Question Vexen

Chapter 5


From: Shadowdragon93

Dear Vexen,

Thank you for answering my previous questions! Right now I'm talking to


cousin and he wants me to ask you more questions.

1) Why is your hair long?

2) Does anyone in the Organization respect you? 'Cause you said in the


that you get no respect.

3) And now my questions, Do you believe in dragons?

4) Where you labld when you where in school? If so,what was your


Ook, I;m done... Thank you again! bows to show respect


Dear Shadowdragon93,

Hello again! I'd be glad to answer your cousin's and your questions.

I cut it once and didn't like how it looked, so I decided to keep it long.

I like to think the other original members (sans Xigbar, probably) respect me, as I respect them greatly. As for the neophytes, Roxas I believe respects me out of fear—he seems to fear most of us—but the rest definitely do NOT show respect to me…or really any of the original members.


I think I was probably labeled a "nerd," but I didn't really pay attention to what others said about me.

You're welcome! bows in return


Dear Vexen

I have a better question!

1. You said Zexion didn't take well to being kidnapped. Did you?

2. Better yet, does anyone take well to be kidnapped?

3. If someone took well to being kidnapped, wouldn't that make them


4. Are you insane?

5. Is anyone else in the Organization insane?

6. Would they be easier to kidnap?

7. Can you tell the future?

8. If you can, when will RE: Chain be released in the US?




Dear hanyou-samurai,

Well, another repeat questioner. I seem to get a lot of those. Here are my answers:

Yes, I did.

I guess it depends on the conditions they're kept in…

I don't think so


Saïx, possibly

No. The Capturer had a good bit of trouble with Saïx

No, sadly

Sofri (my Capturer) has done a lot of research into it, and she believes some time in the upcoming month of November




From: Dark Heartless Dragon

Hey, Vexen.

Ok I only got one question so here goes.

Since you're basically the scientist of the organization (from what I


which isn't a lot) I thought I'd ask you whether Nobodies recquire to


their bodies in the same ways normal people do (eating, sleeping etc.)

or is

it unnecessary for your survival?

Might talk more at a later date but for now this'll do.

With respect,

Dark Heartless Dragon


Dear Dark Heartless Dragon,

Nobodies do in fact need to complete the basic tasks for maintaining their body. We must eat, sleep (though we do tend to be able to survive on less sleep than humans,) exercise to stay fit, etc. Nobodies' bodies are basically the same as humans' in their needs and functions.




From: Ilix

YES! -glomps- Thanks Uncle Vexie! You rule!

By the way...what does this thing do?

-blows up- OW! Oops...-runs-

With Love,



Dear Ilix,

Ah…so your fathers approved of the er…nickname? (sigh) All right. And do I really want to know what it was you were tinkering with??


Uncle Vexen


From: candyazngirl

Maxy: Hi.. Maxy's here!

1) Why do you have long hair? It doesn't suit you.

2) Do you think Zexion hate me?

3) Is Zexion emo?

Zexion: I'm not emo.

Maxy: Opps he found me! Bye:Runs away:


Dear Maxy,

Short hair suits me even less.

I'd ask him.

No, not from what I've observed of him.





From: CallistoCat

Dear Vexen,

Hello, it's the oddball werecat again! Please pardon any, erm, strange

questions or take any offense at them; let's face it, I'm feline and,

therefore, naturally curious.

I have a few more questions:

-Do you honestly believe that all hearts are bound by darkness as



-What are your favorite novels or texts? I rather partial to


novels like Last of the Mohicans.

-Charging for hugs? shrugs Very well then... pecks you on the cheek

Oh, yes I must pass on a message from a vampiric friend of mine: "Leave


alone. I'm not going to give you a wing tissue sample. Quit trying!"


And that was "PG" rated version.


Callisto, H. Town Werecat


Dear CallistoCat,

There's nothing wrong with curiosity…it's what fuels the will to experiment, after all!

I'm constantly researching that topic…I'm not sure if I've really formulated a hypothesis on that yet. However, I have strong doubts that /all/ hearts can be all dark, because the Keybearer boy seems able to receive power from Kingdom Hearts just as we do.

I like science books, especially books about the Arctic. So much ice!


And darn it…I'll just have to find another vampire. (sigh)




From: Bashoulover

Hi again! penguin...oh well. um.i stil haven't thought of that word that

describes Axel...


1. If you were to get hold of anyone's journal/diary(cough. would it


2. Would you blackmail that person or just straight out publically



3. How long can a meeting go with Xemnas(mansex) ranting on about



4. What's your favorite type of musiic?

5. le gasp! you don't have computers! Then how many notebooks do you


6. If you had time for anything, would you go clone sphiroth and his


just for the hell of it?

gives a hug...



Dear Bashoulover,

Heh…I'm sure it's a very evil, negative word though.

Axel's (to embarrass him) or Larxene's (to see what she really thinks about us)

I'd blackmail Axel to get him to stay out of my lab forever. Larxene I'd just read…and then probably run.

Hmm…the longest rant to date was 14.347357 hours. (Lexaeus timed…the rest of us fell asleep…only Saïx paid any attention)


Too many to count.

Cloning a clone? Hmm…might have to try that someday. But I think one Sephiroth is quite enough.




From: Tiger

Dear Vexen,

Well...the true creature of fire and ice is the all mighty CHINCHILLA!


them and their fluffy cuteness...bwe...

anyway, now ya know. But why I shall not reveal! You can just figure

that out

for yourself...

Oh, and before I forget...I thought I should mention that you really

look a

bit sleep deprived...haven't you ever conciderd takeing a break?

and poof-a is just the sound I make when I vanish, silly.

-Nice...uh...chatting with ya!



Dear Tiger,

Erm…I see. Chinchillas. Yes. (backs slowly away)

And I do take breaks. Just…not often.

