WARNING: This takes place after DH, so if you haven't read it, I'll be giving some stuff away….

"Last stop!" Hermione announced, stopping outside another store in Diagon Alley.

"Finally!" Hugo whined. "Dad, can we get lunch after this?"

"Yes, we're going to your grandparents' after this and we'll eat there," Ron explained, lacing his fingers with his wife's.

"Are Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry going to be there?" asked Rose.

"Yes, we'll be there," a voice said from behind them. The Weasleys turned to see the Potter family standing behind them.

"Hello Harry!" Ron greeted.

"Hey, Gin," Hermione said, giving her sister-in-law a hug.

"Are you almost done?" Ginny asked looking at the bundle Rose and Hugo carried.

"Almost, we have two more books to get for them."

"Finally, I'm exhausted," Ron muttered to Harry who merely laughed.

"Stop pulling on my hair, Albus!" Rose cried.

"Albus!" Ginny and Harry warned.

"Sorry. James did it first," the young boy said, pointing to his brother.

"I did not!" the other boy cried.

"Boys are stupid, don't worry about it," Lily Potter said, comforting her cousin.

"Hey!" Albus, James and Hugo chorused. Lily and Rose shrugged.

"Why don't you all go ahead to Mum and Dad's? I'll pick up the books and meet you there," Hermione suggested. "You can handle Rose and Hugo, can't you Ronald?" Ron glared at her. Ginny and Hermione began to giggle.

"You look ridiculous," Hermione said.

"Be quiet, Mione," the red-head muttered. Hermione smiled, giving her husband a kiss.

"But she's right, mate," Harry added. Ron punched him in the arm. "OW!"

"C'mon kids, Uncle Ron and Uncle Harry are going to act like three-year-olds again," Ginny ushered, hurrying the children down the lane.

"He started it!" Ron and Harry cried, pointing to each other. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Bye, love," she said and kissed Ron on the cheek before disappearing into the store. The bell rang softly as she entered the store. It was full with children and their parent's getting ready for the impending school year. She wandered down aisle after aisle, looking for her books. She finally found a deserted aisle in the back, where the books were located. She began scanning the titles, mumbling them under breath.

"Here it is," she sighed, finding one of the books. She pulled it off the shelf and set it at her feet. She began to scan again for the other book, finally seeing three shelves above her head. "Oh, damn…" She stood on the balls of her feet, trying to reach it. After numerous attempts, a pasty hand reached over her head and grabbed the book.

"Here," the owner said, holding the book in front of her face.

"Thank you very much," she said, taking it.

"Hermione?" Startled, the brunette looked up at the man.

"Malfoy?" she questioned. "I haven't seen you in years."

"It's been a long time, yes," he said, suddenly stiffening.

"Thank you for getting my book."

"Haven't you already read it a thousand times?" he asked, smirking down at her. His gray eyes locked with her brown ones.

"I have. It's for my son, Hugo."

"Your son?" Malfoy asked.

"Yes. I'm a mother now; I have a daughter named Rose as well."

"You married…?"

"Ronald," she said with a smile. "During the war, we finally…..clicked. What about you? Did you ever get married?"

"Yes. I have a son named Scorpius with A great girl named Astoria Greengrass."

"You have to be joking!" Hermione sputtered. "Daphne's sister?" Malfoy let out a soft chuckle.

"Yes. We met after the war. By then, thankfully, Daphne had forgotten I existed."

"Good. Nobody needs a repeat of fourth year." The two stood there for a moment in silence.

"Whatever happened?" Malfoy inquired suddenly. "I mean…what happened with us?"

"You don't remember?" the brunette mumbled, slightly hurt.

Hermione stepped into the empty classroom, hoping the boy she was to meet would not come at all.

"Hermione?" a soft voice asked.

"Hello, Draco," she whispered.

"Mione, look, I can explain-"

"Explain what?!" she thundered. "How you betrayed me? How you lied about being on Umbridge's side? How no matter what I do you are always ignoring me now, constantly telling me to ditch Harry and Ronald and Ginny and all of my friends for your idiotic ambitions? Or how-" Her next rant was cut off by cold lips touching hers.

"I'm sorry, but this is what I have to do. I thought you of all people would understand."

"I don't. And I don't care to either. Everything about you has turned cold now…even your touch." Tears welled in her brown eyes as she unhooked the necklace he had given her at the end of last year. She took his hand, dropping both the necklace and its book charm into his palm. She hurried around him, stopping at the door.

"I'm sorry, Malfoy," she sniffed before disappearing out of the room. Malfoy wrapped his first around the necklace tightly, holding back a scream or tears or any sign of emotion.

"Love you too," he murmured before hurrying out the door and back to his common room.

"I remember that," he said. "I still loved you even after that." Hermione smiled slightly.

"I still loved you too, but we both know that it could have never worked. Especially once the war came."

"But…after the war…" Malfoy insisted.

"I found Ronald, and you found Astoria. This is how it was supposed to be." Malfoy nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah…I love Astoria."

"And I love Ron." They looked at each other and smiled. "Thank you for getting my book. Drop me an owl sometime. You're not as bad as you were in school."

"Thanks for that, but I'd rather not have Potter and Weasley after me." Hermione smiled.

"Fine. But, write me if you can. See you around…Draco."

"See you, Hermione."

Hermione was sitting at her desk, reading a book for ten millionth time. Since her interaction with Malfoy a few weeks back, she had been rereading books from her school days. A few minutes passed in silence before she heard a light noise coming from the window. She glanced up, seeing an owl with a thin envelope in its beak. She nodded, going to the kitchen to get it some food. She came back with the morsel and gave it to the bird after retrieving her letter. Flipping it over, she noticed it was addressed to her. Sitting back at her desk, she opened the letter. Unfolding the parchment, a small silver necklace fell out. Not noticing the token, she read the note.


Here's your damn owl. I also sent along something of yours. This was yours and should always stay with you. Write back unless Weasley and Potter would come after me.

With Love, Draco

Hermione smiled, and began searching her desk. She picked up a simple silver necklace with a book charm on it. She clasped it around her neck before pulling out a small sheet of parchment to write Malfoy a letter in return.

A/N: OMG!!! I can't believe it's over…This is the first story I have ever finished. Hope you enjoyed it and look for more stories from me in the future! Oh, and if you have any questions, just post them in a review and I'll answer them in another document under this story.