Sorry for taking so long. I've been going to interviews and I've been playing my Transformers game a lot and I can't believe how far I've gotten. Anyways, enough of that. This chapter contains a lot of Hotshot/Solicits fluff in this chapter and I'm usually not good with romance and stuff like that. I know Solicits is a type of car but who cares? It's a good name for a transformer :D also note, this chapter is smutty so you have been warned.

It's My Life

Chapter Eight: The romance begins and surprises

Solicits smiled as she snuggled closer to Hotshot. The berth was large enough for both of them to fit and she would have cracked up if the yellow bot had fallen. Her red optics looked up at the sleeping innocent face of Hotshot. She knew that she shouldn't be sleeping with him, and she knew that Optimus would have her head. The reason why she stayed with him was because of nightmares. Images of her best friend filled through her mind and she still couldn't believe that they would be fighting each other in this battle. A battle that was not meant for them.

Sol begun to leave butterfly kisses on Hotshot's face as she giggled softly. He murmured under his breath as he brought the silver/light blue gray femme closer to him. She had never tried this before, but she had seen couples at her school do it as she flicked her glossa (tongue for human) over his neck as he shuddered. His sky blue optics flashed as he looked at the female that he loved.

"Took you a while to wake up sleepy head."

Hotshot smiled as he kissed her on the lips and she groaned when he pulled away. "What time is it?"

Sol looked at the timepiece on the nightstand, "10:30 am."

"It's too early to wake up at this hour," grumbled Hotshot.

"Your too stubborn you know that?"

Hotshot smiled as he lifted Sol's chin with his index finger and looked directly into her optics; he could see his reflection but he knew that Solicits was looked directly back at him with such love and loyalty. Never in her life had she had anyone care about her as Hotshot did. It made her laugh every time when he was jealous but that was in the pas now and she was happy with Hotshot. He was such a gentleman.

Hotshot leaned down and captured his lips with hers and Sol's optics intricately went off-line, enjoying the sensation that the other mech was giving her. His glossa traced her lips as she shivered at how sensitive her lip could be. She gasped as Hotshot took advantage of this and his glossa entered her mouth, tasting every part of her. Their glossa's dueled against each other as Hotshot begun to play with the wires on her chest. Sol couldn't help but shudder as she arched into his touch. It felt so good that she begun to trace his chest plate and the wires as he moaned as she begun to dig deeper into his armor.

She licked his chin and than licked and bit the sensitive part of his neck. It was his time to shudder as his fingers dug deeper into her armor. She tried to ignore the pleasure but she was shaking now as Hotshot rolled on top of her. She smiled sweetly at him as she cupped his face with both of her palms. He was panting as he looked at her.

"I love you so much Sol. I don't know how I can live without you," He whispered. He took one of her wrist and kissed it.

"Don't you think we should tell Optimus about our relationship? I'm pretty sure there will be rumors flying all over the base," remarked Solicits.

"What would happen if he refused a relationship in the base? Besides, this is a war and I don't think Optimus would bring us to an end Sol."

Solicits sighed as she wrapped her arms around Hotshot's neck, lowering him down a bit till he rested his elbows on the table, his face close to the beautiful silver face. She kissed him.

"I don't know what to think right now. All I'm just glad that I'm with you Hotshot. I couldn't be happier."

Hotshot smiled as he nuzzled her neck, biting softly.

"You're going to leave a mark on me."

"Why should that bother you?"

Suddenly, the alarm system blared causing the two 'bots to groan in frustration than they heard Optimus's voice over the entire base.

"All Autobots please report to the command center stat."

Solicits gave Hotshot a look who shrugged in return as the got off the berth and headed towards the command center were Alexis was already typing on her laptop.

"Is it another minicon Optimus?" Asked Solicits.

"I'm afraid not Solicits," Optimus replied.

Solicits crossed her arms over her chest as she gaped at the computer screen. It was Starscream! He was being attacked, but by whom she didn't know. She watched as he crashed into the ground, his cannons dripping with energon.

"Why would Starscream be here?" Alexis questioned.

No one really had an answer to that as Optimus commanded everyone to be ready, just in case if Starscream would do anything to harm anyone of the Autobots. They meet Starscream outside the base while the kids looked onward on the computer screen. Starscream winced as energon traveled down to his joints and other places and noticed everyone had their weapons drawn right at him, except Optimus who had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Why have you come here Starscream?"

Starscream lowered his head, ruby optics glinting as the sun's ray hit him. "I was betrayed by Megatron and the other Decepticons. They gained up on me and Thrust had followed me here, trying to finish me off. This was the only place I could think of."

"You can't honestly believe him Optimus! He'll double cross us like Sideways!" Hotshot shouted.

Solicits remained quiet at the whole situation. She would have to ask Hotshot who Sideways was when this whole situation was over. Her optics traveled towards the wounded seeker and she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. She lowered her plasma gun and placed it back in the holster while Sideswipe gave her a weird look.

"What's your problem Sol?" Sideswipe asked.

"I have a feeling that he's telling the truth Sideswipe," Solicits whispered.

Sideswipe stayed silent as Optimus and Starscream chattered. Starscream winced as he stood up, and looked at the Autobots and noticed a female among them. Since when did Optimus asked help from a femme? Right now, he could care less and he just wanted a nice recharge.

"My Autobot friends. Starscream will be staying with us for a while. It seems that he was betrayed by Megatron and his men," Optimus replied.

"But Optimus sir!" Hotshot started, "How can we be sure that he wont betray us?"

"Hotshot has a point," Blurr replied. The blue, white and gold mech had his fingers tightened around his laser gun. He would not hesitate to shoot a Decepticon.

"Do you think we should know the facts first?" Solicits piped up.

Optimus nodded, "Solicits has a point. We don't know how long Starscream will be staying with us, but he has our safety."

"You can't be serious Optimus!"

"Enough Hotshot." Optimus held his hand, singling Hotshot to hold down, which he did. The yellow bot couldn't help but growl as Solicits made sure Hotshot wouldn't do anything to take out Starscream.

"Well Autobots, welcome our new member Starscream."

Everyone was silent except Solicits. She was the first one to approach the Decepticon seeker even though Hotshot protested against the idea. Everyone had their weapons aimed at the Decepticon in case he did anything.

Starscream narrowed his ruby optics at the silver/light blue femme who looked up at him, a small smile on her silver face. No femme had ever approached him before.

"What is it that you want femme?" Starscream said darkly.

Solicits cocked her head to the side, earning a death glare from the seeker. "I just wanted to say that your suited best for the Autobots Starscream. Megatron had no right what he did to you and for the fact that you have our safety."

Starscream snorted, "I have no need for your safety femme or any other Autobots safety." He glared darkly again and this time, at Prime who stood calmly observing the situation.

Solicits was taken aback from Starscream's harsh words. He passed by her, his shoulder hitting against hers in a hateful manner. He hated femmes and a he hated the Autobots even more, and he had nowhere else to go since the Decepticons didn't need him anymore.

Solicits frowned, biting her metallic lip and tasted energon on her glossa. I was just trying to be friends with him she thought and than he makes females like underdogs. Optimus noticed this and placed a comfort hand on her shoulder and she smiled softly at the Autobot leader.

"Don't worry Solicits. Starscream has always acted this way and I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for him other than make him comfortable with us," Prime explained.

Solicits nodded, casting a wary glance at Hotshot who still looked madder than a hornet for Optimus letting Starscream inside the base. Optimus raised his hand, as his men lowered their weapons. Blurr gave Starscream his famous 'death glare' while the others were unsure about this.

"Are you sure about this Optimus?" Smokescreen questioned.

Optimus and Solicits walked back to the group. "I'm pretty sure of it Smokescreen. Everyone deserves a second chance."

Smokescreen gave a glance towards Solicits who smiled at him softly. "Are you all right Sol?"

Solicits nodded as she made her way into the base, making sure to keep her distant from Starscream. She was angered and upset at the same time that she almost collided with Jetfire.


Solicits looked up at the Vice Commander and said nothing. She walked passed him as if nothing had happened. Jetfire watched her over his shoulder, worried. What had gotten his friend in this type of mood? She normally wasn't like this and she didn't tell people what her problems were in case she was forced to tell them. It would take awhile till she was out of that funky mood and Jetfire didn't like it one bit. He wondered who could have caused her to act like this and noticed Starscream with Optimus.

"Um . . .Why is a Decepticon in our base Optimus, sir?"

"Starscream was betrayed by Megatron and his men and I'm showing him to his quarters." Optimus replied, "Where were you when I called everyone outside the base?"

Jetfire blushed, "I was working on the data pad about the spaceship that we're working on."

"Ah. Does Red-Alert know when the spaceship will be done?"

Jetfire shook his head and handed Optimus the data pad, "It looks like he came across a problem sir. He and others will continue to work on the spaceship other than that we'll be on Earth for awhile and until all the Minicons have been found."

Optimus nodded, "Good work Jetfire. You may leave."

Jetfire nodded her head as he walked past the two bots. He gave a glance towards Starscream as he continued his way towards his quarters.

Solicits knew she should be helping Smokescreen with the spaceship, but she need to be alone. She drew her knees to her chest as her arms wrapped around them. The kids were happy that Starscream was with the Autobots and Alexis seemed to be happier than anyone else. Could Alexis have a crush on Starscream? Sol didn't know that humans could fall for organic beings like Transformers.

I hate him! She thought than she knew why Hotshot was so angered about the situation. Have friends before betrayed him? She wondered, but she was drawn from her thoughts from someone knocking on her door.

"Who is it?"


Solicits was surprised that the mech would come to her room. She told him to come in, which he did as he watched the femme on the berth with cautious optics.

"What do you think of Starscream being here?" Was the first question she asked the blue and gold mech.

"I don't like it, but we need all the help we can get if we want to defeat this war so the Autobots and Decepticons can live in peace."

Solicits snorted, "When will there ever be peace? Wherever you go there is always going to be war, no matter how much you dislike it."

Blurr let a sigh escape his lips as he crossed his arms. He knew that Sol was right but he hated to admit it when it came across a femme who knew about her home planet.

"Why have you come here in the first place Blurr? I thought you didn't care."

Blurr snorted, "I do care and stop being negative about yourself. I was wondering why you have been in a funky mood and now I understand why. Smokescreen needs help building a spaceship, do you want to come along?"

Solicits shrugged her shoulders as she slid off from her recharge bed as she followed Blurr as they made their way to help Smokescreen with the spaceship.

Smokescreen lifted his head as the duo entered the room. "Well I thought I was the only one working on this thing."

Solicits smiled, "Blurr and I came to help you."

Smokescreen smiled back, "It's good to see you Sol."

Solicits nodded her head as she and Blurr begun to help Smokescreen with the spaceship.

DietyofDeath17: Yeah, I know, stupid place to stop but I couldn't think of anything else to write. I know Blurr is somewhat anti-social, but he does care about his fellow comrades from what I've seen and he treats Sol like a sister and the funny thing is Sol had a therapy session with him. I kind of like the paring, but she's with Hotshot. I hope I kept Starscream's personality right and for now, he'll be with the Autobots and he won't be going back to the Decepticons like he did in the series, which sucked in my opinions. I also have to ask. Do you think there should be some Alexis/Starscream moments? I don't know when I'll be able to update this story because I might get a job so I'll have to update whenever I can. Please R+R!!!