Hey! I updated early! This chapter is also a bit longer than normal, so...But no updates from me for about a week- spring break is here and I'm going camping. But when I get back I WILL write!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Final Fantasy, or the song Taking over Me.

You Know You're Obsessed with Final Fantasy When...

6. You cannot watch/hear about Dragon Ball Z without thinking of Zidane (Because of the tails)

7. You write stories/draw fanart for all the games- maybe even ones you've never played.

8. Everytime you see a guy carrying a sword that is far too big and wide for him- you wonder how he stole Cloud's sword.

9. You cannot hear a song without somehow connecting it to the characters or planning an FMV

10. You ask your coach if you can start a blitzball team


Chapter Eight

Answer Me

I believe in you
I'll give up everything just to find you

The room was unlike anything they could have imagined, even with their vague ideas from the other parts of the castle. Quistis found herself forgetting all dignity and gaped openly.

The room was the larges that they had come across; but how large, no one was sure. It seemed as though they had walked from a path carved by passage, into a thick and uninhabited jungle. Trees with twisted limbs reached up to an invisible ceiling, over which a dank mist hung. Thick, ropey vines twisted up the walls, while moss and grass covered the floor they walked on, cracking the stone tiles.

The silver light seemed to be pulsating from a circle of tree roots and vines upon the floor, in what seemed to be the middle of a small clearing. Though unable to see it well, Quistis rather thought that the surface of the circle resembled a mirror.

And beside it, stood a man that was cloaked in shadow. His head was bent, and in the pulsing silver light, Quistis could see that the color of his hair was coal black- almost polar opposite of the light.

He looked up as they approached.

Cid smiled very slightly, coming forward to stand by his friend. The others stood transfixed, caught in the gaze of the strange man.

His eyes were a penetrating power- and they were all held in thrall by his bright silver gaze.

Slowly, his eyes roamed over each of them- staring into their very depths. It was not the kind of stare which one shared with a lover or a friend; but rather a stare that looked effortlessly and ruthlessly through those depths. It was a gaze that searched for something; something that had to be found whether or not it harmed the person that held it.

It was a terrifying stare.

Quistis bit her lip, struggling to keep her mouth closed; a cry billowing up her throat like smoke up a chimney. His eyes frightened her; not as Squall's sometimes had, with their coldness, but because he seemed to be so huge- not in body, but in power and mind. As though he were a mere hologram or extension of something great, powerful, and terrible. He stared into her eyes; and then moved his awesome gaze away.

Selphie was his next victim. Her large green eyes seemed to tremble as he stared into them. She felt as though she needed to gasp for breath, but dared not fill her lungs. He was so much more than she herself was, so sure and powerful- while she was a nothing; insignificant. She was scared because she had never before come across someone with the look of one that knew too much. She had never seen a person with eyes so full of pain that it hurt and terrified her heart to see it- someone that had known too much life. Finally, he looked to the next person.

Zell felt that it was one of those times when he wanted to rely on his instincts alone- instincts that told him to run or fight –rather than stand his guard. It was also one of those times where he couldn't rely on those instincts to save him. He was a martial artist- he plowed and punched his way through any wall in his path- so why did such eyes leave him so immobilized? It was as though this man with silver eyes knew of Zell's every doubt, every lie... every good or bad thing that he had done, and this man would pass judgment on him for those actions. The iron gaze haunted him- and would continue to haunt him even as the silver eyes turned away.

Irvine had once said that because he was a sharpshooter, he was a loner by nature. Now, he knew that if he were able, he would go back and force those words up his mouth. Staring into the silver gaze, he knew what it meant to be truly alone. The man was so connected to everything around him- to every stare that he shared and yet... he was more alone than anyone Irvine had ever met. Because this man knew of such pain- of both the good and the bad – it set him so apart from all that he knew because he had true wisdom. And true suffering. Unconsciously, Irvine gripped his gun tighter as the moments passed, until the silver gaze moved away.

For a moment, the man was silent. Then a slow smile came upon his face, and he spoke.

"Very well."

He turned his back to them, staring at the circle on the floor.

Cid coughed slightly, more to break the silence than anything else. The others turned to look at him. He smiled lightly. "This is Xavier," Cid said, gesturing toward the silver-eyed man. "He may be able to help us."

Xavier kneeled in front of the circle. Slowly, he waved one of his hands over it, muttering under his breath. He spoke abruptly- "Tell me, where is this forest located again?"

Unconsciously, they all came to draw around him and the circle that he leaned over. Bending her head a little, Quistis saw what seemed to be a pool of gently swirling water. The silver light was even brighter up close, and Quistis found herself squinting slightly.

"By the mountains on the Centra continent," Cid said, breaking the tension.

Xavier nodded once, bending down and gripping the vines that circled around the pool of light. He stared intently into its depths for a moment. Suddenly, the light began to pulse faster and faster, like a racing heartbeat. With each pulse of light Xavier's body jerked, his silver eyes glowing in time with the pool.

Impulsively, Quistis stepped back in shock and horror.

The others made sounds of distress, looking to Cid for reassurance. He gave a strained smile as Xavier's body stopped jerking and slumped slightly for a moment. Slowly, panting, he raised himself to his feet. The pool began to glow a golden color, while Xavier stood above it, head bent. Slowly, he raised his head- and Quistis could not fight down her gasp at the sight of his equally golden eyes.

"There is a tale to be told..." He rasped, fists clenching slightly. "Come," he gestured to the pool, for them to gather around it. They obeyed, and as they stood over it, the contents swirled.

A shadow appeared- roughly humanoid in shape.

"Once, there was a boy..." Xavier murmured, as the pool rippled and the dark human shadow moved.

"A boy that sought power. As luck would have it, he stumbled across a Guardian- a beast unlike any he had imagined. Together, for the want of power, they joined souls. But they were not satisfied. And as one being, they set out in search of even more power."

The pool rippled again, this time the creature that they had battled filling the surface, striding as neither earth nor shadow could hold.

"A greater power knew of their seeking, and devised a way to stop them. He summoned the creature with a bonded soul and said-

"You wish for more power, I can give it to you. But for a price."

They accepted in their greed, without care of the price.

"Very well," the god replied. "I give you the power of immortality, the power of ancient magics, and ultimate control over this forest- you may do anything within here, make it anything you wish. I give you this because of your determination. But, for your greed, I demand this price: For all that I have given you, you must be forever bound to this forest, until destiny seeks out your power for good. But your power can only be obtained by destiny, as you obtained yours- only if something of equal value is given in return."

The creatures screamed in agony and despair- but the god's word was law, and they were forever bound to the forest, until the ones rightful for their power was able to seek them out."

The pool was absorbed with darkness, and the ripples ceased. Slowly, the light returned to it's original color- as did Xavier's eyes. He shook for a moment, closing his eyes tightly. "And so another joins the circle," he murmured softly, opening his sad, knowing, eyes. He looked up at them.

"Perhaps your friends are the destiny. Or perhaps you are. But one thing is for sure..." He stood, slowly, tremblingly, coal-black hair wiped from his brow. He stared each of them in the face again; but this time it was different. This time the eyes were not so terrifying as they were sad. Sad for himself, and sad for the deed he would perhaps commit by telling them of his knowledge. He felt such sadness for the sacrifice.

"In order for you to get your friends back- you must give something of equal value in return."


I have to be with you
To live, to breathe
You're taking over me

The flames licked at the sky- sustaining, everlasting, hungry.

They danced among the stars- danced with them, he knew, in ways that nature only knew how to do. His eyes moved effortlessly over the trees and the fog- the world that had become his refuge. A refuge that he been forced upon him, he knew, and the feeling of wanting did not cease- it would not cease. He turned his gaze to the sleeping woman beside him and knew that to be true. Now that he had found it, he would never escape this wanting- this needing. With it came hope, and he found himself frightened.

The flames caressed her edges, he realized. Gentle, coaxing- as if the every bounds of nature knew how precious she was. How precious she had become- and how easily she could be broken by his rough edges. Is this the fear of oneself, he wondered. The terrifying thought that you have the power to hurt those held in your heart? How had he not seen it before- this fear of himself, this ability he had to hurt. Perhaps the forest was playing with his mind; perhaps nature was giving him clarity. Perhaps it was merely and epiphany. Then again, perhaps it was just her.

Squall closed his eyes- and the flames burned within him. The power to destroy- to shape destiny and leave war in his wake. The flames seared his heart and mind- the hate and the anger would perhaps consume him. The darkness was closing in- he could feel it. He would not last must longer, and live. Squall knew he would die- not in body, but everywhere that counted.

A soft murmur came from Rinoa, and the darkness recoiled as the part of him that still lived swelled at the sound. He opened his eyes and stared at her for a moment. The seconds- hours, months, years – ticked by as Squall looked at her face, and felt a kind of hope that hurt, yes, but not as the other hope had. This hope hurt like a muscle that was growing stronger- something that would one day be sustaining.

Squall closed his eyes.

The flames flickered, and died.


He was alone again. Not that he minded of course- though a part of him seemed to ache at the loss of time when he hadn't felt alone. For those few minutes- hours, months – that she had been there.

Squall knew, even at age seven, what it meant to care about someone.

The rock he sat on looked over the sea. Waves lapped at the edge- the roaring water accompanied with the sound of the others playing on the shore. He turned away from them, hopping down off the rock and into the cool ocean water.

The water went only up to his knees, though it grew steadily deeper with each step he took. Soon, his chest was beneath the freezing and frothing waves. The water tugged at him- calling to bring him to a watery haven from which he would never return. He trudged on. Slowly, he edged around the boulder, fingers curling on the coral and rock he knew to be there. The sharp edged cut at his gloves, but he was still provided with enough protection against the cutting rock. The salt of the water pulled at his nose, and he stopped for a moment, gagging slightly. Taking another step forward, he braced himself, ready to sink even lower into the shadowy depths- gasping in surprise as his foot met a solid surface. Squinting through the mist that clung to the rocks, he was able to make out a small opening- like a cave. Cautiously, he approached it.

Abruptly the water grew deeper and Squall found himself plunging into the sea, hands scrabbling at the edges of the hole. His fingers grasped the rock, and he pulled himself forward, through the hole.

His head broke the surface and he gasped- coughing and spluttering as he struggled to tread the water. As he regained his awareness, he looked around at the cave he had pulled himself into.

The walls were not very high- if Squall were to stand on the surface of the water his head would bump on the top. A little away from him was a small sand bank- a collection of shells and broken bottles littering the bank. Slowly, he swam over to it, a strange feeling rising inside of him.

The feeling grew as his boots sunk into the sand, and his hands (covered by sopping gloves) grabbed at the loose grains. He pulled himself up- knees burying themselves in the sand. Shivering, he crawled over to the other side of the bank, staring at a slowly revolving bottle that was completely intact. It bobbed up and down in the swinging waves- the current keeping it close to the bank, though not for long. Blindly, without thought, Squall reached for the bottle.

His fingers closed around it- and he slowly brought it up to his face.

Brow furrowed as the strange feeling swelled like never before, he noticed a curled piece of paper crammed into the bottle.

Squall reached for the cork, pulling it out after a few moments of struggle.

He turned the bottle up side down, fingers working at the edges of the paper. Slowly, he pried it out. The letter fell onto his knees, curled in a tight roll.

The feeling threatened to choke his throat as he reached trembling fingers down, and opened the letter. A fairly neat writing greeted him:

Dear Squall,

I think a part of me hates my father. But the bigger part of me just wants to know why my mommy is gone. Why she will not be able to hug me anymore. How am I spossed to be happy without my mommy? I want to hurt somthing so bad that somone can feel what I feel. I can't cry anymore 'cause my tears wont fall. But I 'member you. I 'member how I said we were best I. And how you made me smile again. And I wanted to see you. I wanted you to find me, just like I know this leter will find you. Even though we're far away from each other- I know we'll meet again. I know we will 'cause our hearts are conected. I knew that if anybody could save me it was you. I beleive in you. I I that I'll see you again. I have to so that the darknes wont pull me away too. It's a darknes that my night-light cant chase away. I'm so scared. I'm scared 'cause I can't feel happy until you're here. I'm scared 'cause a part of me wants to run into the darknes.

How can I stop the darknes, Squall?

Maybe if you can save me, we can find out.

I'll be waiting for you – foreber if I have to.



Squall stared at the paper, heart pounding as he read Rinoa's words. Slowly, his fingers traced her writing. The feeling was still in him, but spreading so that it wasn't so suffocating. The feeling consumed his body and he found himself smiling. It had been one year since he had seen her- and she still had the same effect on him. He tucked the letter into the bottle again, and put the cork back in. Slowly, he stood.

For a moment, the world seemed to teeter on an edge. On one side was the abyss- on the other a long road to happiness. Time froze in place as Squall stood in the little cave- not caring that his head was at an odd angle because of the top of the cave. Then time flowed again- and the world fell down the start of a long journey.

Squall grasped the bottle in his hand.

"Rinoa," he whispered. "I'm coming..."

Six months later...

Rain fell on his face.

It didn't matter. Nothing mattered.

She was leaving.

He stared down the road for as long as he could- until the brown of her hair and the green dress she wore faded. At the last moment, she looked back- and he didn't know if the water that fell down her face was tears or rain or both –as she raised her hand in farewell.

She was gone.

The others were crying around him. Matron gathered them together and brought them inside. After a moment of hesitation, she merely touched his shoulder, leaving him alone- as she knew he wanted to be.

When they were gone and the doors were closed- only then did he let the pain show.

A cry escaped from him- a cry that threatened to shatter the earth and shake the stars as he threw is head back and let the cry consume him. The cry pulled itself from his throat- burning and breaking even as he gasped for breath. The cry was lost in the thunder.

Eventually, the cry died and Squall found himself empty.

"I'll be okay..."he whispered, with the little bit of 'self' he had left.

"I'll be okay...without you, sis..."

Three Months Later...

"I have something to tell you all." Matron addressed the small group of children before her. Hesitantly, they sat on the couch. All of them could see that there was something strained about her smile.

Squall barely looked up at the woman that he still cared for as he would a mother. He didn't even show reaction at her next words.

"The...time has come," Matron said slowly, lacing her finger together. "You are all going to one of the Garden Military Academies."

"Military...?" Quistis breathed- blue eyes going wide.

"Yes," Matron said. "You, Quistis have some foster parents waiting for you in Balamb- the same with you Zell. You both shall be attending the Balamb Garden. Seifer-" she turned her head to the small, green-eyed boy. "You and Squall will be attending there as well, except you shall sleep in the dorm rooms." Matron's voice was rather raspy- as though it was taking all her effort to keep talking.

Seifer rolled his eyes- presumably at the idea of him and Squall being anywhere together. But his eyes were also tight with an unreadable emotion as they stared at Matron.

"Selphie, you shall be going to the Trabia Academy. It's...very cold up there, so make sure you bring another coat. Irvine," She continued. "You are going to the Galbadia Academy. It very warm there..." She broke off suddenly. For a moment she seemed to struggle as she watched the faces of her children as they realized that they were being separated.

"In a few months, you'll take a boat to the continents you're going to. Selphie, you shall take the boat leaving in two months. Irvine, Quistis, Seifer, Zell, and Squall, you will all be taking the boat that leaves a week after Selphie's. You will arrive in Deling city-"

Squall froze in place.

"-within three weeks of your departure, and from there you will take a train to Balamb."

For the first time in what seemed to be eternity- Squall remembered that there were other things that mattered.

Three months Later...

Squall glanced back behind himself for what felt like the hundredth time. Once again, there was no sign of anyone he knew.

He edged around the street corner- heart pounding at the thought that he was behind Rinoa's house. It hadn't been as hard as he had thought it would be, finding where she lived. All he had to do was ask where the Caraway residence was.

He glanced up the side of the vine-covered wall. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed at the vines and edges in the bricks, pulling himself up and over the side of the wall. His heavy boots met grass, and he looked around quickly. There was no sign of anyone.

Squall stood, prepared to crouch and run if need be. He frowned slightly. This was where his plan had faltered. How was he supposed to find Rinoa without alerting anyone of his presence? He sighed, running a hand frustratingly over his forehead. His eyes fell upon a tree, a few feet away from one of the walls of the house. Struck with a sudden idea, he stuck his hand into his pocket, grabbing the pocketknife that had been a going-away present.

Squall smiled, fingering the blade slightly. But the smile did not last- for he had failed her. He could not save her now, he knew. But his determination returned. Maybe he couldn't save her today- but soon, Squall promised himself, soon, he would save her.

Slowly, he began to walk over to the tree.

Even through his gloves, he could feel the rough gentleness of the bark as he placed the tip of his knife into the tree.

The words seemed to come to him effortlessly- and before long, he was scratching out his signature. Though it had not felt like a long time, he knew a few hours had passed. Stowing the knife in his pocket, he began to walk towards the wall- only to freeze as shouts greeted him.

"Stop right there!"

Men in uniform were running toward him from all sides. Vainly, he tried to escape. But before he knew it, hands closed around him, and he was being dragged across the grass and sidewalk. He kicked, punched, and bit, but none of the men seemed fazed. A car was parked at the gate- door open. He struggled against the hands again as he drew closer to the door.


He froze, surprised, giving the men opportunity to bring him to the door without his struggles. He propped his feet up on the sides of the car, vainly straining to look back at her as he shouted-

"Rinoa! I got your letter!" He pushed against the men more as fear consumed him- would he be forced to leave before he could see her face?

"I'm going away to Garden! Find my answer on the growth of seeds!"

He was able to turn his head and see a flash of her brown eyes, body being restrained by men as well. Her eyes shone for a moment as they met with his- and then the hands forced him into the car- and away from the last person that had ever given him hope.

Someone was speaking to him- chastising him no doubt –but he wasn't listening. Squall stared brokenly out the window even after he could no longer see the house. Even after everything he had been through- it made no difference. No matter how he hoped and wished and smiled- it did nothing. In the end, the people that mattered would just be taken away.

And thus, Squall Leonheart resigned himself to a fate, alone.

Present Day

When he woke, the world was different.

The time and place and feeling- everything had changed. The sun was shining, but in a more lasting way. The leaves were a brighter green, the air was sweet- and he felt a strange peace.

Peace. He looked around at Rinoa, still sleeping softly. Slowly, he brushed back the hair that had fallen over her face.

Yes, he knew, this was peace.

But in the back of his mind, he felt the presence of a dark power.

And in the shadows, lurked a creature that was more that a single part.

The creature watched, and waited. Destiny had come.

I believe in you
I'll give up everything just to find you
I have to be with you
To live, to breathe
You're taking over me...

As far as the song goes (and why I had it in this chapter) I just thought it kind of fit. I'm actually pretty proud of this chapter- and yes, in Rinoa's letter the misspellings are intentional.


Freyjadour: Thank you! I'm glad I was able to get across the seriousness of their situation. And I'm glad my OC is interesting- I never really thought I'd make one of those essential to a plot in any of my FF stories...

kaira4248: Thank you! I'm glad you love this story. Thanks for the information about NORG too. )

Rinny87: Thank you! Your review made me smile. Sorry I took so long (I shed a few tears as well), and I am happy that this one was up so much sooner. Thanks for the NORG info too- now I don't have to put him in this story! Yay!

KHfreak1992: Thank you! Better late than never! Yes, Squall really is opening up a lot more, and will keep doing so. I just hope I can keep him in character while doing that...

That's it for this chapter! Reviews make me smile inside!

Next Chapter Preview:

Defeat Me: Months have passed and still Quistis and the others are no closer to rescuing their teammates. But a realization comes to them- and the question is posed. How far are they willing to go to save their friends...? Meanwhile, Squall and Rinoa stumble across the same creature that landed them in this mess- and a battle for their lives begins. Can they possibly believe that destiny has come- and they will pull through?

Catch ya on the flip side-
