Disclaimer: Once again I do not own Inuyasha.

I've decided that I will make this chapter longer and more interesting. I'm hoping that I will be able to make Sesshomaru fall in love more with the hard-headed Kagome in this chapter! Well, enjoy the chapter!!

Also the title of this chapter does not mean only Kagura and Kagome are playing it. Someone else is playing a game with her too!! ^_^


Kagura turned around to look at Sesshomaru with surprise clearly shown on her face. She quickly recovered and tears started forming in her eyes. "Sesshomaru-sama! Can you believe what that wench did to me? She slapped me when I didn't even do anything wrong!"

Sesshomaru glared at Kagura getting even angrier by the minute because Kagura had the guts to lie to him when he could sense it and he even saw it with his own eyes. He gave Kagura one of his deathliest glares and then walked away to look for Kagome as Kagura cowered in fear, her tears disappearing quickly. "W-wait, Sesshomaru- sama!" She was about to follow him but stopped short another idea coming to her. This time she would have him for sure.

Chapter 7

Let the Games Begin Pt. 2

Kagome huffed angrily towards Sesshomaru's dorm room just as Jaken passed by about to make a rude remark when Kagome turned to look at him with the scariest glare ever that it scared Jaken half to death. "Let me in right now!" She snapped. Scared Jaken took out the keys with shaky hands and quickly let her in. She then stomped in and went straight to her room slamming the door loudly.

"I cannot believe the nerve of what Kagura had just done. Hmph, she deserved that slap to the face. It'll teach her to mess with me!" Kagome humphed triumphantly. She then hoped suddenly that Kagura wouldn't cause anymore problems, although she hardly doubt it.

Kagome then put her head on her fluffy pillow and screamed loudly in frustration. First, she gets stuck with one of the coldest vampires ever with an asshole of a brother then she finds out that her 'master' has a bitchy girlfriend. Her new homeroom teacher is a perv who stares at her in a creepy way that makes her shiver and now the bitchy girlfriend is pulling childish pranks on her. "Ugh, what more can there be?" She asked herself sighing inwardly.


Sesshomaru followed Kagome to his dorm room (or more like dorm house) and happened to pass by a very scared Jaken. "What is the matter, Jaken?" He asked emotionless.

"S-Sesshomaru- sama, I-I have just seen a witch. Her hair was standing up on the air, she looked like Medusa. B-be very careful if you go in there. I'm sure there is to be a storm!" Jaken answered as he scurried away.

"Hmm, she must be very angry. What has Kagura done to make her like this?" Sesshomaru asked himself curiously as he walked into the luxurious dorm house.

He gracefully walked towards Kagome's room and was about to barge into her room, but thought against it and instead knocked.

"DON'T BOTHER ME!!" was the answer that the human girl inside answered.

"You will not talk to me in that manner," Sesshomaru said coldly although inside he was amused. Kagura must have made her angry.

"O-oh, it's you," Kagome faltered slightly from her anger as she stuttered embarrassed from her childish act. "Come in."

As Sesshomaru walked in she sat up from her bed and stared into the emotionless mask of the beautiful but cold vampire Sesshomaru.

"What has made you angry like this?" Sesshomaru asked although he already knew some of what happened. He just wanted her to tell him, although in a more detailed way.

"I'm not angry!" Kagome answered defiance in her eyes.

"Is that so?" Sesshomaru asked as he moved closer to Kagome slowly a thought coming to his mind. "I guess I should make this more interesting. Besides, she's very…amusing."


"I guess you leave me no choice then," he said a smirk coming on his face. He then moved onto the bed moving in on Kagome who scooted away in surprise.

"H-hey, what are you doing?" She stuttered out from surprise.

"Giving you punishment for not telling me what had happened between you and Kagura." Sesshomaru answered as if it was not the obvious answer. "Now then, will you tell me or not?"

Kagome slid closer to the headboard looking scared as she imagined what Sesshomaru would do to her. "This can not be happening. If he touches me ever so slightly I will use self defense!" She thought although she was uncertain if she could do it.

As Sesshomaru came closer she felt it harder to protect her for he was stronger than her and she was just a mere fragile human. "I-if you even touch me I'll hit you!"

Sesshomaru chuckled. "What can a human like you do to someone like me? Now, human can you tell me what Kagura did to you or do you want me to give you your punishment?" He had already cornered Kagome with both of his hands blocking her from escape.

With her back to the headboard she knew that she couldn't escape. Still, as a stubborn girl she kept her mouth shut. He would not let him know and whatever he did would still not work. She turned her head away from Sesshomaru's cold demanding eyes baring her neck to him. Suddenly she felt Sesshomaru lick her neck causing her to shiver and whimper a little as his fangs suddenly touched her neck.

He nipped on her neck a little making sure she did not bleed. He then moved to face her and asked once again, "Now will you tell me?" She shook her head no quickly and he was surprised although he did not show it. Did she really want him to do this? He did not really mind though because it was really amusing.

A light smile showed on his face surprising Kagome that he was actually enjoying this. Playing with her! Before she knew it his lips were on her. "Mph!" She gasped. Sesshomaru took advantage of this and moved into her mouth. She tasted so sweet, sweeter than the other girls he had kissed. He found that he wanted more of this and kissed her even deeper.

Kagome could not believe this was happening and she was somehow…liking this? "No! I do not like this! H-he's a vampire! He's just playing with me!!" Without her realizing it his hand had slipped under her shirt and was going towards her breasts.

Squeaking from surprise she struggled to keep his hands away from it. Breaking from the deep kiss she shouted out, "FINE I'LL TELL YOU!!" She quickly covered her mouth surprised from what she just said.

Sesshomaru smirked. "I wasn't done yet. But if you tell me, I guess I'll have to finish this next time." He wanted to taste more of her sweetness. He was already addicted to her taste after just kissing her once and for some reason he was already turned on. "I can't believe that this human girl can already make me like this."

"What does he mean by that?" She asked herself quite surprised that he would say that but for some reason she kind of wanted him to do it. Quickly shoving that to the back of her mind, she told him what had happened getting embarrassed to having to tell about the water pouring and that she couldn't get to them in time.

She was surprised that he would listen to her story and was he somehow interested with it? Although he didn't show it she could kind of see it upon his features. She was really good at reading other people's faces, it was a talent of hers.

Once she finished he nodded his head. "I see. Hmm, she has never done this before. You must have really ticked her off."

"Hmph! She deserves it, plus I can tell why she does that." Sesshomaru gave her a questioning look. "Oh, don't tell me you haven't noticed! Ugh, I'm serious, guys are definitely dense. Not to be rude though." He nodded his head saying that it didn't matter.

"Well, it's obvious that she likes you and wants to stay with you. Plus, she's like the alpha female who does not want something of hers to be taken away. Although she does treat you like a play thing she still likes you. Hmm, it's kind of strange. She must have done this already. I mean she seems so use to tricking other girls already and- Ah I must be talking to much." Kagome smiled weakly when she looked at Sesshomaru.

Besides, why was she telling him this anyways? They aren't friends or anything. She's just one of his possession that he can use and just throw away in minutes. One question was still hanging in her head and she wanted to ask him so badly.

"What is it that you want to say?" Sesshomaru asked, noticing how she was struggling with herself. It really was amusing and he knew that he would never tire of her.

"W-well, why do you keep Kagura anyways?" Kagome asked looking into his eyes with a look so innocent that he just wanted to take her right then and make her his.

Controlling his hormones, he was just about to tell her when Rin suddenly burst in tears streaking her face. "Waah! Sesshomaru- sama, you left Rin behind!!!"

Kagome looked at Rin and although she wanted to hear what Sesshomaru was going to say she wanted to cheer the little girl down. She did have a weakness for little kids anyways, especially cute ones.

Sesshomaru stared at Rin and was obviously disappointed. She always found a way to interrupt him whenever he wanted to be alone with someone. With her interrupting Kagura was fine, but for some reason he did not like her interrupting his time with Kagome. He did not want to admit it but he enjoyed talking to Kagome and every second with her was interesting.

Before he was about to tell Rin that she should not have disturbed them both Kagome got out of her bed and hugged the crying little girl. "There, there, Rin, it's okay. We didn't forget you. I was just asking Sesshomaru if I could take you to the park!"

"Really?" Rin asked her eyes lighting of immediately.

Kagome nodded and looked at Sesshomaru who nodded his head. "I shall go with you. It is not good to leave a helpless woman and girl alone with a bunch of vampires." He said getting up from the bed and walking out of the door. "Be ready in 5 minutes."

"Hai!!" Rin exclaimed zooming away to her room.

Kagome smiled softly, she reminded her of her little brother. She was suddenly struck with sadness and wanted to cry but held back her tears. She knew that she would never see them again. It pained her so badly but she shook her head quickly to make the pain disappear. She would not think about it. "The past is the past." She whispered quietly as she plastered a fake smile on her face as she walked to the Rin's room.

While Sesshomaru walked to his room to get ready for the park, he had heard Kagome mumbled "The past is the past." What had happened to her past? Is it why it has made Kagome such a stubborn, defensive girl who seemed to hate vampires? He then decided to ask Kagome another time, for now was the time to make Rin and Kagome happy.


Kagura went to Naraku's classroom only to be surprised to see him with someone else. This girl had a similarity to Kagome. Heck, she could even be Kagome's twin. Quietly she listened to what they were talking about.

"So Kikyo, do you know who Higurashi Kagome is?" Naraku asked in a seductive voice just as he finished kissing her.

Kikyo was breathless and stared into his eyes. "Higurashi Kagome? Hmmm, I think I've heard of her before. She's that human girl with Sesshomaru right?"

"Of course. Who else?" Naraku asked impatiently.

"Well, there have been rumors about her and Sesshomaru. She's also been having trouble with Kagura, a woman who always hangs around Sesshomaru like a whore. But other than that I know noting else." Kikyo answered coolly.

Kagura who had over heard that wanted to slap Kikyo so badly but refrained herself from doing so as she listened on more.

"But are you not her own sister?" Naraku asked. "Do you not know any weaknesses of hers?"

Kikyo shrugged as if she did not care about her own sis. "Well, I've never been with her much so I didn't really care, besides that innocent act of hers annoys me. Her smile and everything else about her is annoying. Now, can I leave now? I do not want to be seen with a teacher less I get in trouble."

Kagura then hid herself in the shadows as Kikyo walked away coolly. Once she disappeared Naraku spoke. "Kagura, how long do you wish to hide yourself?"

Kagura came out of the shadows and into the room to glare at him. "Naraku, you are pretty useless. You couldn't even seduct a girl to make her tell you more about Kagome."

Naraku gave her the same glare. "Do not underestimate me. Before you came she has already given me enough information. Hm, that little twerp has quite a past. It's a bit interesting."

Kagura looked at Naraku hungrily, wanting to know the information. "Tell, me Naraku."

"Tsk, tsk, Kagura. I won't tell you anything for now. You should just go learn it yourself." Naraku answered playfully.

Kagura then glared daggers at Naraku. "Fine," she spat. "I'll figure it out myself! But I'll have you know, I will get my Sesshomaru back!" With that she stomped away.

Naraku smirked. He could not wait to have Kagome to himself. It will be fun to play with her.


Kagome felt herself shiver all of a sudden. "Ne, Kagome-sama, are you cold?" Rin asked noticing her shiver.

"N-no, I'm fine." She answered with a fake smile on, though she felt as if someone was talking about her and planning to do something really bad to her.

Sesshomaru glanced at Kagome noticing her panicked eyes. He could also sense that Kagura would not stop what she is doing until she gets what she wants. "I swear that if she does something that could mentally scar Kagome I will kill her." He thought in his head without hesitation until he realized what he had just said. "What am I talking about? I'm now defending a human? Being with these two girls is definitely giving me a headache." He sighed to himself although he couldn't help but to smile to himself. Yes, at whatever cost he will protect her.


They had finally made it back to the dorm house and Kagome was exhausted. Rin was so full of energy that she pulled her everywhere. But Kagome did meet a new friend though. His name is Shippo and he's the same age as Rin. Although he is a vampire he was very nice and polite to Kagome and very entertaining to be with. "Hee, I hope to meet Shippo again." She smiled to herself.

She was just about to retire in her bed when she was interrupted by Sesshomaru. "Kagome, tonight you will be sleeping with me."

"W-what?!" Kagome gasped. "No way! Why would even say that?"

"Because I know that if I leave you to sleep by yourself Kagura could attack you any minute." He explained.

"B-but Rin will be sleeping with me." She said weakly knowing that Kagura could care less about Rin getting hurt.

"Kagome, you do not know Kagura well enough." Sesshomaru said coldly. "The prank she put on you was just the beginning. I'm surprised that that was all she did. Usually she would do something more…creative."

"Hah! So she has done this to the others! You lied to me!" Kagome burst out saying.

"I did not lie. For your information, you are only the second human that I had taken."

"What?" Kagome stared at Sesshomaru in surprise. "T-then how-"

"Kagura simply attacked the girls that flirted or tried to court with me." He interrupted before she could finish her sentence. He then turned towards his room. "I expect you to be in my room in no less than 10 minutes."

Kagome was speechless. She couldn't say anything after that and quickly turned in the other direction towards her room. "I will not go into his room! I WILL NOT!!!"

10 Minutes Later

Kagome appeared before Sesshomaru's bedroom door in her pajamas which was a simple silky night dress (that was very comfy and her favorite color, a beautiful dark green) and soon debated with herself about whether to go in or not. She was just about to turn around and go sleep in her room when Sesshomaru's voice came from within.

"Are you trying to run away Kagome?" That stopped her short and she started to become angry.

Angrily she barged into the room. "I'm not going to run away!" And stomped right up to him. "Well, I'm here! Now what do you want?" She humphed angrily crossing her arms.

Sesshomaru chuckled then (which was very rare of him) but as soon as it came it ended. He was very surprised that Kagome would agree to come to his room and on the plus side she looked very sexy at that moment in the nightdress. It was very arousing. Kagome was very shocked at this turn of events and even forgot about her anger when he suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. "You will be mine tonight."

Just as he was about to kiss Kagome, Rin suddenly burst into the bedroom (once again). "Sesshomaru-sama, Kagome-sama! Don't forget about Rin too. Rin wants to sleep with you both too!"

Sesshomaru sighed almost losing his temper. He was losing his patients with this little human girl. Of course he took her in, but it was only because he pitied her. Now she was interrupting every little thing he did with Kagome. But once again he held it in and kept his face emotionless.

Kagome giggled softly. She knew this was starting to annoy Sesshomaru but it was fun to see him like this. She had always thought that he was a cold emotionless vampire but she guessed that he could be nice at times too.

Sesshomaru suddenly caught her eyes and he looked at her so intensely that she felt her blood rising up to her cheeks. She then looked away and covered her face as her heart started beating very fast. What was he doing to her? "No, he's a vampire!"

"Gosh what are you doing to yourself Kagome. So what if he's a vampire no let me correct that a hooooot vampire! Damn girl if I were you I would have jumped him already!" Her inner self told her.

"What are you saying. You are me and why am I talking to myself?! Gaah! I must be going crazy!!" She exclaimed to herself.

Sesshomaru stared at Kagome curiously. She was once again arguing with herself. Curiosity got the better of him so he asked, "Kagome, what is bothering you?"

"E-eh? Nothing at all!" Kagome exclaimed as she felt herself start to blush again. "W'well, good night!" She then quickly got onto his bed and put the covers over her head. Sesshomaru held in his laughter as Rin stared at her curiously thinking about why Kagome had suddenly done that.

Curious she went under the covers too to face Kagome. "Ne, Kagome-nee-chan, why was your face all red before?" She asked. Kagome had told her to call her Kagome-nee-chan instead of Kagome-sama because she felt weird so that was why she called her that now.

"U-um, it's like that sometimes Rin-chan. So yea." Kagome answered weakly. "Well, it's late now so let's go to sleep!" Kagome then closed her eyes shut and pretended to sleep while Rin shut her eyes shut and fell asleep instantly.

Sesshomaru then got onto his bed too (because he had gotten off while talking to Rin) and an idea suddenly formed in his head. "Heh, heh, it will be fun to tease Kagome tonight."

Sorry but I'm ending it at that and as I promised the chapter is longer. I will make the chapter longer for the next one too!!! Hope you enjoy this one and I hope to update the next chapter soon too!!

Remember to review and tell me your opinion of this chapter too!!!

For sad_and_lonly_girl and Serenity digo19: thank you for your advice! I hope this satisfies you enough! More seduction will happen on in later chapters too!

I hope that in the next chapter I can make the other Inuyasha characters appear more too!! Well, thnx for reading! Until next time!!!