Chapter 11 - All's Well that End's Well

Minerva stood on the balcony attached to the master bedroom of the Snape ancestry home. She stood in an emerald gown that fell short of her knees and showed a fair amount of cleavage. A gentle breeze blew her long raven hair as she gazed into the starry sky. She loved the Snape grounds especially on nights like these.

It had been a little over three years since Voldemort's defeat. Minerva had once again stepped into the role of Headmistress and Severus had accepted the role of Potions Master. Sampson and Sebastian seemed content with living at the castle. The castle had magically added a room for the twins and a play area in both parents' office.

Hermione and Draco had married a couple of weeks after she and Minerva had their heart to heart. Severus had a difficult time at the wedding with giving away his little girl but he had pulled through it. Ron and Harry had come to the wedding to support their best friend but it was obvious that they were not thrilled with her decision. Before winter ended, Hermione had given birth to a healthy girl that looked like Draco but with curly hair and a button nose that they named Madeline Malfoy. Hermione was expecting her second child and couldn't be happier about it.

Hermione had decided to take the position of Transfiguration Mistress and Draco took up the position of Defense against the Dark Arts. Madeline, like her uncles, enjoyed living in the castle as well. Even though she had play areas in her parents' office as well she preferred to stay with her grandparents throughout classes and play with her uncles. Throughout the meals, all three of the toddlers liked to stay with Hermione since she let them eat more deserts then the others. All in all, Minerva thought she had the best family ever.

Minerva was brought back to reality when two toned arms wrapped around her waist and drew her near the owner. She could smell Severus' distinct smell as he nuzzled her neck. Minerva sighed contently before she said, "I presume the boys are sleeping peacefully."

He muttered something Minerva didn't catch before turning her around to face him and claiming her lips with his. Minerva immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself as close as possible to him. She smiled against his lips when he groaned in pleasure. She broke the kiss then huskily whispered, "Take me to bed."

Severus smirked then swept his wife up in his arms and carried her to their bed. He gently laid her on the cool sheets before kissing her again. He allowed his hands to roam her lithe figure and chuckled when she began to pull at his clothing. Their clothes were quickly thrown on the floor as they explored one another. "I love you," Minerva whispered honestly as she pulled him in for another heated kiss.

"And I love you," he declared before trailing kisses down her naked body.

Minerva sighed and moaned as Severus lavished her with his attentions. He nipped and nibbled on her leaving purple love bites on her flawless skin as she writhed beneath him. Heat radiated from her skin as she flushed from his mere touch. It still amazed her that he could affect her in such a way even after children.

Minerva finally reached the point where her desire was unbearable and wanted fulfillment. She begged her lover to unite them in body and spirit. He didn't respond verbally but positioned his manhood at her entrance and entered her swiftly. She cried out his name as an orgasm overtook her body.

Severus had stilled his movements to prevent his release. He gently planted butterfly kisses to his wife's face while her body calmed. When her eyelids fluttered open, she smiled up at her husband and drew him to her for a passionate kiss. "I love you," she whispered when the kiss ended.

"And I you," he uttered before resuming his movements down below.

Minerva raked her long fingernails up and down her lover's spine as he stroked their passions higher. Severus, momentarily distracted from his wife's touch, started trailing wet kisses down her delectable neck. Her moans and small whimpers encouraged him to quicken his pace. Their passions escalated even higher until they both reached a shared climax and cried out the other's name.

Severus collapsed onto his wife but he chose not to withdraw from her. Instead her snaked his arms around her and shifted so that she was laying on him. He knew his wife after all of their time together. She was the type of person that liked to cuddle. He quite enjoyed their closeness as well. He tightened his hold on her and pressed a kiss to her brow. He was shaken from his musings by his wife saying, "I have something I want to discuss with you."

"Yes," he replied then waited patiently for her to start.

"I'm pregnant," she said, a bit breathless from their previous activities.

"What," he stuttered.

She smirked at his surprised expression then offered, "I'm nearly 4 months pregnant."

"Four months and you're just now telling me about it," he asked slightly bothered by her secretive behavior.

"Payback love," she whispered. Severus automatically thought back to the time Minerva found out that she was pregnant with the twins. He had known for quite some time before she found out and she was upset over it. Severus laughed at the irony of the situation before kissing his wife lovingly.

"Do you want to know the sex," she asked with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Yes," he admitted excitedly.

"We are having a baby girl," she said delightedly before renewing their passions with a fiery kiss.