FALL FROM GRACE A GrimUlqui Fic. May contain yaoi and "indecent" language.


It was a good thing Hueco Mundo's great arched passageways were long that evening or quite the event could have unfolded within. Grimmjow was a creature with an incredibly short temper. He would do almost anything to exact vengence on others, or just boss them around, which was what happened in most cases. It took awhile for reason to penetrate the fog of teeth grinding anger. Given would want to improve himself, walking would probably help him a lot. But anyone who had constructive criticism for Grimmjow would take note to be 5th rank espada. Not now, or ever, did he want to hear it.

In any case, The long walk to his room aided him that night, had it been any shorter he would have turned around, gone back and would have done something stupid to piss off Kaname Tousen even more, say, attacking him while his back was turned. And there would be a bigger price to pay instead of an arm. But despite the consequence, it still made him want to put the blind bastard in his place.

He had gone out, with underlings that pledged their allegiance to him and THEY had gotten themselves killed. Because of their own mistakes, their own weakness. He couldn't be blamed for it. They came out of loyalty, he had managed to come back fine. Better then fine. He had a good throw down with some 15 year old boy and even skewered some weakling girl, all in the name of his master. (and his own fun)

He could even give information to Aizen if he cared to know. He'd seen more then Ulquiorra had, and almost disposed of the stupid boy before Tousen showed up.

Sighing, restraining himself from putting his fist through a wall, he rubbed at the spot on his back where his perfect six used to be, now a scorch mark. He would be damned if he was going to be a servant for some Espada hot head. He'd kill whomever replaced him. He was sure of that.

His footsteps echoed softly in the dank hallways. He felt like shouting loudly, nobody was around but himself and the silence just seemed to piss him off more. Instead he grumbled along, quickening his pace so he could collapse on his bed and maybe wake up to find he dreamed his demotion.

It took awhile, but Grimmjow did tire eventually. He was cut up from the fight and his shoulder stung from where his arm used to hang. It had stopped bleeding, arrancar didn't bleed to heavily, even if the wound was deadly. His stump was a sickly raw red color, just beginning to scab over. Even with his arrancar advantage, it would take a long time before it was healed properly. As he walked, he could slowly feel his body cramping up and feeling the weight his injuries placed on him.

But what now? Grimmjow thought angrily. He prefered using both his hands in combat, he was righthanded, but he liked the option of using his left arm. Aizen didn't have any use for a crippled ex-espada member and early retirement made him want to puke. He needed some sort of use, some form of work to do, or else we got bored and destructive.

He finally reached his room, letting his anger cool. But only before a rich melancholic empty hit him. He turned the knob on his door, his face relaxing for the first time that evening. As enjoyable as his fight had been, it had cost him his rank and arm, all in one night his usefulness had been exhausted.

The door opened noiselessly and he walked in without bothering to turn on the lights. He stripped quickly, hating the texture of his clothes and the chafe on his new wounds.

He fell face down on his bed, to tired to move to any comfortable position. He felt sore everywhere and was mentally drained as well, tomorrow was going to be shit, that was for sure.


End of ze prologue. Short, I know, but its... a prologue. I'll try to update this fic every week. For those looking for hardcore, this is probably going to be a fluff fic. Apologies.

I'm not really putting this out there to become a better writer, so if its a little OOC or I spell something wrong, I dun really care.

This fic is going to contain spoilers through out the rest of the series. If I mention something I JUST read recently, I would ask you to not shoot me for revealing something you CAN find online and read, i.e. if I mention Grimmjow's release, you should have read it first. Oh bugger, yes. Bleachexile is your friend. Also, I will put an asterisk next to an arrancar name that can be spelled different ways, sorry if my way is different from your own.

I'm not sure how long this fic is going to be. Long enough I say.

Thanks for reading. Rate and Review if you have the time.

NEXT TIME Menoly and Luppi pay an unexpected visit to Grimmy's room.
