

Hi everyone. Okay, here's the deal pretty much. I haven't been able to update this story mainly because of the fact I haven't either had much thought about writing anymore of it or it's because I'm almost too lazy. I mean, I have tried to think of something, but it has just never occurred to me. I try sometimes, but like I said, creativity is almost never on my side. That's why I have no choice but to discontinue it.

I know it's a bit irresponsible to do this, but compared to people who just leave their stories like that without updating them for more than two years or people who are daft enough to delete them, I think I'm pretty much doing more than the right thing.

Still, I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but my mind is more than made up. I can't update anything without making it look perfect, so just leaving this story hanging is more than enough to remove the pressure out of me. Still, if anyone would like to take my idea, go right ahead. And thanks to all of you who read, reviewed and enjoyed my story. You all are seriously the best.