Two Princes

By: Tidota Eru

Act 1, Scene 1

-Lights come up on stage to reveal the TMNT, Master Splinter, April, and Casey running about on stage with scripts in hand trying to memorize their lines. Tidota sits in the director's chair over seeing all that is going on. Donatello is in the sound booth going over all the equitment to make sure it's all in proper working order. Mikey stops right in the middle of his walk and runs toward Tidota.-

Mikey: What's the big idea? Why do I have to play the princess? Why can't April do it?"

Tidota:April volunteered to be in the makeup and costume apartment so you were the only logical choice for the princess. Well make that the ONLY choice.'ve had experince wearing female's clothing before, this shouldn't be any different.

-Mikey storms off-

Mikey: Okay. But you're going to hear from my lawyer!

Raph: I for one look forward to seeing Mikey uncomfortable.

-Tidota turns to see Raph standing behind her-

Tidota: And how is Prince number two doing this evening? You and and Leo better prepare yourselves. You both play very important parts in this play.

Raph: -grins- I know. Have you told Leo yet?"

Tidota: -laughs- I think it's better if he doesn't know right now. Hey Don, how's everything check out over there?

-Donatello gives a thumbs up from the sound and lighting control station-

Don:Systems are A-O.K. from my standards.

Tidota:Good. April! How is that monster costume coming for Master Splinter?

April:It's not that hard. We already have more than half of it done.

Tidota:Okay Raph, you and Leo better get into your costumes. It's almost time to rehearse.

-Raph exits to tell Leo that it's time to change into their prince outfits. Casey enters screaming at Tidota-

Casey:What's the big idea?!

Tidota:-sighs- What's wrong now Casey?

Casey:Why can't I play the prince?

Tidota: Both 'princes' are already taken care of. You have to play the evil sorcerer guy. (flirty tone) You'll get to wear your hockey mask.

-Casey calms down-

Casey:Okay let's get this show on the road.

Tidota:Lights! Camera! Action!

-Lights shine on stage showing Mikey wearing a princesses gown with tiara to match. The mutant turtle was seen sitting in the throne room with April O' Neil standing 'Her Grace' as Mikey's counselor.-

April:-to Mikey- Princess Michelle, two very young, handsome princes have just arrived asking for your hand in marriage.

Mikey:Marriage! Wait a minute! Hold up! Tidota, what is going on?!

Tidota: Relax Mikey. This is just acting remember?


-Raph and Leo enter on stage in their prince outfits. Raph is seen wearing a beautiful red robe with gold trim, with the symbol of the phoenix painted upon the front. The red masked turtle is also seen wearing a golden crown adorned with rubies. Leo is wearing a dark blue cloak with black trim with the shining enigma of the dragon painted on the front. A crown lies on his head also except that it is silver sparkling with blue saphires. Mikey freaks out at seeing his brothers, but keeps his mouth shut.-

Leo:-bowing- Your Majesty, I humbly ask for your hand in marraige.

Raph:-kneels- Do not believe these fool's words. For you know that I am the one to which you should be wed.

April: Your decision Your Grace?

-Mikey is still unable to speak. Tidota taps her fingers showing her impatience-

Tidota:Say your line!

Mikey:-gulps- I...can...not choose so soon. These...knights in shining armor must prove their love to me before I decide whom I shall wed.

Leo: So... a quest is called?

Raph: Tell us what you wish us to do?

-Enter Casey in his evil sorcerer outfit. He's wearing his hockey mask over his face, dressed in a long black cloak with a hood over his head, giving him a spooky appearence. From anyone's point of veiw Casey could be seen almost as looking like the Grim Reaper, only without the sycthe.-

Casey:-eerie tone- I am the sorcerer of this land, and the princess shall take my hand. If she should refuse, a terror like no will seek my revenge, for casting me out into the Banished Lands.

April: Harm the Princess and you'll have to go through me!

-Raph and Leo go over and stand by April sheilding the Princess from the evil sorcerer-

Raph:And together we make three!

Casey: Outnumbered or not I shall have what I want. -throws a smoke pellet on the floor and vanishes when smoke clears- Prepare...for your doom.(laughs evilly)

Tidota: And...cut! That was a perfect first take. Leo, you and Raph were simply made for those costumes. I love it!

Mikey:Hey what about me?

-April smiles at Casey-

April:You looked real scary in that sorcerer's outfit.

Casey:Well, you'll probally seeing it again soon, because the next scene has to deal a lot with my character.

Raph: And not just him.-steps up to join Casey and April- Wait until we play the final scene first before you bragging on what a big star you're going to turn out to be.

-Donatello walks out from the sound booth and walks over to Tidota whispering in her ear-

Don: Uh...Tidota. I've been going over the script and noticed something interesting about the final scene. Have you told him yet?

Tidota:-smiles-Work with me Don, everything's going according to plan. Promise me you won't spill the beans?

Don:-nods- I promise. -laughs-I can't wait to see the look on Leo's face when he finds out.

Tidota:-looks at the audience-I hope your enjoying the suspense as much as I am. Can I trust you with a secret?-is cut off by the long wail of a fog horn.- Well that's the secret goodbye. See you in the next scene.

Auidence:But we didn't hear the secret!

-Lights fade and stage goes black in preparation for the next scene.-