
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor ever will, Fullmetal Alchemist or the characters therein.



A small blond haired boy stood at the fence. His gold eyes were solemn and staring, as though considering a matter of great importance.

"What do you think, Edward?" The tall golden-eyed man beside him asked.

"I don't like them." The three year old stated as firmly as he could.

His father looked down at him.

"Why not?"

"They's ugly and they smell."

"That's hardly a good reason, my son." The man smiled. "They give us milk Edward, and you like milk."

A surprisingly stubborn look came over the boy's face. He looked up at his father.

"Not any more."



Author's Note: This one has been plaguing me for awhile now. I pass a field of cows every day, and the image of a small Edward standing at the fence and looking at those cows has been nagging for a few weeks so I'm glad it finally came through.

And a correct 100 word drabble for which I am rather pleased with myself for managing. Whether this becomes a collection or remains a one-shot, I do not know.

Please enjoy anyway.

silken :)