Authors Note: Okay so the length between updates has reached a ridiculous amount of time… time, something I never seem to have enough of. I could tell you exactly why I didn't update for so long but I'll bore you! Sorry doesn't cover it. I hope this chapter does! At least a bit of it!

Also, I must issue this warning: please do not hyperventilate when reading this. I am referring to the part of Fred in a tuxedo obviously.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this new instalment and that it meets your expectations (or hopefully goes beyond them!)…

Disclaimer: As everyone knows by now is it necessary?? –sigh– If I must then… J. K. Rowling owns it all. Also, Calvin Klein, I apologise for using your name, but it fitted Fred at that moment! Not forgetting Kelly Clarkson for the song!

Quote: Fall seven times, stand up eight – Japanese proverb.

Fred or no Fred?

The weeks after that day passed in a blur of some form of happiness for Hermione. She was slowly becoming more like the old her. But it was an excruciating slow process; Fred however, had all the patience in the world when it came to Hermione. Hermione had been on one other date with Dean. Fred had gone to stay with George that night. Knowing he couldn't last through another night like the first. The next morning Hermione had been off form, giving Fred the impression that things hadn't gone well. Needless to say, the guy was ecstatic.

Hermione now wandered into his room. The once unpainted wall now had a mural of the sea on it. Hermione stared at it. She hadn't noticed this before.

It covered the entire wall, the window didn't interrupt it. It just looked out on the sea, giving the impression that the whole wall was glass and you were looking out on the sea. It glittered and sparkled the exact same as the real thing. The waves were perfect. It was as if he'd taken a black and white photo and made it into wallpaper.

"Fred?" She called to him.

"Uh huh" He answered from his bed. He was on his back filling in an order form for Weasleys Wizard Wheezes.

"Did you do this yourself?" Hermione asked.

"Did I do what by myself?" He said, signing the sheet.

"This mural"

"Oh that" Fred rolled onto his side, to get both Hermione and the mural into view, "Yeah, I did"

"But it's brilliant! I never knew you were this artistic" Hermione exclaimed.

"It's nothing really" He said offhandedly.

Hermione whipped her head around, and looking him dead in the eye she said, "Fred, stop being modest. It's utterly amazing"

This compliment affected Fred more than he had anticipated. A wave of emotions crashed over him, most of which he couldn't identify. He smiled at Hermione and beckoned her over to his bed. She walked over, still staring at the mural. Fred put the order form down. Hermione sat on his bed and dragged her eyes away from the mural to look at him.

"What'll I wear?" She moaned, lying back on the bed. Fred lay next to her and they both stared at the mural.

"Another date with Dean is it?" He asked quietly. I thought that was over!

"No, tonight is Ron and Romildas engagement party" She replied.

"Shit! It is" He said, sitting up so fast he made himself dizzy, "I'd forgotten" He needlessly explained to a bemused Hermione as he rubbed his temples.

"I can see that!" She smirked.

"Don't just sit there! What'll I do?" He said, jumping to his feet and waving his arms in strange directions.

"You help me find something to wear, and I'll add your name to the card on my gift. It can be from both of us!" She smiled up at him.

Fred calmed down immediately. He held out his hand for Hermione to take, which she did. He pulled her up and led her out of his room and into her own.

"You know" He said on the way down the hall, "You really are an indecisive creature" He spoke in a posh voice, "Not at all what I expected"

"I know! I'm totally different from who I used to be" She chuckled as she headed to her wardrobe.

"I'm not sure if that's a good thing" Fred mumbled to himself. But he sat down nonetheless, "I'm having an extreme case of Déjà vu here!" He joked as Hermione pulled clothes from her wardrobe, then he said in a camp voice, "You seriously need a stylist". Hermione laughed but continued rooting for stuff to wear.

Together they decided on a simple dress. It was a deep blue but faded through every shade of the colour, in the middle it was white before changing colour again, ending up, at the bottom of the dress, being turquoise. It stopped a bit below her knees. She wore white heels, in which she couldn't properly walk, and she accessorised with a white clutch bag.

"Thanks Freddie" She grinned.

"No problemo" He smiled back.

"You should go and get ready. Don't forget! It's either a tuxedo or very dressy dress robes!" She reminded.

"Ugh, it is, isn't it?" He moaned. Then, resilient, he stood up, "I shall leave your company then" He moped to Hermione.

"Go now" Hermione directed, pointing at her open door. Fred slumped his shoulders and shuffled towards the door. He looked back at her over his shoulder, doing his very best puppy dog face, but Hermione kept her expression the same until he left to get dressed. He's too cute for his own good. Hermione thought to herself. Then in an effort to banish such thoughts, she started doing her make-up and hair.

They met downstairs. Hermione was waiting at the foot of the stairs. Fred was going to make them late and she was beginning to become annoyed. She heard him coming down the steps and looked up at him.

She nearly fainted… right there. But she somehow managed to keep her grip on the banister, and stayed upright.

"Stupid cuff links" He groaned fidgeting with them. Hermione was relieved to see he hadn't noticed her ogling him.

"Come here, I'll do them" She squeaked. He stopped on the last step as she said this.

Holding out his wrists, Fred said huskily, "Cuff me" He flashed her sort of a crooked smile as he spoke.

Hermione took a step back. Fred smelled so good he was practically edible. His hair was slightly damp and falling into his blue eyes just the way Hermione loved it. The tuxedo made him look like a model for Calvin Klein's range of men's evening wear. His tie was undone his jacket sleeves rolled up. It gave the impression he was back from a wedding instead of on his way to an engagement party. Hermione had no idea how she could be in such close proximity to such a handsome guy, never mind being upstaged by him. She smiled to herself though, Romilda would not be happy being upstaged by the groom-to-be's older brother, which she would. Everyone would.

Fred raised an eyebrow at Hermione. She took a step towards him and busily started doing up his cuff links.

"Done" She said minutes later. He rolled down his jacket sleeves. Then he made for the door but Hermione blocked his way.

"What about your tie?" She asked him.

"Tie shmie! I've never worn one properly and Ron won't mind at all. He'll think its hilarious" Fred grinned down at her.

Hermione shook her head and reached her hands up to him.

Fred gave her a bemused expression before hugging her. Hermione passed out.

For about two seconds.

Being engulfed by his scent was enough to send her over the edge. After a second she got her mind back to function mode.

"Fred, I was attempting to tie your tie. But thanks for the free hug!" She grinned.

Fred winked at her suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows, "You know my hugs to you are always free!" He said as he came down the last step and bent his head so Hermione could tie his tie. He didn't see her blush scarlet and nearly faint again at the closeness between them.

She started to shorten one side of his tie.

"So..." She said lightly, "You can't tie a tie?"

Fred laughed sarcastically, "Haha. You're so funny! I just never bothered to learn"

"But what about your school tie?" Hermione asked, trying to focus her mind on other things than his appearance and scent.

"I just did a fancy knot!" He grinned. Hermione chuckled.

"I'll show you how to another day but today we're going to be late! Maybe you should invent a self-tying tie? Because Harry and Ron's were always a disaster in school! And make them choke you every time you get it wrong!"

"Hermione" Fred teased, "Everyday you become more and more mischievous, I'm having a bad effect on you!" He smirked.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I always had a mischievous streak, you just haven't seen it before!"

Fred widened his eyes theatrically, "Well I must hear more about this mischievous streak!"

"I'll tell you some day! Now… can you please wait outside for just one minute? I have to fix my hair!"

"Women" Fred muttered as he stepped out into the driveway. The minute he closed the door Hermione sank to the floor. She was breathing fast, and in fear of hyperventilating, she took deep, slow, calming breaths.

"Oh boy" She said breathlessly, "I did not see that one coming" She said, referring of course, to Fred's extreme handsomeness. She slowly stood up. With one last look in the mirror she stepped out the front door.

"Ready?" Fred asked, leaning against the pillar, looking perfect with both hands in his pockets.

Hermione took a breath, "As ready as I'll ever be"

Fred took her hand and apparated them to the Leaky Cauldron. He still kept her hand in his and led them out to the back. Hermione liked the warmth, and she tried her utmost to ignore the violent waves of dizziness that washed over her. Fred let go so that they could enter Diagon Alley. Hermione felt lonely, when his hand let go of her own.

Okay, Hermione corrected herself, I was not ready for that... for holding hands… for as long as that. This is going to be a long and dangerous night. Note to self: Please don't faint… at least not in public.

Then she looked at Fred. He smiled, took her hand and started informing her about a new product himself and George were nearly finished inventing for their joke shop.

As they reached Siana restaurant Hermione gasped as Fred let out a low whistle.

"Nice" He commented. Hermione turned to him.

"But you see this place everyday. What makes it worthy of a whistle today?" She asked, confused.

"Mione, that's because everyday it's just a red brick building with Siana hanging over the door. It's not this" He said gesturing at the building. Its entire front was tinted glass. There was a red velvet rope that a bouncer was controlling and a long red carpet.

Hermione snorted. Fred looked down at her quizzically.

"Who'd want to gate crash Ron and Romildas engagement party?" She laughed.

"It's Romilda and Ron actually!" Fred reminded her. Then he grinned, "And, she is, like, a writer, so she's like, so totally famous!" He mocked doing a little dance. It was more hilarious than it would have normally been because of him being dressed so exquisitely but acting so immaturely. Hermione burst out laughing. In fact she couldn't stop. Fred dragged her up to the rope, chuckling and rolling his eyes.

"Hermy, stop acting so immaturely" he scolded playfully. Hermione was laughing so much she didn't even see the role reversal or the irony.

"Fred Weasley" He said to the bouncer. The bouncer, a big guy of about forty, checked the list, nodded and lifted the rope so Fred could pass underneath. It was a struggle, what with him being tall and all. But he managed it, and still he hadn't let go of Hermiones hand.

"Hermione Granger" She said, stepping forward.

The bouncer looked at the list and back up.

"Sorry. You're not on here" He said in a bored tone.

"What?" Hermione and Fred asked simultaneously.

"I said, you're not on the list"

Hermione was furious.

"It's Romilda" she said to Fred, "She hates me"

Fred hadn't needed this information as he knew it already.

"Listen, buddy" He said to the bouncer, "I'm the groom-to-be's brother. Hermione's an honorary member of our family, you have to let her in" Fred said somewhat forcefully.

"Then I wouldn't be doing my job. She's not on the list. She doesn't get in" The bouncer retorted.

"I own a joke shop and I swear I will haunt you until you die if you don't let her in this minute. I'll even be so kind as to let you test our newest inventions, the ones that are still in progress" Fred threatened.

"But still I wouldn't be doing my job, would I?" The bouncer said in the same tone as before, although his eyes showed a hint of fear.

"You'll disappear… people will think you're dead when in fact I'll have slipped you an invisibility potion... a permanent one… Have fun never being seen again, as we still don't have an antidote" Fred said in such a deathly quiet voice that Hermione's ears strained to pick up what he said, "You don't actually think Harry Potter got rid of Voldemort do you? No, he's under a Weasley's invisibility potion, in a cage underneath Hogwarts-"

Hermione looked at Fred, finally regaining control.

"Fred, could you bring Ron out here?" She asked him lightly.

He grinned wickedly at the bouncer, "I'd love to Mione"

Fred then looked down at their still joined hands, regretfully he let go of her hand and he nearly sprinted inside to find Ron.

Once inside he took no notice of people's attire or the decorations. He ran straight into George though, just as he passed the bar.

"Forge, get Ron!" Fred said urgently. George quirked an eyebrow wondering what had gotten his brother so upset. "It's Hermione" Fred added. Suddenly George saw it all. How Fred wanted to stay at home a lot lately, how he was always leaving work at the right time instead of hanging around after hours. Fred lov-No! That's impossible Forge! He thought, stopping his train of thought.

George grinned knowingly at Fred and before taking off to find Ron he winked at his other half.

"We need to talk Gred" Was all he said. Fred rolled his eyes and watched George turn and run off, laughing the entire way about how he'd never seen this coming.

George returned minutes later with Ron in tow.

"What?" Ron asked, gasping for air as he came to a halt infront of his brother.

"Hermione can't get in" Fred said accusingly as if it was Ron's fault. Ron's mouth formed a strange shape, he seemed confused.

"But I told Romilda to-" He started

"Well there lies the answer. Romilda" Fred interrupted, furrowing his brow, "Hermione's outside"

Ron headed outside, followed closely by Fred and George. George kept glancing at his twin, smiling.

"You like Hermione" He whispered teasingly, so Ron wouldn't hear.

"I don't" Fred said firmly.

"You want to hold her, you want to kiss her" George continued on as if the interruption hadn't happened.

Fred stared at his twin. "I do not like Hermione" He said, through clenched teeth.

George grinned as he finally realised something, "No, you don't. You lov-"

Fred elbowed him in the stomach, "I don't. And even if I did, which I don't, she was sort of dating Dean Thomas… I think. So just drop it" He whispered fiercely. Do two dates even count as dating? No!! So technically, Hermione never dated Dean! . . .

George bit his lip to hide a smile and nodded.

They finally got outside only to find Hermione having a conversation with the bouncer.

"… deserve more than what they have" She was saying passionately.

The bouncer nodded, "I agree, I mean us wizards treat them like floor mats. We're just horrible people" He wailed before bursting into tears. Hermione consoled him. The twins stuffed their fists in their mouths trying to reign in their laughter at the beast of a man weeping on petit Hermione's shoulder, Ron was just plain confused. He walked over to the bouncer.

"Can you let her through?" He asked; interrupting him before a fresh wave of tears came.

The bouncer nodded, and lifted the rope for Hermione. When she was through he gave her a pat on the back that almost resembled a hug and said gruffly, "Sorry miss, but you're name wasn't on the list. There was a Hermione something but it was scratched out. I should've let you pass, I was horrible, j-just l-li-like I am t-to my house elf" And he was off again, bawling into Hermione's shoulder.

The twins had to turn their backs, as their laughter couldn't last one more minute before it exploded out of them. Ron was smiling at the beefy guy. Hermione patted his back.

"It's okay. Just give him a small wage and a few days off. He'll be happier and will work better, making you happier" She encouraged. He sniffed, nodded and turned away to check the list for more people who had queued.

Hermione walked over to where Fred and George stood, laughing out loud now.

"Do you have any idea how monumental that was back there and you laughed at him?" She shrieked, enraged. A wind had picked up and her hair went in one direction while her dress was billowing in another direction.

This sent them over the edge and they doubled over, knotted with laughter. Finally, after a lot of huffing and foot tapping on Hermiones part, they stood up to their full height and as they towered over her they tried to look like they were sorry.

"Hermione, it was funny!" George insisted, chuckling slightly.

"It was not. It changed his view on his house elf. In case you didn't hear, he's going to pay him" She snapped, emphasising 'pay'.

"Hermy, it's only a house elf. It's a nothing. Remember Kreature?" Fred said as George laughed.

Hermione narrowed her eyes, "Fred Weasley, you take that back right now" she demanded.

Raising one eyebrow and crossing his arms he asked, "And what if I don't?" A ghost of a smirk on his lips.

Hermione stared at him, infuriated, and then she said threateningly, "You don't know half of what I'm capable of Fred. I'll start with getting rid of the television, so you can kiss goodbye to Jerry" And then she entered the building.

George laughed as he had no idea what Hermione was rambling about, but Fred didn't join in. Instead his twin looked torn. Then with one last glance at his brothers he chased after Hermione. George was stunned.

"Did he just…?" George asked Ron.

"Yeah…he just did" Ron replied, who was, if possible, even more stunned than George.


Fred caught up with Hermione not long after she got inside.

"Go away Fred" She said as her pace quickened

"No. I'm not going anywhere" He insisted as he matched his pace with hers, panting slightly.

"I just don't understand" Hermione said, whirling around to face him, leaving the smallest gap between their faces, "How you can be so different when you're with George than when you're with me"

"I…I'm not different. I'm the same" Fred smiled.

Hermione sceptically raised an eyebrow.

"Well, he's my twin! What do you expect? We own a joke shop! One that is absolutely amazing and even you have to admit that. So it's perfectly normal for us to feel the need to laugh at insignificant things" He grinned.

Hermione felt a smile creep across her face, replacing her scowl, she couldn't believe one smile from Fred could make her lose her resilience.

"House elves aren't insignificant. They're important beings and they deserve respect. And wands, and a representative in the Ministry, and-"

"Hermione, I promise, I'll listen to what you have to say at home, and we can debate, but could you just chill? It's a party. A black tie party, but a party nonetheless" Fred said, looking down at her. Hermione smiled at him, her eyes shining at the prospect of a debate. The only person who had ever shown interest in S.P.E.W was Dumbledore, but now she had Fred of all people, to confide in as well.

"Okay. We must find Ron and Romilda and give them their present" She told him.

He stuck out his arm, "Lead the way m'lady" Fred said grandly flourishing with his other hand. Hermione slipped her hand in through the crook of his arm. He grinned down at her as she steered them through the hoards of guests, trying to locate Ron and Romilda.

They found them a few minutes later.

"Fred! How fantastic you're looking, oh, and Hermione too. I didn't think you could make it" Romilda said politely while her eyes took in every inch of Fred with a sort of hunger in her them. Hermione felt protective of him and extremely jealous. And angry too, what about Ron? Romilda was taken. Fred was her- No! Don't even begin to think that way about Fred … But you already do think of him that way, a sly voice in her head pointed out…

"Well you're bouncer is such a great guy he couldn't resist" Hermione replied stepping slightly infront of Fred. He looked thoroughly entertained at the two woman's actions.

"Ron, nice work on this place" He said to his brother, grinning at him. Trying to break the tension.

"It wasn't Ron" Romilda answered. She put her hand on Fred's arm and purred, "It was all me"

Fred stared at Hermione for help. She was no help, smirking up at him so he had to shake Romilda off his arm himself. His eyes were wide and he no longer looked comfortable being close to Romilda. Hermione handed the gift to Ron. He grinned at her.

"Thanks Mione" Ron said gratefully. She smiled at him, and then Ron looked at Fred and said teasingly, "What's this? Nothing from you mate? Is it an invisible lion or something?"

Fred laughed, "Thanks for the idea, invisible pets, they'll be a sure fire hit! But it's from both of us. Me and Mione" Fred tried to keep his face straight but such a thing was impossible when Ron's ears and forehead reddened and he stuttered to make a reply.

"Together?" He managed at last

"Yep" Hermione answered, and she smiled at Fred.

"Would you care to dance?" Fred asked Hermione, in his posh voice again. She giggled as she took his hand. He led her out onto the dance floor and twirled her around.

"Don't they look just great together Ronny?" Romilda said quietly. He couldn't take his eyes off his brother and his best friend who was also his ex girlfriend. She looked stunning. But it was a subtle beauty it wasn't in-your-face unlike Romilda's was. He began imagining a scenario when he asked Hermione to dance and the rest of the night was magically spent in one another's arms, but Romildas grating voice interrupted his thoughts and dissolved his fantasy before his very eyes.

"How long has it been going on do you think? They're dancing close enough for me to guess, oh I don't know… two/three months?" Romilda said in a sweetly vindictive tone.

Ron couldn't talk he just swallowed and nodded, not able to take his eyes off Hermione. Romilda sighed in frustration before strutting away from her fiancé towards the bar.

Why can't he just get over the nerd? I mean, hello, she's wearing a tie-dyed dress. Eeew!

Harry arrived five minutes later. Luna was accompanying him as his date. She was wearing a luminous green dress. The end of it was slightly darker than the bright green on top and it looked as if Luna herself had cut the end of it into little strips. Her blonde hair was half up-half down and she wore hundreds of bangles on both her wrists aswell as actual leaves as earrings. She looked so surreal next to Harry in his plain black tuxedo. But as Harry looked at her, it was clear that he was smitten with this odd ball. He found Ron and handed him the small gift-wrapped box. But it was clear his friends' attention was elsewhere he just muttered his thanks, not even bothering to take his eyes from whatever he was interested in.

"Hello! Earth to Ron! Anyone in there?" Harry asked.

Ron still didn't acknowledge him.

"What are you looking at?" Harry wondered aloud. Following Rons gaze all he saw was a crowded dance floor.

"I think I know" Luna said dreamily. Harry turned to face his girlfriend his eyes shining waiting for the strange thing she was about to inform him on. But she didn't speak. She just pointed to the centre of the dance floor, beneath the massive disco ball. Harry followed her line of vision and his jaw dropped with what he saw.

Fred had led Hermione to the middle of the dance floor, right underneath the massive glitter ball. They started dancing to a fast song that was playing. It was one of the Weird Sisters. Fred started a small dance off then by dancing the mashed potato and seeing if Hermione could top it. They laughed as they tried to remember muggle dance routines, in the end Hermione won, because she could do a complicated move that only resulted in Fred's claiming she was cheating because it was too complicated to be non-magical.

"Oooh! Somebody's a sore loser" Hermione teased.

"Am not" Fred pouted.

"Are too" Hermione smiled.

"Am not! Am not! Am not!" Fred protested.

Hermione gave in but branded him a, "Baby", which made Fred tickle her until she took it back.

Then the song changed to a slow muggle track. Fred and Hermione stared at one another and then slowly Hermione tugged Fred closer to her. He grinned and closed the space between them quickly. Hermione wound her hands around Fred's neck as he rested his on her slight waist. They swayed together, listening to the songs lyrics.

I'm strong,

But I break.

I'm stubborn,

And I make plenty of mistakes.

Hermione was perfectly happy being swallowed up by Freds scent that mixed aftershave with Fireworks and freshly cut grass. Needless to say Fred was in his element. He kept biting his lip, because when he felt the stab of pain he realised this was real and he was in fact holding Hermione this close. And that he wasn't imagining the fact that her hair was sending his brain wild with wonderful thoughts.

Yeah I'm hard,

And life with me is never easy,

To figure out, to love,

I'm jaded but oh so lovely.

Neither of them knew they had an audience that consisted of a spiteful Romilda, a jealous Ron, a stunned Harry, a smirking George and a dazed Luna who had already lost interest in the dancing couple and was now focusing on a spiggleloptrot.

All you have to do is hold me,

And you'll know and you'll see just how sweet it can be,

If you'll trust me, love me, let me,

Maybe, maybe.

"You look beautiful tonight Hermione" Fred whispered in her ear making her spine shiver. She looked up into his eyes, "So do you" She whispered back. But then she stuttered, "I mean you're beautiful obviously but I meant to say handsome. I just-"

Someday, when we're at the same place,

When we're on the same road. . .

Fred chuckled, "Its okay Hermione" She stopped rambling, "We can both be beautiful" He smirked. She grinned and they returned to their dance which was more like an endless sway. Hermione rested her head on his chest, and he pulled her closer instinctively, neither realising what they were doing but their audience did.

When it's okay to hold my hand,

Without feeling lost.

Without all the excuses,

When it's just because you love me, you let me, you need me.

"Is that actually Hermione? I mean, it could be someone who looks like her" Harry tried to reason.

Ron shook his head, "No, it's definitely her"

"I think they look great. They fit together" Luna added, still not taking her eyes from the being only she could see.

"No they don't" Ron said viciously tearing his gaze form the dancing pair, "She's just dancing with him because he reminds her of me! That's all" Ron spat at the blonde.

Then maybe, maybe. . .

All you have to do is hold me,

And you'll know, and you'll see just how sweet it can be,

If you'll trust me, love me, let me, maybe, maybe.

Harry rounded on him, "Leave her alone, I agree with Luna, they do fit together"

"Yeah, they fit like words in an incantation" George agreed, "So maybe ikkle Ronnikins could try to remember the fact that he dumped her and that you're getting married and that Fred looks nothing like you. So maybe you should just accept the fact that they're dancing that close together because they like one another!" George said loudly, sticking up for his other half.

"They can't like each other" Ron whined.

"Whether they do or don't, I don't see how it's your business. Maybe you should go see if Romilda's still alive, you never know what could've happened in all the time you been jealously drooling over Fred and Hermione!" George advised. Ron glared at him before making his way towards where he'd last seen Romilda. George then said quietly to Harry, "You find out off Hermione, I'll find out off Fred, then we can share our information"

Harry nodded and then they both faced the two people in question.

I'm confusing as hell; I'm north and south,

And I'll probably never have it all figured out,

But what I know is I wasn't meant to walk this world without you,

And I promise I'll try,

Yeah I'm gonna try,

To give you every little part of me,

every single detail you missed with your eyes,

Then maybe, maybe, yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe, yeah maybe.

Hermione and Fred danced until the song faded out a few minutes later. As it ended Hermione and Fred looked at one another. It was a perfect moment. Hermione smiled up at him and Fred felt his insides melt. He had never thought it was possible to feel this way about a girl. But now that he was feeling it he felt stupid for not acting on his feelings for her. Because Fred couldn't deny it to himself anymore. He loved Hermione. Now was the perfect moment to tell her too. He took both her hands in his.

"Hermione?" He asked quietly.

"Fred?" She mirrored.

"I... uh... I think that I lo-" Fred stammered as he looked down at her dainty hands as if for inspiration.

"HERMIONE!" A familiar voice called out to her.

She stayed looking at Fred but Fred could see who it was and his whole being changed. He stood up to his full height, he went rigid and his eyes became cold. Hermione was expecting Malfoy to be behind her because of Freds reaction. But then hands were wrapped around her middle and pulled her away from Fred, making her let go of his soft hands. The person swung her around and then she could finally see who it was.

"Dean! What are you doing here?" Hermione asked him, too stunned to even say hi.

"Well when you told me two days ago about this shindig I figured I might as well try and get myself invited so that we could tell everyone!" He beamed down at her. She forced a smile onto her face. He was wearing a black pinstriped suit with a pink tie. He leaned in for a kiss but Hermione turned her cheek. She felt awkward with Fred watching them. But then he walked over.

"Tell everyone what?" He asked his voice dripping with anger... and betrayal, but only Hermione picked up on this. She couldn't look at him.

"That we are-" Dean started but Fred interrupted.

"I want to hear it from Hermione thanks" His blue eyes made contact with her brown ones and searched for an answer.

She took a deep breath, "Dean and I are dating" She felt her heart break as she told him and she saw his face crumple, but only for a split second, then he regained his almost regal composure.

"Like full on dating!" Dean said enthusiastically, "We have been for weeks but we're moving in together now!" He grinned at the red head and smirked triumphantly. Fred was ready to lunge at him but then George arrived and caught the back of his tuxedo knowing exactly what his twin had been about to do.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Hermione and I are moving in together" Dean said as he wrapped an arm around Hermione's waist.

"Well...we haven't really talked..." Hermione mumbled, but no one was paying her any attention. She tried to get out of Deans grasp but his arm was like steel.

"You're what?" George asked again. Before anybody could answer he asked, "But what about Fred? He lives with Hermione in case you'd forgotten!"

"No of course I hadn't. We're not going to make him homeless, that'd be cruel, I'm offering to swap with him. He can have my apartment" Dean said lightly.

"Yeah because that's exactly where I want to live" Fred said sarcastically.

"Or you can still live with us! We'll only need one bedroom after all" Dean said with a wink to Hermione. Fred then went to punch Dean but George held him back even though he wanted to do the same thing. He started to drag Fred away from the couple but then he heard Dean say,

"Merlin, someone's over reacting, I mean he still gets to live with us!"

And then both George and Fred ran and attacked him. But Hermione jumped in the way.

"Mione... get out of the way" Fred said fiercely. By now the entire assembly was watching the event unfold.

Hermione shook her head, "I can't let you hit him" she said quietly and then Fred disapparated. Hermione felt like dieing.

"Gee, what a nice person you've turned out to be" George spat at Hermione. She turned away and picked up her wand, ready to disapparate too.

"Hermione, love, what about me?" Dean asked her.

"Dean... I just... can't deal with all of this right now" And then she disappeared. The whole room became very still and silent. Dean laughed awkwardly and then left soon after. Slowly people started talking but all the Weasleys plus Romilda, Harry and Luna stared at the spaces where Hermione and Fred had disappeared from.

Hermione apparated into the kitchen in her house.

"Fred?" She called out.

"I'm not here" He answered. She ran up to his room and found him packing up anything he could think of. It had started raining, more violently than it had for months.

"Fred, I can explain"

"That would be great because you told me it was over... weeks ago!" He said in a calm voice that was obviously forced.

"It was... for a week" Hermione said quietly, too shamed to elaborate.

"Yeah thanks for letting me know" Fred said, laughing darkly to himself as he closed a trunk jam packed with loads of his belongings. He grabbed his wand off the bed and headed downstairs. Hermione followed him down into the living room.

Fred spun around, not able to control himself, "What I can't understand is how you spent an entire night crying your heart out on my shoulder about what a failure your life is and how Dean wasn't going to help, and then you go off and start seeing him!" He exploded.

"I know how it looks-" Hermione tried to say. But Fred wasn't finished.

"Only I don't think you do. Let's start from the beginning, shall we? I move in. Everything's good for a few weeks and then it's as if you're a tap. You just don't stop crying. You cry because you lost Hagrid in the war?" Fred said, his voice rising. Hermione stifled a gasp at his mentioning of Hagrid, but still he continued, "Hermione your not the only one who lost him or even someone else. I lost Alicia but you don't see me hysterical every two seconds do you? I also lost one of my best friends! Losing Lee would be as if Ron or Harry had died to you. I was distraught. I didn't sleep for a year. And then I realised their deaths, even though they were tragic, were not my fault and if Lee or Alicia saw me like that they'd have slapped me. So I moved on, but I never forgot, I remember the laughs, I talk with George about the good old days and we love looking at photos of everyone.

"But you? You come off as a cold bitch. You act as if only you loved Hagrid. If you haven't noticed Harry was so much closer to him than you were and he doesn't blame his life on what happened. Sure he's trying to get over it, but it's harder for him even though you make it look the other way round. Hagrid was his first EVER friend. He was loner boy, bullied by his fat twit of a cousin until he met him, and the only reason you didn't have friends was because you were conceited and stuck-up and in some ways you still are" Fred finished, his voice practically a scream. He ran a hand through his hair, making it go in all directions. His tie was undone and so were a few buttons including his cuffs. The rims of his eyes were red. He looked a state. The word to describe him - distraught.

There were tears rolling down Hermione's face. Fred knew he'd regret every single word but he was so hurt he was lashing out at the person closest to him.

Hermione couldn't think, let alone speak. So Fred took a deep breath and launched into another tirade.

"You are just as bad, if not worse than Romilda. You're attention seeking. You blow off and ignore your friends and then blame them for anything you can think of. You sit here ranting about how your life is crap. But that's just it. You sit here, doing nothing about improving it! Everything Romilda has ever said about you is true. You are a vile, wart of a person. For the name of Merlin, you are just a pathetic idiot, I'd prefer to have a conversation with a blast-ended skrewt and a flobberworm before speaking to you again. You are a vindictive, spiteful bitch!" Fred finished, breathing heavily.

Hermione was ready to pass out. She had no idea what to feel. She knew she should feel pain, hurt and anger, but all she wanted to do was comfort Fred. She took a step toward him,

"Don't touch me" He warned. Hermione broke when he looked at her as if she was something as insignificant as a rat. She shoved past him and climbed the stairs three at a time. Fred heard her bedroom door slam and winced at the shattering bang it made. He picked up his trunk and exited his house, Hermione's house, he corrected himself.

Just before he disapparated he was punched square in the jaw.

"What the-" He wondered before he felt his nose dissolve under someone's powerful fist. Looking up through the involuntary tears and trying to stem the blood he saw Dean Thomas.

"Fan fucking tastic" He said sarcastically.

"Leave Hermione alone. I don't know what ever possessed her to have you live with her. You're a waster. You destroy everything you touch. Take Alicia for example"

"Don't bring her into this" Fred warned.

"What a kisser she was" Dean bragged, licking his lips. Fred swallowed, trying to count to ten to not hit him.

"Get over yourself" Fred muttered.

"But Hermione! Oh, she compares to no one. What a tongue. And she does this thing where she-"

Fred pointed his wand at Dean. "Go on, finish it, I dare you" He said lightly, but with a look of death in his eyes as he stared at the man infront of him. Thoughts of what he's shouted at Hermione were invading his mind but he banished them. All he remembered was dancing with her to that muggle song only half an hour earlier.

"Nah, I won't" Dean said lightly. Fred pocketed his wand. But Dean continued, "I'll just say that in bed she is-" But he never got to finish what he was going to say as this time Fred's fist collided with his mouth, knocking five teeth out. Then his head was being battered against a wall and he was being kneed in the groin. Fred had no idea whether any of it was true but after years of waiting he was finally given enough reason to beat Dean to a pulp and that was almost as good as being given a free pass to beat up Malfoy.

"I dared you" Fred panted, "Don't you ever talk about Hermione in that way again you bastard. Or Alicia" He kicked Dean in the stomach as he was now lying on the floor. Then he squatted down next to him.

"Hermione doesn't love you. And you don't even know her. Do you know that she drank coffee to keep her awake so that she couldn't have nightmares about the war?" Fred demanded, Dean cursed him under his breath as he moaned in pain. Fred held him still, "Do you know that she wishes someone would quote her favourite lines from Notting Hill to her randomly for no reason? Or that she's always secretly wanted a tattoo?" Dean shook his head, fearing both for his life and how little he thought he knew his girlfriend.

Fred wiped blood from his mouth as he could already taste the metal-like substance. He continued, "Have you ever wondered why she stopped contact with Viktor Krum? It wasn't because of Ron, no it was for Harry, Hermione thought she was in love with Krum for awhile and at the same time Harry was going through something I can't even imagine. But Hermione gave up everything. She gave Harry all the support and love he needed even when he didn't know he did. She repeatedly helped Neville in potions even though everytime their was the risk of Snape giving detention or taking points" Dean was staring at a man who obviously loved Hermione and he knew he could not speak for so long about her if his life depended on it. Fred took a breath and then exclaimed, "She watched so many of her friends die two years ago while you were 'helping in the hospital wing' even though you can't even perform a healing charm! She was tortured and she didn't give up one iota of information. She is the most amazingly beautiful person on the inside. Sure she has flaws, but doesn't everyone? But all you care about is how she looks on your arm at Ministry functions. I have two words left to say" Fred said, coming to a close. He picked up his trunk, pulled out his wand and just before he disapparated to Merlin knows where, he said to Dean, with a look of hatred, "Fuck you".

And then he was gone. And Dean was alone, bleeding and toothless outside Hermione's house. He stood up, waved his wand to clean himself up and he grimaced as he saw his teeth on the ground, but he rang the doorbell anyway.

"HERMIONE! IT'S ME!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

A minute later Hermione opened the door, red faced and puffy eyed, "Dean-"

"Don't" Dean interrupted. He had stuff to say, "Hermione I just found out more about you in the last three minutes than I have in all my time dating you. You're amazing but I've only just realised. I'm a jerk and I don't deserve you"

"Dean, you are not a jerk you're a good guy" She said quietly.

"So she says with not much conviction" Dean narrated, chuckling to himself. Hermione tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace.

"What happened you?" She asked staring at the blood he was saturated in.

"I, uh, I went to the Hogs Head for one pint and angered the owner" He said, thinking quick, "But I'm fine, it's just material stuff"

"Dean, I hate to say this but. . . I think we should break up. I don't, only, I don't love you" Hermione finally said after a long silence.

He smiled, "Good. At least now you'll spend time focusing on yourself instead of trying to please other useless people like me"

"You're not useless" She protested.

He shrugged, "Yeah, I kind of am! But you're not, so please, live for yourself from now on. Promise?"

"Promise" She said quietly. Dean hugged her briefly and then disapparated.

The rain resumed after a long break. Looking down at the ground she wondered why there were four molars and one wisdom tooth on her front porch. But Hermione was instantly brought back to Fred and all that he'd said in their fight. Hermione was literally heartbroken. She felt as if she couldn't breathe. How could this be both the best and worst night?

Hermione closed the door, ran upstairs and stood in Fred's empty room. Something caught her eye. In a corner of Fred's wardrobe she saw a t-shirt. Picking it up she saw it was old and well worn, but that is had a picture of the Weird Sisters on it and that he'd gotten the signatures of all the Triwizard Champions, even Cedric's! It was obviously originally from fourth year when the Weird Sisters had performed. Holding it close Hermione could smell Fred, not his cologne but Fred himself. She tore off the dress she was wearing, her shoes were somewhere in her room as she'd kicked them off earlier. Then Hermione pulled the giant t-shirt over her head and slipped into her oldest pair of sweat pants. She headed down to the kitchen, tears constantly blurring her vision. Finally she found the alcohol cupboard. Clutching three bottles Hermione entered the living room. She stared at the space where she'd last seen Fred and she opened a bottle of Vodka. She drank it straight from the bottle, wincing and coughing but getting down her throat. It burned her mouth and made her eyes tear but she couldn't tell as her tears were all she could feel, each rolling down her face, making a puddle on the floor. Hermione replayed every word Fred had said to her and by the time she was done, she'd finished the Vodka and moved onto the Scotch.

"Everything he said was true" Hermione slurred to herself after a few hours of non-stop crying. She fell asleep not long after.

Waking up hours later, Hermione found herself not in her bed, but on the sofa, with a bad pain in her back. She felt a lump rise as she remembered all the times Fred had had to carry her to bed. Slowly she rose from the corner sofa. Looking at the clock it read half five. Hermione stumbled upstairs, her head pounding and her thoughts all disoriented. She gingerly stepped into Freds room. Hermione wondered if it was right to be in here but then she smelt him on her t-shirt and knew she'd rather be nowhere else so she clambered onto his bed and she was enveloped by a woody smell, that mixed with freshly cut grass and fireworks. She could not be happier given the circumstances.

Hermione stared at the mural, imagining the sea moving and then to her utter shock and amazement, the waves came to life. The sun started to rise and minute after minute it filled more and more of the window. Eventually at five past six, the sun was the only thing you could see out the window. Hermione was in awe. Fred was an amazing wizard. How much work had it taken to time the sunrise to fit into the window and to animate the waves he'd spent weeks painting? She had never seen anything more beautiful. But this moment was bittersweet as Fred was not here with her watching it. Hermione felt a single tear roll down her face, but then she wiped it away, promising herself, that she would never cry again.

"Ever" She whispered hoarsely.

And you'll never love again either… as your entire heart and soul belongs to Fred…

"Except he hates me" Hermione said aloud to the empty room. And she knew it was true. But she could deal. She'd once thought she'd lost everything but she'd carried on living, but not really being alive, until Fred had unknowingly saved her. She would carry on now. Fred or no Fred. Hermione knew that from here on out she was on her own.

"Rebuilding your entire life can't be that hard without the one you love, right?" She asked herself as the glittering sun moved out of sight from the window and she drooped off to sleep.


Hundreds of miles away in a peculiar office in a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a lone portrait was awake. A single tear mapped its way down his face, it passed his hook nose and it glittered on his sallow, and slightly oily skin.

"It's the hardest thing in the world to do, Ms Granger" Whispered the portrait of Severus Snape, "I hope you do better than I did at carrying on"

Authors Note: What a marathon of a chapter! But you guys deserve it! It took me ages to write so I hope you appreciate it! Severus Snape is not going to be like this big mystery from here on in! It's too late for a twist like that!… or is it?!! Heh! I just thought it would be sweet that even though Hermione felt entirely alone she had the most unlikely person rooting for her! So yes, bet you didn't see that coming!! Don't flame about Fred's reaction! I will try to explain everything in the next update. There are only three or four chapters left, I'd say a rough guess would be two extremely long chapters, or two long enough ones and a giant finale. Any ideas? Please let me know what you think will happen! I obviously won't tell you but I'd love to know what you're thinking! This chapter was dedicated to my mom. Get well soon. Love you.

Faithful reviewers who I love dearly. All of you are amazing! My inspiration :

glitterngold1014 , rgreen, The Grich Witch, Iris (that's a good idea, I'll try it out! Thanks!), CASSIE.D 101, Honey'sChild, flamingred08 (I had Hermsy in but then remembered your comment and Hermy was put in! Thank you), crazychicalol, lydiarainbow29 (I'll use it in the next chapter! thanks!!), Lorianne, Yzak Lover Extrodinaire, TahnDawg, iluvtheoc3000 (thank you so much!), GHFan, Cat18, emaleekaye93, Secret Thought.

So that's it!

Three words. . . Thanks for reading. . .
