Hey guys, you may or may not be happy to see me

Hey guys, you may or may not be happy to see me. anyways, I have been away for a long time, researching for other fanfics I have been sketching out. The other day I was going through my e-mail and saw that something had been updated on . I then remembered that I still have an unfinished story on here, so I went to my story, re-read it and realized why I had stopped working on it. I never figured out where the story was going to go. I have been up for the past 2 weeks thinking about and now I'm back! The chapters will be longer, and much more exciting. Updates will begin on October 18th , every other weekend. Hope you can forgive me for my extended break.

P.S. Two more things:

1. The main reason I have not been on is I got xbox live and have been playing nonstop.

2. If you noticed my authoring name has changed, It is now YYW 2009. That is also my gamertag.