AN-I just wanted everyone to know I do like Alex but to write this story I needed to make him a bad guy. So sorry for those who hate the way I make Alex.

Last time- "I remember Wes I remember I didn't love you I love him and this baby his not yours"

"Jen your talking nonsense"

"No, Alex I remember everything" she looked down at her hand "and I won't marry you" she took off the ring "In fact I'm going back to help him, I'm going to save Wes"

Alex looked into Jen's eyes he had to think of a way to make Jen not believe what she was saying he couldn't lose her again.

"Jen this is natural before a wedding, you were never in the past Jen that team that went back in time…they never came back"

Jen looked into Alex's eyes and she couldn't tell if he was lying or not "Jen they didn't come back they died there to save us here"

"But my dreams…" she said confused at what was going on Alex sounded so sincere

"Jen, like I said before its your nerves I understand where you are coming from, I know everything is going to change, I mean we're getting married and having a baby, Jen it's natural to feel the way your feeling" He walked forward and put his hands on her shoulders "You know I would never do anything to hurt you"

Jen didn't know what to think all she knew was he dreams had seemed to real and the letters and the box "But they felt so real and I had proof"

"Jen what was the proof?" Alex asked

"There was a box I found in your mothers attic it said Jen never forget, Wes. And it had pictures of us, all of us me Katie Lucas Trip and Wes" Jen said trying to convince everyone.

"Jen can you show me this box and pictures?" Alex asked looking into her eyes

"Yes, follow me" she said to everyone in the room as she walked over to her office. Once inside she walked over to her draw were she had put the box and pictures she opened it. Inside the draw was nothing, no hint of the box of pictures. She reached inside and felt around "It was here I was sure of it" she said franticly looking around her desk. Alex walked over to her "Jen, please stop this, its not good for you or the baby"

A tear fell down Jen's face as she slowly stopped looking "But it felt so real" she said slowly.

"Jen it's your mind playing tricks on you, just take it easy" Alex said as he took a step closer and picked up her hand, Jen didn't know what came over her she felt her body slip into panic mode "Don't touch me" she yelled out as she pulled her hand back and flung herself backwards. She stumbled and fell to the floor.

"Jen" Alex exclaimed as he knelt down next to her

"I said get away from me" she cried hurrying to stand up and moving away from him. Lucas stepped in front of Jen facing Alex "Maybe you should go" he told Alex, he didn't know where this courage to stand up for Jen came from, they weren't close and only spent time together at work as long as they had to then they went there separate ways, but know as he saw her so vulnerable he felt that he and her were close, he felt like he was her team member for the first time. "Step back Kendall" Alex said threw his teeth he didn't like how Lucas once again stood up to him like he had done in the year 2000. Trip saw Lucas and knew that they had to stand together, they had never acted of felt like a team before, but something seemed different he felt it. The feeling of a team, a second family and he knew they had to stick together. Trip stepped over by Lucas "Yes I agree with Lucas I think you should leave"

"Both of you step back" Alex commanded "I am this team leader and what I say goes"

"No" Katie said stepping forward "leave Jen alone she's not her self, let us deal with her"

Alex was about to say something when his mind flashed back to the year 2000.

Katie, Lucas, Trip, and Jen lay on the floor un morphed Alex continued to fight, he looked over at the others and saw them on the ground he frowned at yelled over to them

"Come on get up and fight" the all lay hurt on the floor "Don't you care the future is depending on you?"

Lucas lay on the floor and slowly stood up Trip looked at him "Lucas" but Lucas ignored him and walked angrily over to Alex fist clenched and stopped in front of him. Alex glared at him "What are you doing?"

Lucas's fist clenched even harder the anger seamed to be boiling out "You're the one who doesn't care about the future" Lucas yelled, Alex glared at him anger in his eyes then Trip stood up.

"If you did you wouldn't have taken Wes's morpher" Trip said bravely. Alex took a step forward pushing Lucas aside, Alex glared at Trip "the team is strongest this way"

"No" came Katie's voice from behind, now Jen and Katie were also standing and Katie holding her arm took a step closer "No were strongest with Wes, If you were a real leader you'd see that" Alex looked over at Jen wondering what her response would be, She didn't say anything, but she didn't have to her eyes said it all, she agreed with the others, he saw she was beginning to love Wes more then a team member, and all this he could tell from her eyes.

Alex came back to seeing once again the three standing up to him, he glared at them and hurried out of the room to try and make sense of what was going on. Why was this happening memory adaptation should have worked he should be happy with Jen. Why couldn't she accept the fact that he loved her more then anything on earth? Why couldn't she see that?

Katie turned to Jen, She could see Jen had just had a panic attack, but know she was crying she knelt down next to her. "Jen what's wrong?"

"Katie what his happening to me, why is this happening, was Wes real?" she stopped to take a breath "Is Alex right did I just make this whole think up?" Lucas and Trip watched as Jen cried. Then Trip bent down "Jen we're going to figure this out as a team"

"Team" Jen whispered, a few months ago she didn't even know what team meant, but know she felt like she knew, she felt like she finally had a family.

"Yes Jen" Lucas said as he knelt down next to her his eyes full of worry "A team" Jen felt her eyes grow heavy, he eyes rolled back and she fell back Katie quickly grabbed hold of Jen as she passed out. As she fell into darkness she heard Katie, Trip's and Lucas's worried voice, but she couldn't make out what they were saying, then her world slipped into Darkness.

AN-Short chapter, sorry for the late update I had a bit of writers block but with this chapter I'm back on track.