I wrote this a long time ago (very shortly after the movie was originally released), and just found it while going through some old things on my hard drive. Enjoy
Mr. Incredible couldn't sleep. Or rather, Bob Parr couldn't. He supposed the part of him that was Mr. Incredible was snoozing contentedly by now, concerned only with who he would be gallantly saving tomorrow. The part of him that was simply Robert Parr was preoccupied with other matters, namely those concerning the redhead who was currently snoring next to him.

He wondered if she knew she snored, then had to repress the urge to laugh out loud picturing the look that would no doubt appear on her face if he ever attempted to broach the subject. Helen Truax had super powers, but admitting to personal faults certainly wasn't one of them.

Despite its undoubted contribution to his current state of insomnia, Bob found her snoring endearing. She was Elastigirl, warrior woman, role model to countless little girls; she fought evil, she signed autographs... she was the epitome of graceful strength. And here she was, sprawled unceremoniously on his bed in an old t-shirt, snoring (and, he now noticed, drooling) on his pillow. The thought amused him to no end.

For a while, he just stared at her, wondering for the millionth time what on earth he'd done to deserve her. And then a thought occurred to him, as it had been for several days. It was a new idea, one he hadn't thought of before. But now he wondered why it hadn't entered his mind earlier. It made perfect sense. But this was a thought that needed to be shared.

"Helen..." He nudged her gently. She simply made several unintelligible grumbling noises, swatted at him, then rolled over and continued to sleep.

"Helen..." He tried again. More grumbling noises; but this time the snoring stopped. Her eyes remained closed, but he knew she was awake now, even if she was continuing to ignore him.

"Helen, you wanna marry me?" This time, her eyes shot open, and she turned to look at him.

"What did you just say?"

"I asked if you want to marry me."

She stared at him for a long moment. Then she just smiled, cuddled herself into his side, and closed her eyes.

"Should I take that as a yes?"

His only answer was the soft sound of her snoring. She'd gone back to sleep.

And this time, Bob had no trouble joining her.