Chapter1.html Disclaimer: I am Blitz. I do not own, Storm13/Sophie, Chibikat/Kat, Silver Sunshine25/Tania, or Roguex321/Korrie. They own themselves. And I don't
own the X-Men. I also don't own Tania's mom, dad, brother, and grandma, or my sister, or Sophie's dad.

Summary: 5 girls, 5 X-Men switch bodies with each other. Will either group ever be the same again?

Author's Note: This started out as a silly RPG between me, Sunshine, Chibs, Storm, and Rogue. As you can see, we're all pretty messed up individuals.
Nyeh heh heh. The plot is based off of the original Mutant Mayhem Switcharoo that Chibikat invented, but then got erased by some asshole - Yeah, you
know who you are >:( - so I made a new one, except that everyone had to be a different X-Man. This is what came out of it:

Mutant Mayhem Switcharoo


Five girls, each from different parts of the world (mainly Canada, though) are each transported into a different X-Man's body, while their X-Men
counterparts are transported into their body. They are all unique, but they share one common motive: to crush, kill, and destroy as much as they can of the
X-Men's lives! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahaha . . . a . . . a (deep breath, chokes.) Furball! Furball! Cough chough! AHAHAHAHAHA!

Let's take a looksie, shall we ;-) ?



One day, Blitz woke up in the X-Mansion. Looking down, she found that she was in Penance's body! "GAAH! I'm Penance!!!! " Penance/Blitz yelled. "Ooh! At least I get a kewl outfit outta the deal! Hrmmm . . . " She thinks for a while, then comes to a most joyful conclusion: "YESSS! Now I can do even MORE damage! BWAHAHAHAHA!"


Storm13, at the same time, woke up in another part of the building. "What? Damn, that's weird. I'm Storm!" Storm13 thought a moment. "COOOL! Weather control, come to me! Buahah," Storm13 muttered, "ahahahahhahahaha, but damn i was just gtting usd to being back in my own body and having the guys at school respect me. Ah, well guess I can always electrify them if they dont now, only something . . . something is really worrying me about being Storm." She thought to herself, trying to remember what should bother her about being in Storm's body. "Oh well," she whispers and turns over so that she wasn't looking straight through her skylight into the sun, instead she was now looking at Forge . . . in the same bed. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhh" (deep breath) "AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Forge opened his eyes. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh!"




Tania woke up with a yawn, then rolled over to the right as usual to see what time it was on the alarm clock next to her bed. Except today she bumped into something. Well, not something, but someone. Wearing ruby quartz glasses. As she stared, puzzled, a lock of her hair fell into her face. Red hair. Tania jumped up and looked in the mirror.


Cyclops was jolted out of his sleep and sat up in bed, looking at his wife. "Jean, honey, what's the matter?"

Jean whirled around, eyes wide with a horrorified look on her face.



Sophie ran out of the room screaming. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

But as she ran, she bumped into Jean, who was coming the other way, yelling, ""NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

"Ok, who is this?" they both asked at the same time.

"It's Sophie."

"Sophie, god damnit, this is Tania, uhm, Sunshine. I'm IN JEAN'S body. JEANSSSS!"

"Ohhhoooooo hooohhh! God, and I though I was bad! Oh my oh my GODl" Her friend collapsed on the floor laughing

"Yeah, real funny. I thought you liked Storm"

"Yes, but wait till you see her sleeping partner."




"NO!! Forge."



"That's almost as bad as who I woke up to this morning," Jean/Tania said.

"Oh my God . . . you poor poor thing . . . "

"Yes, I know . . . " Jean took a deep breath. "Cyclops."

Both girls shuddered.

"Well, I guess it's all good 'cause we now have awesome mutant powers," Storm said cheerfully.

"Easy for you to say! Jean can't do anything without fainting! I'm screwed!" Jean cried.

Cyclops walked out of his and Jean's bedroom. "Jean, sweetheart, what's going on out here?"

"Dear GOD get away from me!" Jean screamed, running down the hall.


"Hey, what the hell did I do?" Cyclops asked.

"DONT TALK TO ME STAY AWAY AHHHHHH" Jean/Tania shouted as she ran off down the hall.

"What the hell's wrong with my wife, Storm?" cyclops said, puzzled

Storm was doubled over and laughing too much to answer. "Maybe she finally got tired of your impotence," she managed to choke


"Ah, shut up I can beat you without even using my powers, idiot."


Forge came down the stairs from his and Storm's room.

"You might wanna tell you wife to calm her ass down," cyclops said and walked off to look for Jean.

"What crawled up his ass," Forge asked scratching his head. "And why were you screaming before?"

"Uhm," Storm/Sophie searched for a good excuse, "you left a screw in the bed and I sat on it."

"Oh sorry, I gotta be more carefull with those."

"Doesn't matter. Uhm, I have to go find Jean now."

"What's up with that anyway?"

"GIRL STUFF," Storm/Sophie called over her shoulder as she ran off down the hall as fast as she could.


Jubilee awoke because of all the screaming and looked out of her room. "Eh. Nothing new." She walked down to the basement where Penance was sleeping and took an apple with her. "Hi, Penny!"

Blitz looked up at her and faked being mute.

"Want an apple?"

Blitz looked at the apple and took it. She took one finger and carved a bad word in it with her razor-sharp finger and handed it back.

Jubilee took it. "Gaah! Where'd you learn that?!" She stared at FUCK U written on the apple.

Blitz pushed Jubilee down and walked out of room.

"Hey! Where are you going?!"

Soon, Penance/Blitz found Cyclops and Jean/Tania in the kitchen. Jean had a chair pushed between her and Cyclops. Cyclops was absolutely terrified. Blitz walked to the refrigerator and reached for a bottle of bud. They were all opened and all had pieces of paper taped to them that said "Wolveriner". She sighed and took out a coke.

"Uhhh, Penance? What are you doing?" Cyclops asked.

Penance turned around, sighed, and handed him one, too. Cyclops was very confused. Penance offered Jean one, but she shook her head. Penance shrugged and carried the two cans with her to the T.V. and flipped it on to football (American, not soccer). Storm/Sophie walked in. "WAAZZUP!!!"

"WAAZZUP!!!! Just chillin'. Drinkin' a Coke. Watchin' the game."

" . . . Blitz?"

" . . . Kat?"



"Yup. And I thought you couldn't talk!"

"Well, I guess she was just fakin' then." She turned off T.V. "I hate football with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns."

Storm looked at the coke cans. "Isn't it a bit early to be drinking those?"


"Uhhh . . . cuz it's 6 a.m.?"

"Yeah? So?"

"Well, can I have one? You're not going to drink both of them, are you?"

"I have a long day of attacking various people today! I need BOTH of them!"

"Yeah, well remember who Storm is dating?!"

Blitz stared at Storm(13) for a minute, then shoved the other coke at her.

She smiled. "I thought so."


A strangely girlish scream came from Wolverine's room. A few seconds later, insane giggling replaced Wolverine's previous screams of terror. There was a bit of thumping, some muffled Japanese curses, and suddenly Logan came bounding down the stairs with a grin from ear to ear. "I am so great! I am so great! G-R-E-T, I am so great!" The unusually happy Wolverine walked over to the fridge, pulled out a beer, took a sip, and promptly spit it out.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEW! THIS STUFF TASTES LIKE CAT PISS!!!! . . . not that I've ever TASTED cat piss. . ." He slowly dumped the rest of the contents of the lager into the sink, attempted to throw it in the garbage, missed, and hit Jean in the face.


"Sooooooooooooooorry. Me aim no good now. Me talk Shampoo!" She smiled a big smile. "Me Shampoo! Shampoo cook Ramen specially what for Ranma-san!"


"Kat?" the red-head asked. Wolverine jumped back a few feet and clung onto the wall.


"Uh, number one, I'm psychic. Number two, I'm Sunshine."


TBC . . .