces. The game went quickly enough and the game was won when Ron sacrificed himself.

Matt and Hermione stood over Ron.

"We can't leave him," Hermione said desperately.

"I know," Matt said sadly. "But it seems we don't have a choice. We have to stop Voldemort."

Hermione nodded before turning to the door, Matt right behind her.

The troll room was also uneventful, the smell was the most dangerous part of the room, it was enough to knock someone out. But the pair made it through and as they stood in the next room, next to the table with the potions on it, purple fire behind them, black in-front. Matt held one potion in his hand Hermione held the other.

"Go back and get Dumbledore." Matt said. "I'll go on ahead."

"Matt," Hermione started.

"Please Hermione," Matt said. "I've trained all my life for this, I have to do this."

"Alright, good luck," Hermione said. Matt just nodded before draining the potion. Waiting until Hermione had stepped through the purple flames the Matt in the memory turned back to the black flames and stepped through.

When the party entered the next room Matt was standing in-front of the mirror, bound and he was telling Quirrell what he saw in the mirror. Then a voice called out of no-where

"He lies." It hissed.

"Tell what you really see!" Quirrell roared.

"Let me speak to him, face to face." The voice hissed.

"Master you are not strong enough," Quirrell whimpered.

"Do not tell me what I can do!" The voice screamed and Quirrell screamed as well, pulling at his turban until it fell away but you couldn't see the back of his head yet. Matt took this chance while Quirrell was in pain and distracted to throw himself to the floor and grab his wand that was at Quirrell's feet and casting a cutting charm to sever the bonds.

"Kill him!" The voice roared and Quirrell lunged forward and a duel began. Quirrell threw a boil curse at Matt who threw up a shield just in time.

"Stupefy!" Matt cried.

"Protego," Quirrell countered.

"Turn around Quirrell," a voice hissed coming from the back of Quirrell's head.

Quirrell did as he was told and Lilly screamed when she saw what was on Quirrell's head.

"Now Matt," Voldemort said. "You are a powerful wizard so I have an offer for you, join me and I will give you everything you could ever want. Anything you can dream up you can have, all this if you give me the stone."

"I'll never join you." Matt hissed back.

"Then you will die," Voldemort hissed.

"No!" Matt shouted "Stupefy."

"Crucio!" Shouted Quirrell and Lilly cried out as Matt fell to the ground, writhing. Quirrell lifted the curse after a few seconds and Matt lay panting in the corner.

"Well, well the famous Potter, loses to Lord Voldemort what a day this is."

"You haven't won yet." Matt said defiantly.

"You have no spells to use against me and are cornered and soon to be dead but before I kill you and take the stone from your pocket I must ask you one thing. How did you survive?!" Voldemort hissed in venom.

"I don't know how I survived no-one does, I don't even remember that night." Matt said with the same defiance in his voice as he stared Voldemort right in the eye.

"Very well then," Voldemort said with a smirk, "you may kill him."

"NO!" Harry shouted stepping forward and the all of the party were surprised to see him standing there.

"Harry, no!" Matt from the memory yelled.

"Kill them both!" Voldemort shouted in fury.

Still facing Harry Quirrell raised his wand, "Avada," and that was as far as he got, for Matt leapt up and grabbed his arm.

"Ah!" Quirrell screamed as his arm began to burn. Quirrell swung his arm around wildly trying to through Matt off but he held on. Pointing his wand Quirrell started to say the killing curse but Matt seeing what he was doing let go of his arm. Spinning around Quirrell had a spell on his lips before Matt was even off the floor. "Avada" Quirrell started but Matt flung out his legs and whipped Quirrell's legs out from under him, sending him tumbling to the ground and his spell shot up at the ceiling, causing some stones to fall. Matt flung himself out of the way of the stones but having not had much physical training the movement through him off balance and gave Quirrell the chance he needed.

"Avada Kedavra!" Quirrell shouted.

Matt just had time to through himself to the ground as the killing curse shot over his head but he didn't see the large piece of stone fall from the ceiling. It hit Matt hard and a nasty crack was heard and Matt slumped on the floor and the memory went black.