Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of the characters or places named….dang.

Hermione stormed down the hallway, the soft swishing of her dress echoing in the emptiness. She wiped her eyes, hoping to keep back tears, as well as preventing her mascara from running. Damned Ronald, she thought to herself. If he wanted to ask me, he could of. End of story.

"Herm-own-ninny!" a voice called with a thick Bulgarian accent. She turned, trying to blink back the tears. "Vhere are you going?" Viktor Krum asked, catching his date's arm.

"I just need some time, Viktor," she replied, giving him a faint smile. "Go back to the ball, have fun."

"I'd rather stay vith you," he said.

"That's sweet." He grinned, leaning closer to her. Hermione jumped back slightly at the feeling of his lips against hers. She pulled away abruptly, getting out of his grasp.

"This doesn't feel right. Not now," she whispered. "I'm…I'm sorry. I just need time." She gave his hand a light squeeze before taking off down the hallway.

Hermione ducked into the courtyard a few minutes later, sitting on the edge of the fountain. She fingered the chain around her neck, her fingers falling to the charm that Viktor had given her. She smiled, thinking of their kiss. Her smile fell, thinking of others who were also on her mind.

"Sulking, Granger?" a voice drawled. Hermione jumped slightly, allowing the charm to fall against her chest.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" she scowled. "Why don't you go ruin Ron's night?"

"No thanks. That would bring you too much joy." Malfoy stuck his hands in his pockets, casually walking up behind Hermione. "I'd much rather be here with you to ruin yours," he taunted.

"Go away," she growled. She shot out of her seat, walking a few feet away from her unwanted company.

"Get over it, Granger. Krum just asked you because he couldn't find anyone else." Hermione turned to face him.

"Well, if you feel so almighty, who did you go with?" Silence. "As I thought. The only dates you will ever have are Crab and Goyle."

"Shut up, Mudblood. You know I'm with Pansy."

"Like that's anything to brag about," she scoffed. Malfoy pulled his wand. Hermione pulled hers, aiming for his chest. "Get out of here Malfoy. Why the hell are you here anyway?"

"I just wanted to revel in your unhappiness. It is so much fun."

"You are two-faced," she sneered.

"What?" he asked, lowering his wand.

"Expeliarmus!" she cried, sending Malfoy's wand flying back a few feet. "Dumb move. Anyway, why are you really here?"

"To drive you nuts," he murmured, retrieving his wand.

"Naturally. But I would still like to know why you are here, ferret."

"And I would like to know why you're dangling Krum and Weasley on a string."

"What on earth are you talking about?" she inquired.

"Oh hell, Granger. I saw you kiss Krum. And you and Ronald are always annoying each other so much, you may as well be dating."

"Wait. You saw Viktor and me?" Malfoy nodded. "Why? Shouldn't you have been with Pansy?" Malfoy blushed.

"Well, you know…I saw you yell at Weasley and-"

"Malfoy, shut up. Why were you following me?" There was a long moment of silence. Malfoy leaned against the side of the fountain, admiring his shoes.

"I don't hate you," he uttered, barely audible.

"I'm sorry. My ears must be playing tricks on me. Did you just say you don't hate me?"

"Yes. And do you know how much it hurt me to see you kiss Krum?"

"And do you know how ridiculous you're being? This is another cruel joke."

"No it isn't. What the hell do I have to do, Granger?" he demanded, jolting up quickly. "I'm damned if I don't show you and I'm damned if I do. I love you. I'm not sure how to prove it. And just seeing you kiss Krum…"

"What? Malfoy…you aren't making any sense. And he kissed me," she added quietly. "Besides, I didn't want him to kiss me."

"You didn't avoid it at first-"

"But I pushed him away-"

"After a few seconds-"

"Why the hell are you so mad?"

"Why do you not understand?"

"Because you have no reason to be! For all I know you could be plotting to humiliate me or hurt me. And you're not making one bit of sense. You're rambling. Are you drunk?"

"I'm not drunk, I'm not rambling, and I'm not trying to hurt you," he pointed out, making direct eye contact with her.

"Then why don't you prove it?" she prompted. Malfoy smiled slightly, taking a few more steps toward her. His arms slid around her waist, bringing her closer to him. With a swift move, Malfoy's mouth covered Hermione's as her arms went around his neck. They stood their a few moments, simply enjoying themselves. They finally broke away, both breathing gently.

"Good enough for you?" he asked. Hermione pressed her lips together, thinking it over. "I love you," he murmured.

"I'm still just not sure." Malfoy kissed her lightly on the lips, lingering for a few moments.

"You'll have to trust me," he said. "Do you?"

"Yes," she whispered, kissing him back. "I do."

"I love you," he repeated again. "Be mine?"

"Of course," Hermione agreed. Smiling, Malfoy walked over to the wall and sat down, bringing Hermione to lie beside him. They sat peacefully together as the night dragged on forever.

Author's Note: As you can guess, they lived happily ever after…providing Malfoy didn't get killed or died. How'd I do? Let me know!