Thanks for your really kind comments. I appreciate them a lot. 

So I'm posting another short snippet to tell everybody that I have, in fact, picked an author. To those of you who asked me to continue writing, I wish I could, but trust me when I say that I think that you'll like this writer a lot more. Haha. OurDarkLady, has been chatting back and forth with me and she has a great handle on every thing, and has gotten started. She's going to re-write everything I've written and then some, obviously. :D The first chapter is already up, you can find it here: .net/s/5252349/1/College_Quirks

It totally blows my writing out of the water, and it's off to a great start. So for those of you who love the plot and everything that I love about College Quirks, get your butts on over to the page.

I think this is good-bye, but don't worry, I'll be annoying OurDarkLady with little details and all. Maybe you guys will see my book on the shelves of the hallowed bookstores one day. Now that would be sweet.