Disclaimer: Transformers Armada is not mine. All character belongs to Hasbro. I do own Aubrey.

A/N: My head has been filled with giant plot bunnies and they're demanding me to write! I'm also going to see the new Transformers movie this weekend. Please R+R!!!

It's My Life

Chapter 1: Encounter

May 28th had come at last. All the students at the public school in Oregon were sitting anxiously for the bell to ring. A girl named Aubrey was sitting close to the back, eyes glued to the door and when the bell finally rang, everyone jumped out of their seats leaving papers flying everywhere as the teacher shouted over the noise, "Have a good summer break!"

Aubrey was the last one to leave the classroom. It was always like this since she never did have any friends. She hoisted her backpack over her shoulder and exited the school building. Aubrey had shoulder length brown hair that was usually styled with hazel colored eyes. She wore a tank top and a skirt that went to her knees and her comfortable converse that she had bought and her height was 5'3 and often students would call her 'shorty' because of her height. She was thankful that she had bangs since it covered her eyes when she passed by people who threw her looks and unwanted comments.

For the most part though, Aubrey was able to dodge the comments and criticisms by keeping her head bowed and letting her bangs cover her eyes. She held back the tears that threatened to fall since she hated crying. Since it was a nice day out, she decided to walk home. Home, she knew once she got home it would be even worse.

Her parents weren't usually home since they were on business trips together, but they left her money to take care of herself. When they are at home, they usually fight and it always ends up being her fault. Aubrey didn't really think that her parents cared about her. If they did, they would spend time with her and not be on business trips. Exiting the school grounds, Aubrey decided to take a new rout home.

She loved to walk though the forests since she knew them like the back of her hand. She had always loved the forest. Whenever she was upset or needed to think, she would come to the forest. She had even slept in the forest too when her mother and father were fighting. She had gotten sick and tired of it, and took off. She was usually the only one home since she didn't have any siblings. She was severely lonely.

A loud crash shook her from her thoughts as her hazel eyes wondered around the empty forest. What was that? She thought. Since her head was down, she didn't see the fight across from her. She cranked her neck and looked across from where she was. Her eyes widen at what she saw. Two giants robots were fighting! The purple and gray robot with horns on the side of his head was pointing a gun at the other kneeling robot that looked pretty much banged up from the fight.

"Your luck seems to running down Prime. I'll leave you in peace if you give me that Minicon," The giant robot with horns on the side of his head said.

The other robot who clutched his side said, "Never Megatron! I will never let another Minicon fall under your evil purpose!"

As Aubrey watched the fight she didn't know that a robot was behind her, a smirk grew on his face as he began to lower his hand and clamped around the girl who shirked, causing his auto receptors to twitch from the sound. He chuckled.

"Hey Megatron!"

Megatron growled low in his throat as he turned his head, his optics blazing, "What is it Cyclouns? Can't you tell that I'm busy?"

"I found a squishy. Can I keep it?"

Cyclouns thrusts his clenched hand out were the frightened girl was. If Megatron could, he would have 'rolled' his optics but he was too busy trying to destroy Optimus at that very moment.

"Do whatever you wish Cyclouns just make sure we have the Minicon!"

Cyclouns chuckled, "What the boss gets."

Aubrey was frightened. She really was. It was hard for her to move any part of her body since she was being squeezed tightly and it was hard to breathe. She felt as if her lungs were about to burst when suddenly a large blast hit Cyclouns on the back, causing him to scream from the pain. He clinched even tighter around her and she felt as if she would die.

"Let the human go Decepticon!"

Aubrey felt like the oxygen had been cut from her system but she managed to look at the robot who had spoken. He was tall, yellow, and had light blue optics. He also had a red symbol on two of his box shaped shoulders. He was pointing what looked like a gun at Cyclouns.

"Tell me puny Autobot. How much does this squishy means to you? I might as well squeeze the life right out of her," Cyclouns chuckled.

The yellow Autobot snarled as he said this and lowered the gun, which made the sigh. It hurt to breath and she wished that Cyclouns would let go of her.

"We can't put any more humans in danger Hotshot," a purple, gray and green robot said.

Hotshot growled, "I know that Scavenger. I just don't want her to suffer at a hands of a Decepticon."

The one known as Scavenger nodded. Suddenly, Aubrey felt herself being flung into the air and wearing a skirt was not a good idea. The one named Hotshot caught her and slammed his fist at the side of Cyclouns's face. The helicopter transformer fell on the ground, a groan escaping his lips. Hotshot looked down at the human who was barely conscious.

"Optimus sir, the human need treatment!"

Sideswipe held up the Minicon as he tried to doge Wheeljack's firing. Megatron, feeling disgraced with his men shouted, "Decepticons---retreat!"

Aubrey felt every optic on her and she cringed. She normally didn't like being center of attention. At school, she always tried to keep a low profile since everyone at school hated her for an unknown reason.

"Don't worry little one, you'll be safe," The one named Optimus replied. Aubrey could tell that he was smiling behind his facemask, which brought great comfort for Aubrey to say the very least.

"All right Autobots, lets warp back to base," Commanded Optimus.

Everyone nodded as they warped back to the base, leaving dust behind them.

DietyofDeath17: Okay, so this story hit me like a tone of bricks and demanded me to write this fanfiction. Anywho, Happy July 4 everyone! Please R+R if you want the next chapter!