Author's Note (April 27, 2010): Hi :) thanks for stopping by and giving a go at my first attempts at fan fiction ;P Just letting you know that it is a work in progress and I am still working and editing it. (Dont worry, I wont change the plot and such, just minor details and grammar mistakes xP) So please enjoy! And let me know what you think ^_^ Have fun!


Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies



Chapter 1: Akiyama Hitomi:

Hitomi slowly closed her eyes at the monotone sound of her teacher's voice, but abruptly opened them when she began to feel the feeling slip away from her toes and fingers, afraid she might collapse right then and there. She turned around slightly observing who had seen her sudden shake up. Hitomi sighed, not so much relieved, but rather bored at the idea that her classmates were in the same state. The flapping of a bird's wings made her turn her attention outside, where everything was sunny and perfect and fun, but most of all free from the strict rules of "teenage nature". She smiled thankful for being seated next to the window, where she would lately escape from the now seeming on going lectures of God-knows-what. A pair of birds chirped their way up the gray roof making way to a group of students jogging on a burnt golden track, closely followed by their noisy gym teacher. A sudden breeze made the trees wake from their midmorning slumber, only to happily dance with the subtle charming wind. It was all so liberating to her...

"Miss Akiyama Hitomi!"

A harsh voice snapped her attention towards the head of the classroom. The old teacher was holding his heavy book as well as his heavy look down upon her.

"Did you not hear me?!" He asked in his shaky and furious voice, obviously a task compared to his usual "blah" tone, "For the last time I will ask you, what is the answer for number five?!"

Hitomi hesitated for a moment, mouth agape, as she took in his words. She blinked and abruptly stood up, dropping a clutter of plain blue notebooks and half-finished papers. She stole a glance of the irritated old man, but quickly stared down at the floor instead; looking for the answer was hard enough. Hitomi fumbled with her fingers over her stomach working to buy some time as she mumbled to herself, trying as hard as she could to remember the last page of the book she actually studied. All her work went to waste, however, when all she could grasp was blank space. The heat from the eyes around her made it difficult to even breath.

The old man huffed what was probably meant to be a sigh, "I see you have, once again, forgotten to do your homework. It's been three times, Miss Akiyama, three times this week I've caught you with your head in the clouds! This is hardly the attitude I expect from a class 'A' student. Get yourself together! Or reconsider your status at this school!"

Hitomi nodded embarrassed as she whispered, "It won't happen again." She cautiously began to pick up her belongings as she heard the snickering of her neighborly peers. She sneaked back into her seat, when the teacher resumed his lecture. The man was a shrewd very short seventy-three year old man, with crooked glasses, complete with the left crystal half broken. It often made Hitomi wonder if her teachers were paid to look that way, to don the attire of a dusty old painter to inspire in the students...what? Pity? Or was it to perhaps scare attention to their "well made" lessons? Hitomi sighed flipping through her book, noticing she was three pages away from the lesson at hand.

A girl raised her hand, soon after the relic began to teach.

"Oh what now, Miss Higurashi?" The man peered impatiently through his oily glasses.

The girl with long black hair and green uniform stood up from her seat. "Sensei, it's my fault Hitomi didn't know her place, sir. I asked her a question from our physics class. I guess she got so lost in thought she could not hear you, sir." The girl gave a sympathetic smile to Hitomi, as she attempted to cover for her friend.

The man's eyes shuffled between the two girls with a stern grunt, "Miss Higurashi, what kind of trick are you pulling here?!" he exclaimed suddenly, "Miss Akiyama, please don't let this," he glanced a distasteful look at the girl, "dead weight bring you down, who by the way has yet to make up last week's test." Miss Higurashi ducked her head, regretting ever confronting him. "When you are in my class you pay attention to my class," He screamed to the whole class.

"Yes Mr. Mori!" The students replied in unison before the man tried once again to do his job.

Hitomi mouthed a thank you to her friend as soon as the teacher's back was turned, only to receive a warm smile. Higurashi Kagome. Hitomi had been friends with her ever since she could remember. Her parents, good friends of the Higurashi family, practically raised both girls together. Always looking for ways to play together, both girls spent countless days and nights together. They would set up their porcelain dolls during the doll festival and dress up in their best kimonos to have tea and rice cakes with their imperial court. During the Flower Viewing festival, Hitomi, along with her father, would join Kagome and her family to a picnic under the cherry blossoms where they would sing and enjoy each other's presence. After Hitomi's mother passed away, every autumn, Kagome would accompany Hitomi to her mother's grave to pay their respects and also to keep her updated with all of their colorful adventures.

Everywhere Kagome went, Hitomi would tag along, and vice versa. No one ever saw one without the other; the inseparable duo who would pick each other up from the ground when needed. It was all bliss and games when it came to these girls. However, times drastically changed as the two entered High School. At first, the two were thrilled to see that they were both accepted at the same school, that they would spend their last teenage years together. But everything changed when their different goals drove them through different pathways.

Hitomi, by her father's high academic standards, was expected to do her best in school. "You are no longer a child, Hitomi," Her father's words always present in her mind, "I think you know what is best for you. For your future." In order to please her father, Hitomi sharpened herself into one of the school's top ten, sacrificing many things along the way. But none of this seemed to matter to her, at least on the outside. As long as her father was happy she was satisfied, or so she had told everyone who would ask.

Kagome, on the other hand, was given something any student would love to have; a family backing her up on her decisions no matter what. Her family trusted her unconditionally, treated her more like an adult rather than the child that she was. Even though Hitomi was on the opposite side of the balance, she never felt jealousy or envy toward her friend. On the contrary, she always was willing to help her friend in anyway she could. Lending her her notes from the days she had missed (which were many, in fact), to occasionally tutoring her when Kagome had to cram for the countless tests she had to make up the following day. Her generous soul seemed to never stop giving, no matter what.

Unfortunately, the two girls no longer see each other as much as they wish for. Between Hitomi's studies and Kagome's unexplained illnesses, there really wasn't much time left for them to act like the sisters they used to be. This seemed to affect Hitomi the most. After all of their joyous childhood together, now she only receives a occasional chit chat to try to fill in the countless gaps that seem to never end. Although she would refuse to admit it, she would always feel lost every time she would walk up to her friend.

At three o' clock sharp, the bell rang announcing the end of the day. Hitomi began to walk out her last classroom and into the halls, her long brown hair waving behind her. Students and teachers made their way passed her as she walked out the main gate looking down at the floor. Everything in her life seemed to be in slow-motion. Her simple life became nothing more than a circuit of rituals. Wake up, go to school, do homework, go to cram school, do more homework, go to sleep. Everyone around her was happily laughing and gossiping with their friends and boyfriends, discovering and enjoying their teenage lives. She felt forgotten by her peers in the middle of a mountain of books. Was this how her life was supposed to end up?

"Hitomi! Wait up!" Hitomi turned back to the young girl's voice.

"Kagome, how have you been?" She asked with a smile.

The girl arrived catching her breath, she had forgotten how quickly her friend could walk, "Did Mori sensei assign you extra work? You seem pretty down."

"Oh, no no. Nothing like that," Hitomi shook her head while laughing, "Sorry, I was just lost in thought again."

Kagome rolled her eyes jokingly as they both headed home side by side, "That's just like you Mi-chan."

Hitomi smiled at her nickname. It had been a while since they both had used it. What started as a cute way to pass the time, quickly became their 'super-cool-secret-code names'. Hitomi stuck out her tongue at her, " And you keep skipping school. You sure get sick a lot lately. Haven't I told you to wear your socks inside the house? I still think that's why you got the...what was it last time? Pneumonia with a heavy case of strep throat?"

Kagome laughed it off, "Uh, yeah, I guess so...Oh!" she said, perhaps too quickly, "Do you have Cram School today? Mom is making her famous dumplings. Do you think you can make it for dinner tonight. I am sure everyone would love to have you over."

"Sure, I 'd love to. Cram school was suspended for today, so there will be no problem there, Me-chan." Hitomi smiled, "I think the last time I called you Me-chan was when we were I middle school."

Kagome nodded as she laughed, "Yeah, that was when you were becoming the big brain in class."

Hitomi simply nodded lightly, saying nothing further. The blaring horns of the cars sped by them, muffling the conversations of other groups of students walking by. An idle silence crept behind them when Kagome noticed how Hitomi slipped back into one of her thoughtful moods, something relatively new that Kagome had a hard time adjusting to.

"I mean, it's great that you are really smart," Kagome began in a soft voice, "I bet you'll become a successful businesswoman one day. Or even a doctor or a lawyer."

Hitomi shook her head breaking into a small smile, "Yes, after all that's what father expects from me."

The two girls walked up the shrine which belongs and is run by Kagome's family. They walked through a gravel path that snakes its way through the shrine, and at times stopping and remembering each other of the games they used to play in the sunset light. Eventually, they reached a small house at the back of the shrine. Hitomi smiled at the small cottage-looking place. Even the air around her seemed to smell familiar.

"Mom, I'm home," Kagome announced as she and her friend took off their shoes at the entrance.

"Oh, hi dear," a lady with cropped hair was wiping her hands on her white apron as she poked her head through the kitchen door, "Why, is that you Hitomi-chan?" She walked towards the entrance in a hurried pace, "I haven't seen you in quite some time. How is your father?"

Hitomi bowed deeply, "He is doing very well, Mrs. Higurashi. Thank you for asking."

"Mom, I invited Hitomi for dinner, hope you don't mind?" Kagome said setting her bag on the side.

"Why of course not, dear," She turned to Hitomi and gave her her signature motherly smile, "You are always welcome in our home, Hitomi-chan. Please enjoy your stay."

Hitomi bowed in gratitude when suddenly she heard soft footsteps approaching from behind her, along with the rumble of a small argument. She smiled warmly to see it was Kagome's grandfather, the actual keeper of the Higurashi shrine, and Kagome's younger brother Souta, arguing over the meaning of some old artifact. Hitomi greeted them warmly; it felt somehow like seeing long lost relatives again, with the old man telling her how much she has grown and with the young boy saying how much he'd missed her. The whole family was seated now at the dinner table, along with their guest, not letting time go by without a sound. The aromas, sights and taste of the food made Hitomi's day; she hadn't seen home cooking like this since she was a young child. Hitomi laughed and clapped at Souta's new yo-yo trick, elated to see him so big now. She remembered how Kagome and her waited impatiently at the hospital's nursery, eager to meet their new baby brother. They were only nine when Hitomi's father rushed them to the hospital, him seaming more nervous than Kagome's anguished yet cheerful mother.

"Oh yes I remember that day," Kagome's mom said with a happy laugh, "Your father could not stop asking me how I was doing. The nurses even had to give him some medication to calm him down."

"Wow, really?" Souta laughed.

"Souta was so cute when we saw him through the glass," Hitomi said.

"Hey! What do you mean 'was'?" he suddenly asked with a pout, making the table laugh as Hitomi apologized with a smile.

"I see your food is as delicious as ever, Mrs. Higurashi." Hitomi smiled politely as the table quieted down. She delicately placed another morsel of food in her mouth as proof of her sheer contentment.

"Well, I do try my best," Mrs. Higurashi laughed, "Oh why, Hitomi, shouldn't you call your father to tell him you are here? He might be worried."

"Oh, there is no need," Hitomi replied as she sat the black rice bowl down, "He is out of town right now and won't be coming back until tomorrow night."

"You mean, you are staying by yourself?" Kagome asked with the chopsticks still in her mouth.

"Well…yes. For the time being." Hitomi answered simply with a shy smile.

"It's not safe to stay alone, Hitomi-chan." Mrs. Higurashi began with a motherly tone, "Why don't you stay with us tonight?"

"I appreciate the offer, but I can't. You have done enough treating me to dinner, I don't want to take advantage of your kindness," The girl humbly refused a bit embarrassed.

Mrs. Higurashi shook her head and smiled, "Polite as always, Hitomi-chan. But please stay with us. I am sure your father would also feel better if you stayed with us than by yourself."


"I wont take no for an answer. Please." Mrs. Higurashi gave a playful smile as the rest of the table jumped in and persuaded her to stay. Slightly embarrassed she gave in.

After dinner, and after given the invitation she could not refuse, Hitomi followed Kagome to her bedroom to help her set up an extra bedding on the floor. Her room has changed very little over the years, Hitomi smiled as she ran her fingers over the same wooden furniture, the color pink splattered on all the fabrics surrounding them, proving over and over again that this was a young girl's bedroom. Kagome handed her some yellow pajamas with childish designs patterned across the cloth.

"Hitomi, you go ahead and take the bed and I'll sleep on the floor," Kagome announced with authority in her voice. She was almost one-hundred percent sure, Hitomi would oppose her decision.

"Kagome…," Hitomi began formulating her objection.

Kagome laughed as she spread a futon on the floor. "I know what you are going to say, but please, I'll sleep on the floor."

"Oh c'mon, first your mom and now you," Hitomi laughed, "can't I at least win one battle?"

"No." Kagome said simply as she poked her on the forehead, pushing her onto the bed, "Now goodnight," Kagome bid her friend before she got settled under the covers that laid on the floor, Hitomi watching her every move from where she was seated on the bed, holding a secret smile but not doing taking any action. Kagome turned questioningly, at her friend's odd looks, "Could you turn off the lig-" Her sentence got cut short by a baffling blow on the face. Kagome slowly opened her eyes as the pillow slipped from her face to the floor; Hitomi innocently looking away. The black haired girl quickly reached over to her side to grab a pillow nearby, when she was knocked off balance by another airborne pillow. She exhaled flustered as they both at once grabbed a nearest pillow and charged at each other. Laughter and screams were everywhere as they jumped around the small room, throwing pillows and stuffed animals at each other. It seemed like a close fight, but eventually Kagome came out as the victor, her loud cry of victory announcing it all. Out of breath and a tad tired of the short outburst of energy, the two looked at the situation and laughed at how they, just for a brief moment, returned to their childhood days. With a wide grin across their faces, they went back to their original beds, exchanged their "goodnights" and finally turned off the light.

Moonlight swallowed the room, crawling up the walls and floor. It was all quiet and still, except for the occasional breeze that caressed the closed window. A long moment passed between both girls as they stared at the ceiling, listening to the countless voices in their heads, unbeknownst to them that both were still wide awake.

"Me-chan... are you asleep?" Hitomi whispered softly, expecting nothing but silence.

"Mm nm." She shook her head.

A minute passed as Hitomi tried to sort out the right words. She knew she had to get it right in case she was wrong.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you," Hitomi whispered with her gaze upon the dark space, "The teachers say you've been in the hospital all this time, or bedridden at home…but seeing you now, you don't look sick at all…"

Kagome's face sunk in her pillow, the darkness covering her worried face. Great…how am I gonna explain that I've been…?

"You wouldn't lie to me…would you Kagome?" Hitomi's worried words poured out, "Please, tell me what's going on…If you are in any kind of trouble-"

"No don't worry about it." Kagome laughed and raised her arms up in defense, "It's not like that. I'm fine. Honest!"

"Then is it that two timing-boyfriend I've been hearing about?" Hitomi asked, "Is he keeping you from school?"

"Well…Yes, I guess you coul-"

"If that's the case, then why does your family cover for you? Don't they know how possessive he is?" Hitomi cut her off now raising her head toward Kagome's bed.

"No wait-it's not like that," Kagome nervously began.

Suddenly a loud sound stopped the girls' conversation. Who knew a simple sound would scare Kagome's blood cold. The bedroom window was swung open with incredible force. Fearing the worst, Kagome turned at the direction of the sound.

"Who told you could go back, stupid?!" yelled a shadowed figure crouched on the window sill.

Hitomi quickly switched on the light, to her surprise a boy, about their age, stood at the window. He was wearing a traditional red kimono, and had long silver hair and…dog ears? His golden eyes exploded with impatience as he stared down at Kagome. All Hitomi could do was just gaze breathless at this figure.

"Inuyasha…?!" Kagome gasped.

"Come on, lets go," The boy said, snatching Kagome's arm, she struggled in his grip, pushing him away as her vision became brighter and brighter, confused on what to do next with the sudden overcrowding of her room.

"Wait!" Hitomi yelled. The couple stopped. Hitomi stood up, shocked when suddenly it hit her. She rushed towards Inuyasha, now with a determined look, "You must be Kagome's two timing boyfriend, huh?" Hitomi asked right in his face, jabbing her finger onto his chest.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" He yelled back at the small girl.

"Hitomi, please don't misunderstand the situation here…" Kagome began laughing nervously not knowing what could come of this.

The girl didn't seem hear her but instead glared at the boy when suddenly curiosity led her through a more...strange way. She slowly lifted up her hands towards the cute little dog ears on his head, and inevitably began to pet them. The softness of them, the incredibly real texture. She was almost sure if she closed her eyes, the difference between a dog and him would be almost non-existant.

"Are they…real?" She asked with wide eyes of surprise.

Inuyasha's annoyance was apparent on his face, as he twitched under the girl's hands. Kagome quickly pulled Inuyasha way as she rushed towards the door.

"I'll be right back, Hitomi! It'll only take a sec…" She said running down the stairs with the boy dragging behind her.

Hitomi stood in her place, in awe of what had just happened. Just then, a small bottle on the floor caught her eye. She picked it up, only realizing its shiny contents. About a third of a pink jewel, it seemed, was sparkling inside the small belly of the bottle. He must have dropped it, She thought with a stern look in her eyes, That boy... before she knew it she was rushing down the stairs. She swung the back door open with a haste. Where have they gone? The door of a small hut to the north of her was open. As she drew in closer to the small building, she noticed two half lit figures argue. As soon as she saw their face, as if by command, the much larger shadowed figure grabbed the smaller one and pulled her down the well. Fearing for her friend's safety, Hitomi ran to the mouth of the well. Everything was pitch black. Not even the sound of their landing was heard. They can't still be falling...?!

"Kagome!" Hitomi shouted into the dark well.

No response. Not even an echo…? Hitomi grabbed hold of the sides of the well. She called a second time. No answer. She set one knee on the ancient piece of wood as she supported herself on the wooden sides. Hitomi leaned into the dark well to see better, but just then, she lost her balance and fell head first into the shadowy cave. For a second she felt the frightening feeling that she would never reach the end of the well. As she kept on falling, she opened her eyes to see strange blue and purple lights surrounding her, embracing her gently then setting her down on soft soil.

Hitomi looked up. The night sky was freckled with so many stars and a sparkling moon. She rubbed her eyes with the long yellow sleeves. But…the well was inside a building…right? She stood up and patted her pajamas when she noticed the vines hugging the well's wall. Using the natural ropes, she managed to pull herself up the, to her surprise, she was no longer in the small building, nor the Higurashi residence. Thick forest surrounded a small clearing where the well was positioned. Hitomi's bare feet came in contact with the cool grass as she stood up. What is this...? She looked around her, hands covering her mouth, Where am I? A breeze swept by her, bringing along with it the rich smell of wood burning. Turning in that direction, her heart skipped. There were lights at a distance. People!She thought as she began running towards the small cluster of ancient looking houses, with many questions circling in her mind.

"Where are you going little girl?" a voice hissed through the forest.

Hitomi's body trembled at the sound when she stopped abruptly turning towards it. A strong wind that came from the woods on her left, pushed her onto her back. Screaming in shock, Hitomi watched helplessly at a large shadowed figure stomp out of the forest. The silhouette of a giant rat began to race toward her, when Hitomi began to frantically move out of the way, however the rat caught up with her beforehand, destroying all her chances to get away. A swift clawed hand pinned Hitomi's neck onto a nearby tree, forcing her to see his ghastly features. The bloodshot eyes and row of yellow sharp teeth only a few inches away from her face made her scream even louder.

"Hand over the Shikon Jewel if you wish a painless death," The rat hissed as he tightened his grip on her neck.

Hitomi helplessly shook her head, not knowing what the rat wanted, as she desperately tried to push the giant powerful hand with her own weak hands. The rat relished in her squirming and laughed at the pitiful sight.

"Foolish human! You need to try harder than that!" He laughed menacingly bringing his free claw up in the air. "Well, I guess I'll get the jewel myself!"

Hitomi closed her eyes horrified through her bones, bracing herself for the upcoming suffering. Just then, out of the blue, he became surrounded by neon green ropes. The rat quickly turned to his newly arrived challenger, but before he could say another word, the green ropes approached the rat at an alarming speed, slicing him into pieces. The beast let out a terrible cry that echoed through the woods.

Hitomi fell onto the soft grass, gasping for air with her hands on her neck. Her heart raced as she stared at the pile of hot flesh in front of her. Out of the darkness, a man began to approach her from the direction of the neon ropes. She looked up, letting the rays of moonlight reveal her horrified expression. The man automatically stopped in his tracks, the moonlight only striking half of his body, making it hard for her to identify him as a friend or foe. Even then, how would she recognize the difference in this strange world she was thrown into. However, she noticed that the man had long silver hair and piercing golden eyes. He seemed to be staring back puzzled as he began to take a step forward.

"Hitomi!" a familiar voice called in the distance.

The man stopped. Hitomi spun around. Her eyes softened a bit in relief when she saw Kagome coming her way, but it was who was coming along with her that made her remain tense in her frozen position. It was an odd group; a girl with a huge boomerang on her back, a young man who donned the attire of a monk, and a small fox like creature were riding on top of a giant two tailed yellow fox, were following closely behind Kagome who was also riding on the back of the boy from before, Inuyasha. As they all arrived, Kagome jumped off and ran to her friend, enclosing her in her arms, while Inuyasha took out a large sword from a skinny sheath and faced the man.

"What do you want, Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha asked cockily at the man.

Hitomi turned to them and her eyes shot up in surprise. They look… alike she thought as she saw the same long silver hair and golden eyes on the tall man's white skin. The man's expression, however, was much calmer, a sort of indifferent look on his face, unlike his opponents who was angry and challenging. A blue crescent moon decorated his forehead as so did two dark magenta stripes that laid gently on each cheek. His clothes were of the finest, it seemed, that of which only ancient aristocrats would wear, complete with two swords on his side. As she was admiring the man before her, he looked down at her.

"Izumi…" he softly whispered, perhaps to himself, then asked the girl on the floor, totally ignoring the small look alike in front of him, "What is your name?"

Hitomi did nothing but stared at his expression. His eyes...there's something about them... In the shortness of her pause she quickly resolved that he was not a threat to her, at least now with the sudden burst in of people. She stood up quickly "A-Akiyama Hitomi," she said hastily as she bowed deeply to him in heavy gratitude, "Thank you for coming to my aid, sir."

"He did what..?" Kagome asked as he looked at the man in disbelief. Everyone else seemed to be asking themselves the same question as they looked at the man. His gaze was locked on the young girl's submissive stance without changing his indifferent expression, as he ignored the people around them. Suddenly, the man, without saying another word turned around and began walking back to where he came from. Hearing his fainting footsteps, Hitomi looked up only to watch her hero slip away.

"I thought you didn't like humans, Sesshomaru." Inuyasha tauntingly said putting his sword over his shoulder.

The young man did not heed at his words, "You obviously don't know a thing, do you?" he replied. With that last thought, he left the group, disappearing into the thick forest.