Final Scene: The Big Surprise!

-Lights come up and the throne room set is seen on stage again, this time with a wedding like theme. Princess Mikey a.k.a. Princess Michele sits on the throne with Counsler April standing by his/her side. Prince Leo is looking overly nervous about the next scene, taking his guess on why everybody had been mentioning it this whole time.-

"Alright Leo" said Tidota "are you ready?"

"Ready?" said Leo "I can't even believe you put this in the script,"

"Hey" said Tidota "it's my story,"

-Leo couldn't come with an agruement for that one and Don called Tidota over to the sound booth. Whispering something so quiet that even a flea couldn't hear Tidota's smile turned to a fit of giggles when Don finished telling her what he had wanted her to hear.-

"Okay" said Tidota "places please. And...Action!"

-Prince Leo approaches the princess sitting on her throne and bows wearing the same fancy clothes that he did in the first act.-

"My dearest Prince" said Mikey "many tests have come to pass challenging both yours and Prince Raph's bravery and skill. You have both asked me for my hand in marriage and now that one remians slain I shall grant you your request. Let the ceremony begin!"

-Wedding bells ring and the wedding ceremony begins. Prince Leo approaches the altar holding Michealanglo's hands in his and looking at Counsler April. From the audience Rapheal is grinning from ear to ear. Not noticing the grin on Mikey's face Leo waited for April to continue the scene.-

"We are gathered here today to witness the holy matrimony between this handsome prince and this beautiful princess" said April then turned to Leonardo "do you Prince Leonardo, promise to care for this woman, for richer or for poor, for sickness and in health as long as you live?"

"I do," said Leo trying not to hesitate.

"And do you Princess promise the same?" asked April.

"I do," said Mikey.

"I now pronounce you King and Queen, you may kiss the bride," said April.

-Removing the veil that shrouded Mikey's face Leo quickly planted a short eight second kiss, as Tidota insisted and quickly drew his lips away gasping for breath. Mikey did the same and then Tidota, Don, and Rapheal burst out laughing. Confusion shown on Leo's face for a moment until Rapheal spoke.-

"Man, you have no idea who you just kissed!" said Rapheal.

"It was Mikey, wasn't it?" asked Leo.

"Nope" said Don laughing "Raph!"

"Raph!" said Leo turning around to face Rapheal still in the dress removing his orange mask and replacing it with his regular red one. Mikey a.k.a. the Rapheal in the auidence also put on his orginal mask.

"Me and Mikey switched places when nobody was looking" said the real Rapheal removing his dress "you thought you were going to be kissing Mikey, but you got me instead,"

"Tidota" said Leo "did you know about this?"

"Of course I knew" said Tidota "as I told you before, this is my story. was Master Splinter's idea,"

"Master Splinter!" all four turtles shouted and started chasing after their Sensei who was in the process of still getting out his monster costume.

"Well that's all folks" Tidota said to audience "I do hope you enjoyed the show,"

Author's Note: Not the ending you guys suspected it would be was it? Hope you enjoyed the story. Caio.