
The Doctor was leaning against the Tardis, the navy blue of it reflecting the colour of his twinkling eyes. His hands were in his pockets. He wore a blue suit, without out a tie and a pair of red converse. There was something remarkable about him, something strange. Martha felt a very strong attraction towards him. Not a wanting attraction, more like a magnetic one. It was strange… very strange…

Who was this man? Why was he leaning against this strange, blue police box which had not been there 5 minutes ago? What was he doing here at one in the morning? "What was she doing there at one in the morning?" Why was he staring at…her?

"Martha," he breathed, "You are in trouble."

"H-How do you know my name? Who are you?" Martha stepped back. He knew her name, yet they had never met before, she was sure of that. She would definitely remember this man.

"I am the Doctor." He said simply. "And you need to come with me."

"Doctor who?"

"Exactly!" He winked at her.

"Huh?" She took another nervous step back. "Why should I come with you? I have no reason to. I don't know who you are."

"It is just the Doctor." He wasn't smiling. "And the reason you have to come with me is because of him." He gestured his head to the space behind her.

Martha turned around and screamed. Behind her stood a seven foot tall…thing. It looked almost human apart from the fingers which were tentacles and the eyes that were just deep black sockets.

Before she could move, the Doctor stepped forward, grabbed her wrist and dragged her inelegantly into the Tardis. He pulled out a sort of ultraviolet light out of his pocket and aimed the pen-shaped object at the door. Martha heard the lock click and jumped.

"Your reactions are slow aren't they?" The Doctor started to move energetically around the inside of the Tardis, flicking switches, pulling knobs, bashing various objects of all shapes and sizes with a wooden mallet.

Martha just stared. She felt extremely faint. The outside of the strange box was a lot smaller than the inside. The inside was huge! Huge amounts of questions sped through her brain and she didn't know where to start.

"What is this thing?" Martha rotated slowly on the spot, drinking in every inch of the strange room.

"It's the Tardis. It is dimensionally transindental." Martha looked at the Doctor for a brief second, confusion etched on her face. "Bigger on the inside than the outside." He added.

"Oh, I see." Martha said gently, obviously not seeing at all. "And what was that thing outside the erm..."


"Yeah. Was that thing a zombie?" She now looked at him properly watching his lively movements.

"Na! That was a…Fausapien...I think… A sort of human clone gone wrong." He stopped moving for a second to think and then began pulling levers again.

"And what was that thing you locked the door with?" Martha was still watching him, fascinated.

"You're full of questions aren't you!" Said the Doctor not looking up from the things he was fiddling with.

"Well, how can you expect me not to be? You just dragged me in here after witnessing some sort of alien called a Fausapien...apparently…" Martha started to feel anger boil inside of her.

"Ah done!" The Doctor had finished pottering and finally turned to face her. "Where do you want to go?"


"Where do you want to go? The end of the world, back in time, forward in time. Where?"

"Wait a second, did you say back in time?"

"Yup, and forward if you like."

"Are you telling me you can time travel?"

"Yes…" The Doctor looked at her curiously. "Are you feeling alright?" He shone the strange ultra violet light into her eye.

She pushed him away with indignation and said, "Yes I'm fine! What is that thing?" She gestured towards the ultraviolet light device.

"This is my sonic screwdriver. Opens doors, works as a screwdriver and just generally useful."

"Why did you shine it in my eye if it is a screwdriver?"

"Well, I am a Doctor." He grinned and said, "Seeing as you are so indecisive, I shall decide for us. I am taking us back to right now!" He grinned even more widely and went to the tardis door, fumbling for his keys.

"Am I meant to be impressed?" Martha still hadn't moved from where she stood.

"Er, no. But we need to get rid of tentacle fingers out there." He gestured his head to the faint scratching noise on the outside of the Tardis.


"Are you coming?"

"Do I have much choice?"

"Well…not really." And with that he pulled open the door and vanished outside. Martha, having already been thrown into this so unwillingly was determined to actually put this time to use and ran out after him.

She stopped dead in her tracks. He had vanished. To make matters worse, the Fausapien was at the other end of the corridor lumbering about slightly drunkenly. It looked more like a zombie in her opinion. Like something out of Shaun of the Dead. She had loved the film, but the real thing was scary. Oh no… it had spotted her. She didn't know what to do; the Doctor had after all vanished. Great, now I am a sacrifice, she thought angrily. It lumbered towards her, footsteps heavy and disorientated. She couldn't move, her heart was pumping faster and faster, six beats to every footfall.

It was coming…



"Doctor!" She screamed. He didn't appear. Martha called out again but he had vanished.

"Shit…"Martha whispered to herself. The Fausapien had stretched out it's tentacle like fingers to grab her, its fingers extending horribly to reach for her neck. She squeezed her eyes shut and leaned back against the door of the Tardis, waiting for its slimy grip around her throat.

But it never came. An age seemed to pass, but nothing happened. All there was, was a dull thud, a rush of water and suddenly everything went silent.

Martha opened her eyes cautiously and saw the Doctor standing in a puddle of water a cricket bat in his hand. He grinned at her broadly. "Just like a zombie, remove it's head and it dies. The only difference is, Fausapiens are made of water so they immediately become a puddle. "

Martha began to laugh. The Doctor grinned even more broadly and said, "So, remind me, why are we at a cricket club at this time of the morning??"

"Good question". She grinned broadly at him, mirroring his expression.