Naruto walked down the streets of Konoha wondering why he was rejected, what he was doing wrong. He looked up at a big clock tower and realized it was time for school. As he walked by, he was surrounded by people ignoring him, pushing him, insulting him, HATING him. Used to this behavior, Naruto slowly made his way towards the Academy. As he reached it, he turned the door knob and was met by pairs of hateful eyes. He took seat far away from everyone, and listened.
"…and here is the quiz. It is only one question long, but I want a good long five paragraph essay on it…Okay?" Iruka-sensei exclaimed. The class responded with a huge groan as he handed them out. When he reached Naruto, he just threw it at him, not bothering to even look at him. The copy Naruto received was torn a bit, and a very bad copy, but still, it was readable… enough. Naruto gazed down at the paper, and picked up his pencil. The question puzzled him,
"A warrior must not show feelings, must be emotionless, and have no attachments to his friends or family. He is alone, and must fight alone in the end. True or false?"
Naruto gazed at the question and then an answer hit him. He wrote…
"There is no answer to this question due the fact that true/false doesn't exist. Nor does Wrong/Right, or good/evil. It is all a matter of opinion. To the other person, the opposing side will be the evil one, as they'll be the good ones. To a criminal, stealing is good, to us it's bad. An animal won't attack unless provoked. The animal sees you as evil, feels you are trying to harm it, and then attacks you. Neither is evil, they just have different point of views. To answer a true or false question, I'd be following someone else's opinion, not my own. Some say that if you have emotion, it is what motivates you to fight, what gives you enough courage to retaliate and avenge the death. Some say it brings you down and makes you weaker. Both are right, based on types of people, and situations, but neither is wrong."
"… so all of us will read our answers. Let's start with… you Naruto." Iruka-sensei shouted over the noisy students who were comparing their answers.
"Sensei, I want to read mine first." Sakura raised her hand and was waving it furiously.
"Well, okay… after you, Naruto." Iruka agreed.
"Okay… here it is. Ahem… The answer of course it true. It is true because it is most important rules #25, and …….." Sakura continued. Naruto wasn't really listening. But a few of Sakura's words near the end caught his attention, and he perked his head up.
"That is the correct answer Sakura. Excellent." Iruka congratulated her.
Naruto's hand shot up. "I disagree with her. Here's why…" As Naruto read his story, the whole class, even the teacher realized something --------------------
Can you please review this story, and tell me if you came upon the same conclusion the class did. PLEASE… EVERY PERSON WHO READS THIS STORY IS WELCOME TO GIVE HIS IDEA ABOUT THIS TOPIC. I WOULD APPERECIATE IF EVERYONE REVIEWS. I think that well, my story's aren't so great, every one knows that, but screw grammer, and screw the everyone and everything else; in your review please write if you learned something, or if you think it's bullsh"". Thankyou