Disclaimer - I do not own Bleach or Hitsugaya (which is a little disappointing).

As his vision wavered he could just make out the little house. He walked toward it, his katana cutting through the wet sand on the beach. He had to keep going, had to keep walking toward that little house. His vision was blurring and he though he saw someone approaching…

She wasn't sure what she noticed first. Was it the katana, the odd clothing he was wearing or was it his white hair? She ran toward him. Why would anyone be this far along the beach? As she got closer to him, she could see the line that ran along the shore and stop at the tip of his katana. He must have been trying to get help. His eyes were closed and he appeared to be breathing. She knelt down to help him as much as she could.


He woke and reached behind him for his katana but it wasn't there. Where was it? He looked around. Where was he? The room was small and he could see the beach outside the window. He remembered walking along it toward a little house. Was he in the house? If so, how had he gotten here? Beaches weren't his style but he didn't choose where the fight took place. At least no one had gotten seriously hurt. He knew his friends suffered injuries. Where were they? Were they ok? He took stock of his own injuries. His arm was bandaged and there were wrappings around his ribs. He glanced around the small room. His katana was propped up against the wall near the door. His haroi and kimono were draped over a chair. There was not a lot of furniture in the room – the bed he was in, a small table and a dresser. Nothing too classy... Nothing until she walked through the door.

"Oh. You're awake. I saw you on the beach. You were injured. I brought you here and took care of you as best I could," she said as she walked in with a tray. He looked at her. His eyes were a deep icy blue. She thought they looked cold but she could also see warmth in them. She set the tray on the table next to him. "I brought you something to eat. It's not much. I thought you might need it." Why did he make her nervous? "I'm Hana."

"Thank you. I am Hitsugaya Toushiro," he replied, leaving out the 'Captain' part of his title… that would take some explaining.

"If you need anything else, feel free to let me know," Hana said as she headed out the door. She didn't give him a chance to reply. Her heart was beating so fast. What was wrong with her? When their eyes had met, she had felt a spark between them. She had never experienced that before. Hana walked out onto the deck and looked at the beach. Watching the waves always seemed to relax her.

Hitsugaya watched her from the living room. Her long brown hair blew in the wind. He felt something between them when he looked at her. Was she the person he saw on the beach last night? He stepped out onto the deck.

"Thank you very much. It seems you saved my life." He stood beside her but looked out at the waves. She didn't look at him.

"I was walking on the beach when I saw you," she stated. "You were injured. I had to do what I could to help you." They stood in silence as the sun fell beneath the sea. She was at ease standing next to him and watching the waves crash on the shore.

He looked out again to the sea. His mind was replaying the last fight…. What had happened? How had he been defeated? Was it due to his limit? He sensed something in the air. "Get in the house," he said suddenly, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside.

"What's wrong?" she asked. He didn't answer. Hitsugaya ran to the bedroom and grabbed his katana.

"I'll be back," he promised as he ran out to the beach. Hana stood in the living room dazed. What had just happened? Where was he off to?

The enemy had reared its ugly head again. Hitsugaya was ready this time. He wasn't going to lose. Hana flashed into his mind. He had pulled her inside to protect her. He wanted to keep her out of harm's way. He ran off toward the enemy. Hopefully he would be lucky this time. He prayed he would be able to make it back to her on his own. "Bankai!" he yelled as he approached the battle ground.


He came back into the house quietly. Another enemy down and his injuries were minimal. He saw Hana had fallen asleep on the couch. Quietly, he went over to her and picked her up. She shifted into his arms. He felt her shiver. He still must be cold to the touch. She nuzzled against his shoulder. Hitsugaya took her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. Pulling the covers over her, he watched her for a moment. He tucked a stray hair behind her ear before sliding quietly out of the room