Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men.
His eyes snapped open, and he felt a small jolt go through his body. "Ah!" He gasped in a tired, strained voice.
The jolt was quick, but painful. He breathed heavily for a moment before rolling over and taking in his surroundings. He growled in frustration. He was in a bloody cage. He stood up slowly, ignoring the pain in his back. The cage, however small it was, still gave him enough room to stand and lie down. That was about it.
There was nothing in it except for him. Even outside the cage there wasn't a thing. Another cage, and a door in a stone room. The room was dark except for one dim light above the door.
A blinding flash of blue light erupted from the other cage. The man covered his face with his arms as the blue light sent out shock waves. A minute later and the light disappeared, leaving a blonde man in it's wake. The blonde looked as though he were sleeping peacefully. Suddenly he jolted awake with a gasp.
The other man recognized him. "Warren!" He hissed, not wanting to attract attention, in case someone was standing outside the door.
Warren sat up, rubbing the back of his head, oblivious to the fact his name had been called.
"Warren!" He snarled, a little louder.
Warren's head whipped around and saw the man in the other cage. "Logan?" Then he breathed out. "Thank God." He took in the stone room and the emptiness in two seconds. "Where are we?"
Logan shook his head. "No clue."
Warren rubbed the back of his head again. "What do you think is going to happen to us?" He asked nervously.
Logan shook his head, hanging it in annoyance. "I don't know." He looked back up. "But it can't be good."
The door swung open to reveal the same man in a metal suit. "Of course it'll be good... just not for you."
Warren was on his feet in an instant. "What do you want with us? Let us go!" He ordered. His eyes hardened at Stryfe.
Stryfe smirked and stepped into the room. "I'm afraid I can't do that." He chuckled and stretched his left hand to the door. "Presenting, the most powerful mutant to walk the Earth. Apocalypse!"
The seven foot man stepped into the room, arms crossed over his chest. His blue eyes narrowed as he took in the two before him. "My minions." He said in a booming voice that nearly shook the room.
Warren took a nervous pace back. "What?" He choked out.
Logan raised an eyebrow. "Minions? You think we'd join sides with you?" He asked, face frowning at Apocalypse's words.
Apocalypse smirked. "Yes. Given the right motivation." His blue eyes glowed brightly, his eyes never straying from Logan.
Logan grabbed his head, falling to his knees. He gasped in pain. "Ah!"
Warren's eyes were huge. "Logan! No! Fight it! Fight him!" He tried to encourage his team mate.
Logan's grip tightened and just as quickly as it had started it was over. He slowly released his head and stood up, opening his eyes to show off blood red eyes. He was grinning and laughing quietly.
Apocalypse raised his hand and the metal door on the cage swung open. "Are you ready War?" He asked, looking at his new minion. War nodded, still smirking.
Warren watched in shock as Logan, newly named 'War' left the room with Apocalypse and Stryfe. "Oh no, Logan." Warren breathed. He slumped to the ground. Soon, that would be his fate. He just knew it.
A/N: OH NO!!! Logan's evil now! And I'm going to give you guys the preview for the next story:
Everyone filed slowly out of the room. Xavier watched then as a second thought called Rogue back.
The southerner turned and walked back to him. "Yes Professor?"
He smiled. "A week has been up for quite sometime. I believe it's time for me to give you your power back." He moved to put his hands on either side of her head.
Rogue took a step back. "Maybe it's best you don't." She said, voice panicky.
Xavier lowered his hands and looked at Rogue curiously. "Why? I thought you'd be excited to get your powers back." He smiled at the small joke.
Rogue smiled briefly. "It's not that... I'm just... thinking ahead." She trailed of uncertainly.
Xavier looked at Rogue. "Please explain what you mean." His voice kind.
Rogue fidgeted with her fingers, looking at them like they were suddenly highly fascinating. "See, if I absorb someone now, I have their powers for only a few minutes. If I go back to the way I was, I can use everyone's power whenever." She looked into his wise eyes. "So if Stryfe gets me when I'm like this, it's not so dangerous for you guys, I mean I'd have to touch you in order to be dangerous. If they catch me while I'm like I used to be, I could kill all you guys in five minutes... maybe even less than that."
Kind of a weird preview, but anyways, it's what you're getting. Anyways, like I said before, I'l going to take a break. It shouldn't be any longer than a month. I just want to work on a few other stories and I have some good ideas for other stories, so I want to write some new ones. Plus with all my homework and stuff, it's hard to write so many stories at once AND keep up in school (how I've been doing it so far, I have no idea). So yah, I hope you understand. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I'll see you all in a month (or less!) Bye! Lots and lots of love! xxbluewingsxx