Title: Deaf Snore
Author: Dana-chaaan.
Information: Anime - Naruto - KankurouKiba

Summary: Sleeping never seemed to be a problem. Until now.

Author's Note: This was originally going to be a conversation fic, but I changed my mind. Actually, conversation fics make me think it's from a blind person's perspective, so I added one-worded sentences so I wouldn't feel so bad. Heh. Anyways, hope you enjoy. First fanfic on this pairing. Haha. I just feel like doing random pairings lately.




Poke. Poke. "Wake up!"

Shift. Snore.

"C'mon, Kiba! Wake up already!"


"Huh? Huh... Whaa?"

Sigh. "Finally!"

"What's going on?"

"You were snoring like a bore."

Scowl. "Was not."

"Yes, you were. I couldn't even sleep you were snoring so loud."

"So you woke me up just to tell me this?"

"No, I woke you up so you'd stop."

"Well, whatever. I'm going back to sleep."

"Oh, no you aren't! Get your ass up and sleep on the couch!"

"Why don't you just get ear plugs if it's such a problem?"

"Because, Kiba, I don't have ear plugs to get."

"It's not like the first time you've slept here, so what's the problem?"

"The problem is that before I was asleep before you. I'm a deep sleeper so I couldn't tell before, but now you fell asleep before me an--"

"This is stupid. Just deal with it. I'm tried."

"But Kiba--"

"Goodnight, Kankurou."

"Argh, Kiba, I have a mission tomorrow and I need proper sleep."

"Then sleep on the couch."

"The couch is uncomfortable and you know it."

"Then deal with it yourself. Goodnight."

Smack! "You better not go back to sleep."

"Did you just hit me?"

"Stuff it, I barely touched you."

"Still. Why are you here anyways, Kankurou?"

Shrug. "Your bed's more comfortable."

Smirk. "Of course, that's the reason."

"It is, thank you very much. But, if only you weren't in it, it'd be much more pleasurable."

"Oh, of course. My apologies." Scowl.

Laugh. "I forgive you. Now, fall asleep after me."

"No way in hell, honey."

Groan. "C'mon, Kiba."

Shift. "I'll keep you awake the whole night if I have to."

"Ew, gross, Kiba. Get your stinky feet out of my face!"

"You know you love it."

"That's sick." Push. "Get them away from me."

"Never." Laugh.

"I'm being serious. Stop."

Taunt. "Nope."

"Ugh, fine, I'm sleeping on the couch."

"But, Kankurou.. Wait, I'm so--"


"Such a drama queen, he is." Sigh.

"C'mon, Kankurou..." Exiting.

"I didn't mean to get you all flustered." Watching.

"Shut up, Kiba, I'm going to sleep."

"Kankurou." Pout.



"..." Shift. Inhale. Exhale. Snuggle.

"Fine, whatever!" Growl.

"Ruff! Ruffruff!"

"Go back to sleep, Akamaru, everything's fine."


Step. Step. Step. "Kankurou."


Kiss. "Come back to bed, I'll let you fall asleep first."

"..." Exhale. "...Fine."


"Geez, you're so annoying, Kiba." Smile.


"You know you love me!"

"Shut up, Kiba. Just go to sleep."

Snuggle. "Fine. Goodnight, Kankurou."

Embrace. "'Night." Peck.

Inhale. Exhale.


Author's Note: 0.o;; I have no idea where that came from. I guess that turned out okay. Haha. Who am I kidding, that was pretty bad! Haha. Oh well. First time with these two, they're kinda hard too. Kiba's a bitch to me in anything really, for some reason. Although, I think this pairing is easier to do than ShinoKiba. Well, anyways, here it is, hope you enjoyed it. Review?