It starts out in Sasuke's POV

Fives months and I still have not not stopped searching. Even if Shikamaru gave up after the first day. Choji and Ino the day after that. Sakura never started. Even after I had beat Naruto into a plump five times to set him straight and found out what he had done to her. It took Gaara, Kankuro, Temari, Deidara, Itachi and Sasori to all pull me off him so I would not kill him, but he has turned back to the normal carefree crushing over Sakura guy I always knew. Doesn't mean I don't want to kill him still, but I can tolerate him,...barely. Rock Lee lost hope after the first week, but Neji forced him to look. Kiba and Shino gave up in the fourth month saying she might not want to be found.

I don't care if she wants to be found. I am gonna find her anyway. And now it seems like Neji and Tenten are starting to lose hope as well. I am the only person who remains the most determined. Itachi, Deidara, and Sasori are helping, but it's only because of me, but I'll take the help anyway. We made it into summer again, so I'm barely home now. Gaara and his siblings went to their home country for vacation, but they would help me if they were here.

Another month and I'm alone at home since Itachi, Deidara, and Sasori said they were going to visit an old friend they met in prison that they had planned before Hinata's disapperance. They said they would stay, but I told them to go. I'm walking the streets and I see similar cracks in the ground. This seems so familiar. I see something from the corner of my eye and stop looking over to my left where I see the girl with long midnight blue hair hugging tightly to her knees and hiding her face.

I stand there for awhile just starring down at her waiting until she looks up. She does after a couple more minutes and I she her tear stained empty white eyes. I held out my hand to her and saw her look at it before taking it without another thought. I grasped it in a tight grip helping her to her feet once again her balance was gone being so deprived of food and water. She fell into my arms and I did what had before reach down looping my right are behind her legs as my left helped her balance and lift her into my arms and started carrying her off to my apartment.

-[Out of Sasuke POV-

Sasuke sat her on the couch and watched her look up at me. "Why?" He asked

"I-I-I..." She stuttered not finding her words before she pushed past him and locked herself in my room. He had the largest room which gave him his own personal bathroom.

He merely sighed and laid across the couch. At least he knew she was alive. With that calming thought in his mind her feel asleep. He had hardly slept since her disapperance.

Sasuke heard the a crash and his eyes almost popped out of his head. He rushed up to his bedroom door where he heard the crash from and tried to open it, but to his dismay it was locked. "Hinata!! Open the door!!" Sasuke yelled banging at the door.

The door opened inwardly and what he saw shocked him. Hinata had a piece of broken mirror gripped tightly in her left hand cutting the skin. Her right hand had blood dripping from her knuckles. Her face was stained with tears and her hair was cut to a short length. Not very well, but cut.

Sasuke didn't say anything silently and took the mirror from her hand and gently lead her over to his bed by holding her upper arm and sat her down. He went bed her after picking up some scissors and evening out her hair. One he finished he set the scissors aside and wrapped his arms around her waist. Hinata struggled to get loose though, but he head tighter.

"Leave me" She mumbled.

"I don't want to." Sasuke answered.

"How can you not hate me?" Hinata asked her body begining to tremble.

"Easy I love you." He answered nuzzling his head against her back.

"How can you say that?"

"Because it's true, so quit questioning it." He said and gave a light kiss the to the back of her exposed neck.

"How do you know?" She asked.

"Reason one I'm miserable without you." He said kissing the back of her neck again. "Reason two I want to kill anyone who touchs you. And reason three I love you." he said.

"I love you too." Hinata said moved back into his embrace.

Now it's five years later. Sasuke and Hinata are happily married with a child on the way. Even though fate put them through the trails of love. They ended together because Fate decided it was time for them to be happy.


Ok the final chap with slight epiloge. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this. Please REWEIW REWEIW REWEIW!

I might not write SasuHina's for a little while since I need to work on some of my Bleach stories and now I'm getting into One Piece and Blood+ More, but that doesn't mean I'm stopping for good. There will be other SasuHina's in the future, but for now I'm taking a break from SasuHina and writing stories for my other fav pairings since I'm already wrote 4 SasuHina fics three were chapter stories and one one-shot.