Disclaimer: I own nothing

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Chapter 20

Troy's POV

"You touch my sister again, Evan's and I swear you'll regret it." I growled to Ryan Evans.

"What are you going to do Bolton?"

"You don't want to know. Stay away from Tristan. She has me, the football team, and Shawn. Oh and Logan. Stay away from her."

"Fine, Bolton. I'll stay away from Tristan."

"You better" I said glaring at Ryan one last time before walking away, to my next class.

Tristan is still in the hospital, but she's coming out tonight. It's only been three days, but it feels like it's been months. I hate Ryan for hurting my sister. Ryan's my girlfriends brother! That reminds me, I haven't talked to her in a while…I wonder if she was in on this with Ryan…I doubt it…

Suddenly the late bell rang and I started running towards math. I'm going to get detention for being late…Oh well. I think what I was doing was more important then being early…or on time to math.

When I got to math, I walked in and our teacher, Mr. Mitchell glared at me.

"Mr. Bolton you're late."

"I know, sorry Mr. Mitchell."

"I'll be seeing you in detention Mr. Bolton."

"Yes sir" I said walking to my seat in the back, next to Chad. He was giving me a confused look. I mouthed 'I'll tell you later'. He simply nodded as I took my seat and pretended to pay attention to what Mr. Mitchell was saying at the front of the room.

Suddenly my phone vibrated. I slid it out of my pocket and opened it. I opened the text and read it.


Troy, I'm bored to death! Skip school and come here?


Sorry sis, I can't. I have detention after school, when are they letting you out?


I hate you…ok fine I don't…Um…around 8. Why'd you get detention?


I was late for math. Sorry I gotta go. Mitchell's getting suspicious. Schools over in four periods plus detention, I'll go straight to the hospital. Want me to send Logan after school?


I'm so bored, send Logan!


Got it. I'll see you in a few hours. Love ya


Love you too. See you later.

I quickly slid my phone into my pocket and looked back up to see Mr. Mitchell looking suspiciously at me. I acted like nothing was going on. Chad was smirking at me, and mouthed 'Tristan?' I nodded yes.

After school I went to find Logan quickly before my detention. I found him at his locker talking to a guy on the football team. Logan turned around.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Tristan's bored at the hospital. She wants you to entertain her."

"Why me?"

"Because I have detention."

Logan sighed. "Fine. How am I going to get there?"

Chad walked up. "I'll drive you."

"If you're going why can't you stay with her?"

"Because I have a life."

"So do I!"

"Logan just go. I'm going up right after detention, alright?"


"And no fighting."

"Yes sir" Logan said sarcastically.

I laughed before walking to detention.


Tristan's POV

Ugh. I hate hospitals. I hate Ryan Evans. And I think I'm gonna hate doctor's too. Mom went to the stupid cafeteria an hour ago, and I have no clue where she is now! I mean come on, what else is there to do in a hospital? And why do I have to stay for three days? Ok yeah I had a concussion. Who cares?

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Logan walked in carrying his homework. "Miss me?"

"Oh yeah, I missed you so much I cried!"

"Good." Logan said laughing. "How're you feeling?"

"Better. But it's so boring here! I mean come on, what is there to do in a hospital?"

"Watch tv. Relax. Sleep."

"Oh, fun" I retorted sarcastiacally.

"School's not much better."

"At least you're not sitting in class watching Dora the Explorer or the Blues Clues."

"True." Logan laughed. "Where's your mom?"

"I don't know! She went to the cafeteria an hour ago."

"Is Uncle Jack here?"

"No, he's coming later I think…Did Troy say if he's coming later?"

"Yeah, he said he'd come after his detention. How'd he know to send me here exactly?"

"I texted him earlier and asked him to skip school and come here."

"You're unbelievable."

"Daddy would have let him."

"Sure he would."

"He would! Daddy loves me."

"I don't think he'd let Troy skip school just to entertain you."

"Well…shut up."

Logan shook his head and took out some of his homework out of his backpack.

"You're here to keep me company. Not do homework!"

"I am keeping you company. And I'm gonna do my homework right now."

I rolled my eyes. "Evil."

"I came didn't I?"


Finally my mom came back to my room. She smiled at Logan.

"Hello Logan. How was school?"


"That's good." Mom said smiling. "Do you know where Troy is Logan?"

"He's in detention Aunt Kristen."

Mom shook her head. "What am I going to do with that boy?"

"Ground him?" I asked hopefully. Mom laughed and walked over to sit in the chair by my bed.

"That's your fathers job Tristan."

"What's my job?" A voice inquired standing in the doorway.


"Hello sweetie." Jack Bolton said walking over to me and kissed me on the forehead. "How are you feeling today?"

"Ready to go home."

"I know it's hard for you to be in the hospital, and have to lie in a bed all day, but you're going home tonight."

"When can I go back to school?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"Why not tomorrow?"

"Because we're just making sure your ok."

"I am ok!"

"We're just making sure Tris."

I sighed, and mom and dad knew they won the 'battle'. "Where's Troy?"

"Outside talking to Sharpay. He said he'd be in, in a second."

Ugh. He always talks to Sharpay! I am going to have a serious talk with him later on.

After a couple of minutes Troy finally walked into the room. He smiled at me and walked over to me. Dad got up from where he was sitting on my bed and Troy took his spot. He kissed my forehead.

"See told you I'd come."

"It took you forever."

"Well Sorry Ms. Bolton. Whatever can I do to make it up for you?"

I fake thought for a second. "Be my personal servant."

"I'll do it for you only Tris." Troy said trying to keep a straight face. We both started to laugh.

AN: OMG! I am so, so, so sorry for the five month delay! I was re-reading this story the other day and I suddenly was like 'I wanna finish this story' so I wrote this chapter. I'm defiantly going to update and continue writing this story. So, thanks for any reviews I've gotten and here's chapter 20!