A/N- This is a crossover of Chobits and the 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. (The Johnny Depp version) It's written by me and my big sis, who helps me lots with it because I'm a shorty. This story's a bit rude, and involves lots of golden winkies. You have been warned. :)

Chi and the Chocolate Factory

Chapter 1- The Chainsaw Massacre

Far far away there lived a magical girl called Chi. Chi was fancied by Hideki, who hadn't yet realised Chi was a robot and their first meeting involved them being naked on the floor of the Karaoke Club. One day when Hideki was out to buy naughty magazines he saw a poster stapled onto a screaming agonised girl's back. She was running in circles, so he belly-flopped on her so that he could read it, and pinned her to the ground. The poster said;

Dear people of the world,

My name is Willy Wonka and this year I will allow five children to come visit my factory. To win this amazing prize you find the golden winkies hidden in my Wonka bars. They are hidden in bars all over the world; the ones to find them must come to the factory on February the 1st at 9:00 sharp. Anyone late will be shot with a chocolate cannon.

While Hideki was out, Chi was watching the television. The news began, and a woman in a smart orange suit was on screen speaking. "There are golden winkies hidden under the ordinary wrappings of the Wonka bars, the world's going bananas to find them. We've already had twelve shootings involving Wonka bars," she said.

Chi watched, entranced. "Must. Get. Golden. Winky."

When Hideki came back home he brought with him a Wonka bar. (He could only afford one since he was dirt poor) Chi walked over to Hideki and said in a robotic voice, "You. Bought. Me. The. Golden. Winky."

"No Chi, I've bought a Wonka bar. If we're lucky we might get the golden winky. Then we can go to the factory and stuff ourselves with gooey chocolate." He leaned back and drooled.

Chi took the Wonka bar from Hideki and tore open the wrappings, paper flying in all directions; she was determined to get that winky. But lo behold, it was not there. Chi began to weep robotic tears.

"Nevermind Chi, we weren't likely to get it anyway. Let's go back to the Karoke Club. That'll cheer you up." He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Chi has a better idea!" Chi said, wiping her eyes, a smile lighting up her face, "We chop yours off and paint it gold."

Hideki stared at Chi, believing her to be joking. But Chi pulled off her arm, revealing a massive chainsaw, she pressed a button and it started whirling furiously. Hideki ran out the room screaming like a little girl, a dark patch appearing on his jeans. Chi ran after him with the chainsaw yelling "Chi chi chi!"

Chi, using her superhuman robotic powers caught up with Hideki and smiled grimly. Hideki screamed as the chainsaw descended.